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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

papa jul

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Everything posted by papa jul

  1. Growing up Catholic, Communion meant the literal body and blood of Jesus Christ. The communion host was kept in the tabernacle on the altar and for that reason we genuflected whenever passing in front of the altar. When I was in my 30's and started attending a faith and Bible church, I understood that there was a different school of thought on communion. Starting with the word 'communion' itself, which derives from Latin for 'common' or 'community' , we can see that it was intended as an act of remembrance of the work of Jesus to be performed as a group. This subject of the meal, and it's significance in our own society even today, is one of including and partaking with those with whom we have a special or 'common' relationship. In this case the belief in the work of Christ is the unifying bond of those at the Lord's Supper.
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