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Q27(Luke 11:1722)In the parable of the binding of the strong man ,who is the strong man? Who is the stronger warrior?How does this explain Jesus power to cast out demons? How does it explain Jesus power to set you free? To set your friends free? The strong man is Jesus. The stronger warrior is Jesus How does this explain Jesus power to cast out demons?Jesus has the power to cast demons.over lies and deception of the enemy.He is our saviour,our rescuer and in Him is power of deliverance. How does it explain Jesus power to set you free. In Him nothing is impossible. To set your friends free?He has the power of deliverance.
Q26(Matthews 26:26-29;1 Corinthians 11:23-26)How do the bread and wine reminds us of Jesus sacrifice for our sins?In what way when we partake of the Lord's Supper ,do we proclaim the Lord's deaths until he comes? Bread and wines reminds us of Jesus death and ressurection. When we eat Lord's Supper we are proclaiming the Lord's death until he comes
Q25(Luke18:24-25)Why do you think people try to distort Jesus saying of the camel and the needle from a parable of impossibility?Why is salvation impossible to humans? Jesus was telling the people that the rich people are not able to repent and that they are the difficult people who thinks for themselves. Salvation is impossible to humans because of their sins and their beliefs. But to God is possible .
Q24(John4:13-14;7:37-39)If water is a symbolic of life,What is flowing or living water symbolic?In these passage who creates this spiritual thirst in person?How are the promises fulfilled in believers? Flowing or living water symbolise the eternal ever lasting life. The Pearson who creates the spiritual thirst is Satan because of the sins. These promises have been fulfilled in believers by receiving the Holy Spirit.
Q23 m(John3:3-8)In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth?What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy?What about winds characteristics are to attribute to the spirit? A person who comes to Jesus must be a born again in other word we repent and confess our sins What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? If you want to follow Jesus you must be born in water and in spirit. What about winds characteristics are to attribute to the spirit?Wind spirit is the spirit that we breath and no one can see it. The wind blows wherever it please.
Q24(1,Kings22:29;2Chronicles19:2)Why do you think Jehoshaphat goes in to battle alongside Ahab,even after he hears Micaiahs kind of weakness in Jehoshafat character does this decision suggest? Loyalty is what made Jehoshaphat to agree to help the king. I think maybe Jehoshaphat was having having strong faith to God that he will protect him to his enemies.
Q23 what kind of pressure Micaiah experiences as he prophesies before king Ahab and Jehoshaphat?What is his danger from his men?What is his danger from men?What is his danger from Yahweh?Why are the true prophets of the old testament were so honored by Jesus(Matthew 5:12;23:31,32,37;Luke11:50-51,13:34) Micaiah the pressure that he experience is that said he hate him he wanted him to prophesy the lie but only stand in truth he prophesies what God has told him. His men were prophesieng lies so by not doing they can kill him or hate him because of truth. God likes the people who speak truth. Jesus is the way and the truth so he likes the people who speak truth.
Q22(1King22:2-9)Why does Jehoshaphat want to consult an actual prophet or Yahweh before going into battle?What does this tell us about his discernment of Ahabs prophets?Of his desireto be obedient? It was a habit to the kings to consult to ancestors before going to battle in order to found whether they are going to win or not and to know about the strategies of enemy. He never trusted the military because he thought that they are being used by the king. He wanted to be obedient to God.
Q21. Relenting
Siphoñ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q21(Kings 21:27-29)How does Ahabs humbling himself affects Gods response?Do you think Ahab truly repented?How does God repenting in his judgement trouble some people view of predestination? Humbling of Ahabs to God changed the mind of God and forgive him his sins. Yes, because if he was not truly repented I don't think God will forgive him. God forgives those who come to Him and humble themselves because God can see inside the inner man. -
Q20. Greed
Siphoñ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q20(1Kings21:26;Colossians 3:5;Ephesians 5:5)What is the modern day equivalent of idolatry?In what ways is greed similar to worship false God?How does greed keep us from being true disciples of Jesus? Sexual immorality,impurity, **** and evil desire are equivalent of idolatry. Greed is when a person serving to Gods this is against God commandments. Paul says no greedy or idolatry will inherit the kingdom of God. -
Q19. Leaders
Siphoñ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q19(1Kings21:22)How responsible are kings, politicians,leaders and parents for leading them those under them to sin? Can you think of any example?How seriousnis this?Is it appropriate for leaders to be held in to a higher moral standard than others? Leaders.politicians etc are the face of the people what ever what they do people are looking at them to good things. I f they do corruption or adultery the people who are looking at them will also do the same thing because they think it is right. It is not appropriate to be held in to a higher moral standard because because they are also the people and they sin like other people. -
Q18. Slavery
Siphoñ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q18(1Kings21:20)What is the danger of giving ourselves to sin?How does that makes us a slave to sin?What kind of opening does that give the devil? It when we do something that we know is the sin. It makes us slave to sin because we do it repeatedly. That kind of opening give the devil to use us the way he wants to do, because we have shown him our weakness. -
Q17. Corruption
Siphoñ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q17 (1Kings 21:4-16)Do you think Ahab is actually depressed?How does Jezzebel fix his depression?How does Jezzebel fix his depression?Why does she do so?Is Ahab responsible for Jezebel corrupt action to obtain Naboth vineyards?Are the elders responsible for suborning perjury? Yes he was depressed because Naboth refused to give him the vineyard. Jezzebel fixed his depression by killing Naboth. Because she was the evil woman. Yes Ahab was responsible for Jezzebel corrupt action because he knew everything about the setup. The elders are also responsible for surboning perjury because Jezzebel has bribed them. -
Q16. Naboth
Siphoñ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Naboth's Vineyard: Judgment and Grace (1 Kings 21)
Q16(1Kings21:1-3)Why does Ahab wants Naboth vineyards?Is there anything wrong with his proposal to Naboth?Why does Naboth refuse his offer? Ahab wanted Naboth vineyards because it was near his palace and he wanted it to use it for vegetables garden. Nothing was wrong about asking him. Naboth refuse his offer because he said it is the inheritance of his ancestors. -
I am very excited about the lessons that i had with you Ps Ralph.I must say they have helped me to grow more spiritually.This lessons has shown me how much has Jesus loved his body and that we as the body of Christ we must follow on his steps to love one another and to bring unity inside the church. Through this i think i can be able to help my church in those areas where i think we're weak at. Even towards the greater church around the world we are still lacking love one another,also to speak with one voice according to scriptures and to bring unity amongst ourselves. I think we can conquer Satan if we can stick into the word of God and do what the word of God tells us to do. I have enjoyed this lessons and I'm looking forward to have other Bible studies.