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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Stacey Roberts

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  1. How might Elijah be "at fault" for being depressed? Elijahs exhaustion is part of the key to why he is at fault. YHWH tells us to guard our gates and to be sober of mind. Guarding our gates means be watchful of what you are seeing (TV), thinking and hearing (MUSIC) and allow only good thoughts into our heads such as: whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8. Being sober of mind is not just about alcohol. It is about ensuring your mind is at its sharpist including being fully physically and mentally rested and also not imbibing in alcohol or anything that can alter your mental state such as halucenogenic drugs. Right away I can see Elijah was exhausted so he clearly wasn't sober of mind. When we don't take care of our bodies correctly and don't get enough sleep we are weakened mentally which weakens our gate guards. It allows the voice of the enemy to slip in and then we hear his lies and listen to them instead of listening to YHWH. Is "fault" the right question? Yes, fault is the right question. We have to "Look" at what YHWH commands and we will be able to "See" what the problem was in Elijah's situation. Does God chide him for "lack of faith"? How does God minister to him? No, YHWH does not chide him. YHWH tends to His sheep as a shepherd with loving care and patience. How do you minister to a friend who has isolated himself or herself in deep depression? I pray for the person and let them know constantly that I am there within reach. I treat them with loving care and patience, talking (uplifting topics and scipture verses), hugging, listening and comforting.
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