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Q38. Judgmentalism
Bianca replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Humility and Loving Together in Harmony
My Answer: A judgemental person is always looking at another's faults but refusing to look at their own faults. That's not walking in humility. A humble person will have mercy towards another and pray for the other person not criticize and judge the person. We can remember we used to have some of the same lifestyle patterns as the world. We must remember to have mercy. Just like Jesus has mercy on us and gave his life for us by us remembering that shows humility. Always comparing ourselves can lead to a very prideful attitude. A person can get an attitude of superiority and always thinking that they are better than others that doesn't help with humility. Backbiting and criticizing all the time can cause us to judge people inappropriately and cause us to not have mercy on others as we should. -
My Answer: Living God's way will require us to live humble lives. We have to be able to turn away from old lifestyles and mindsets that are unhealthy and be willing to submit to living God's way. That will take discipline on our part. Sometimes a person may have to get a new set of friends while still praying for the old ones. It will require doing anything we have to do which means humbling ourselves so we can become more like Jesus. It is not always easy when a person has been a certain way for awhile or most of their life but it is worth it.
Both are about serving others. Jesus wants us to have a servant heart just like he does. What you do for another you really are doing it for Jesus. It's as though your doing it for Him personally. That's just how much he loves and cares about Everyone. Any type of serving God may lead us to do. It could be cooking and serving meals to others. Taking someone shopping and Buying someone clothes and shoes. Paying for someones holiday meal items at the grocery store. Taking them out to eat. Inviting them over for dinner. So many different wonderful things we can do.
Q18. Servant Leadership
Bianca replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Greatness of Humble Service
The world's pattern seeks to dominate others. Rule over others. Worldly people seek to use power and money to control people. Christ pattern is humble. Putting others before yourself. A servant leader must be willing to bless others and serve others. A person cannot be a great Jesus follower without being humble. It's impossible. Pride and arrogance can make its way in if a person does not be a humble leader. Instead of caring for the people they end up being mean to the people and can actually end up bringing people down and bringing a whole society down. -
Q15. Like Children
Bianca replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Humbling Ourselves and Being Exalted
God does not like prideful behaviors so we cannot look at ourselves too highly. We need to always have an attitude of thinking that we are not better than others. We must be willing to serve food to others and do other things that may not be mainly what we do or will do but still be willing to do them with the right heart. We must not look at other positions as lower than certain other positions. We must be willing to trust God and do not act like we know everything. Sometimes we have to trust even when we don't have all the answers and stand in faith knowing that God will do amazing things in our lives even though it might not look like it or we don't know how. All these things require a humbling attitude and Faith and trust in God. -
Q13. Pharisee and Publican
Bianca replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Humbling Ourselves and Being Exalted
The Pharisee thought that he wasn't like other people who go around sinning because of the works he does and he viewed robbers and others as beneath him and because of certain sins others did that made them less than him and they don't deserve the things the Pharisee does. Which was the wrong behavior to have. Always comparing ourselves to others and looking down on others blinds us from seeing our own faults and keeps us from repenting . A person can't see the truth about themselves and hear God's voice accurately if they are always critical towards others and downing others all the time. We need soft hearts to hear God's voice. The tax collector realizes in his heart that he has fallen short of God's standard as we all have. Yes repentance and humbling yourself is necessary for salvation. How can one truly become saved and don't recognize that they are wrong and not good enough on their own to make it into heaven? They can't make it. Yes repentance has to do with believing in Jesus. It takes Faith to accept Jesus. -
A prideful spirit is the sin that drives all other sins. It is important for us to allow God to be in charge of our lives because God will help us stay away from a prideful behavior. We don't need to allow ourselves to just walk around trying to just make our own decisions without consulting with God or obeying God. This will lead to prideful behavior. Repentance is very important because it helps us to recognize where we have missed it and to help us change. Humbling ourselves before God and others helps keep us from pride.
Q10. Humility and Authority
Bianca replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Examining the Humility of Jesus
No it does not. We just have to remember that God placed us in that position. We didn't place ourselves in that position. Which should help keep us humble in our hearts. Jesus corrects because he loves us and wants the best for us and our characters . We need to know when we are wrong because it helps keep us with a humble heart. It helps us to grow and become more like him. If we didn't receive corrections we would never grow to the place we should be. -
Jesus seeks to please the Father not men. Some men seek the praises of other people which can lift them up in pride. But Jesus did not which tells you that he didn't come to please man but the Father and the Father alone It freed Jesus to do the Father's will because he was only seeking to please the Father which kept his focus on his mission. When we seek praise and approval from others it takes our minds off of who we should be pleasing which is God which means we can end up missing what we are supposed to be doing and missing our own destiny.
Jesus was always straight forward with people but at the same time he never came across arrogant or with a mean spirit. He is very loving and compassionate towards everyone. Very easy to be around, very easy to talk to and you can be honest with Him and not feel intimated. It also tells us what kind of person he is and it also tells us that our Heavenly Father is also gentle and easy to be around. It makes him comfortable because hurting people wants to be around people who are willing to listen and understand them.
We can rationally consider other concerns more important than our own by praying to The Lord and keeping our hearts humble and sensitive to hearing God's voice. This isn't always instant but it's something that can grow as we continue to grow. This comes by us choosing to walk in Love all the time. Yes Agape love for others make sense. When we realize that we ourselves have been forgiven of much then we need to have the same love toward others. Adopting this viewpoint helps us to remain humble and not to become arrogant and think that we are above others. Caring about other people's concerns and having love toward others help keep us from pride. Jesus made himself into a bondservant and no reputation. This should serve as an example to us on how we are supposed to be. As we grow in our Christian walk we are supposed to be changing to be more like Jesus. So we too should have a heart of serving others and not look towards promoting our reputation and our talents in some ungodly way. Our hearts and talents should be used for serve others just like Jesus did when he walked the earth.
An accurate self assessment helps us to understand how we fit in the body of Christ. We need to understand our strength and weaknesses. Understanding this helps keep us from getting into pride. It helps us to see we can't do everything but we are all called to do something within the body of Christ and in this world. This is also why it is important to discover our spiritual gifts because it helps us to see where we fit in at and can also help keep us from envying and jealousy. Pride and anger can come in because we can try to be something that we are not and we can wonder why it's not working. If we are not doing what God called us to do as individuals then frustration can definitely come in.
When we attribute success to our own strength and abilities it actually hardened our hearts. It can actually hardened our hearts from hearing God appropriately. We can confuse our own voice actually thinking it's God. We need to keep our hearts clear of thinking to highly of ourselves. When we recognize God as the source of our gifts, our money, talents then we realize we can't give ourselves the credit. That the higher power which is God is the one in control. We realize that someone else which is God did it. He gave the money to able to do things for ourselves and others. God gave us the talents to use for others to be a blessing. So it stops it right there with those facts in thinking that we did everything and we deserve things based on that. When in truth we didn't deserve the goodness of God everything is a gift in this life and the life to come.
Q56. Mercy, Not Sacrifice
Bianca replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Parables about Caring for the Lost
God wants us to love others and care about others not just give a religious ritual. A person can go through all the rituals that may sound good but their heart is still not right. The Pharisees thought themselves to be better then sinners. They felt they were not the sinners but righteous before God but they needed a saviour to. Jesus loved the sinners because that's what he came for and everyone was a sinner and needed a saviour. Just like Jesus love the lost, we to are required to the love the lost. We were once lost to and didn't understand things. So that is something that I definitely need to remember. Jesus was and is the spiritual doctor because he came to cleanse us from our sin. Our souls needed saving and that's what Jesus did. -
We shouldn't be like the Jewish priest or the levite. We are called to care about others of a different race and background. God loves everyone and cares about everyone so should we. A neighbor is anyone we see in need of help. Not just our next door neighbor. Anyone The Lord leads us to. I like to help whoever the Lord leads me to help. Sometimes God does ask us to go out of our comfort zones to help others. But that's a good thing. It keeps us from just always doing things in the same way all the time and getting into a routine. Such as for example, I only help this person or do this or that at a specific time. We should always be open minded to however The Lord wants to work.