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  1. God made us for Himself and He wants us to spend eternity with Him. When Adam sinned he injected that venom of a sinful nature to all of mankind and because of that we were alienated from God. God knew that was going to happen and He had a plan set in place for that occasion, His only begotten son would come to Earth as man and pay for a debt that we did not qualify to pay ourselves but we have to receive Him as we are told in John 1:12, we are given the power to be called children of God. We have a Father, almighty in power who is always looking out for our best interest, One who is patient and overlooks our faults and is always guiding us in the way that He knows is best for us. A Father who can never be defeated by anything or anyone and that my Brother is very very encouraging to me.
  2. One old dictionary that I had (I regret not knowing what happened to it) one definition for Holy: to be different. we are to be different. Different in our actions, dress, attitude, looks. We are not to be like the world like my Brother Paul says in Romans 12 "do not be conformed to this world, " "do not allow this world to shape you into what it wants you to be." When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we are justified, we are as if we had never sinned, we are bathed in the blood of Christ, when Almighty God sees us He does not see us, He does not see our sin, He sees the blood of His Son, we are blameless. Hallelujah to the Lamb.
  3. I myself don't think that there is anything scary about predestination. God does not live by our time. God knows everything, He set everything in place, from the very beginning to the very end and everything in between, then He took the time to put everything down on paper so that we, His chosen ones would know all that was going to happen so that we would not be alarmed or caught off guard. The comfort, well, that He would LOVE US regardless of how we turned out to be. Much revelation was given to my Brother Paul and I think that my Brother Paul brings up the subject of predestination to make us aware Of God's GREAT LOVE toward mankind, that He would choose us even before we had a glimpse of life.I believe my Brother Paul praises God in the hearing of the Ephesians because he was included as one of the predestined ones. These are my thoughts.
  4. For me to be IN Christ: to me means that I am in Christ, that it is no longer I who is living my life but Christ living His life through me. It is kind of like me jumping inside of Him, His body.
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