Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed? How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?
Abraham was blessed of God, but before looking at how he was blessed, I think it is necessary to understand that God required a sacrifice of Abram's obedience before he experienced the blessing. It took a lot of courage for Abram to go to leave his place of comfort - his family and home - to go to the place that God would show him. Only after his obedience, did Abram, become Abraham, the Father of Many nations and have land, wealth, notoriety, and finally an heir.
Because of his obedience, we also are blessed through salvation through Jesus Christ. This is a free gift for all people, but we must be willing to step out and receive it. This act alone could be an act of courage for many.
Others are blessed through us as we also courageously step out in obedience to do what we are lead to do. As we are obedient, we will surely bless others in our lives.