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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Ropah Muindisi

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Everything posted by Ropah Muindisi

  1. Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? The pattern of a constant life of prayer and communion with the Father regardless of how busy He is or How badly people seek him. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? For intimacy, communion and instruction regarding His life and ministry. How does this prepare him for his ministry? It prepares him in the sense that he knows what to do and how to align himself with what God the father wants to do in that particular day, moment or season. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) They were more focused on him attending to the people that were looking for him . He was more implelled to build communion with the father and that was more important to him. Why? He was eager yo please the Father. Do you have a Quiet Time? Yes What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Avoid distractions and learn to quiet my mind and avoid it just wandering.
  2. 5a) It looks like intentionally consecrating yourself and removing yourself grom things and ways that are acceptable but wrong. Its aligning yourself with what God says instead of whats acceptable and modern. 5b) Solemnly and intentionally remembering the sacrifice Christ made. 5c) By living lives that are rooted in His word and serving from the heart.
  3. 4a) We give up because of so many reasons like comparison, feeling delayed, feeling like time is running out, not having complete faith in God and his capability to do it for us etc. 4b) Resilience, endurance, patience,faith,belief.
  4. Q1a) The danger is that they will make us redesign it from a place of compromise based on what is convenient rather than what pleases God. We can be innovative and faithful to God's heart if we put our innovation to the subjection of what God wants.
  5. My personal worship is not what it should be. For the personal revival of my faith i need to lay the foundation of a deeper commitment and dedication to the things of God.
  6. First of all thank you so much Dr.Ralph for compiling such a powerful Bible Study. Im really enjoying it all the way from South Africa and i cant wait to join more. May God bless you. Q1a) I think only some returned to Jerusalem because the rest were complacent, somewhat indifferent and settled in the land that moving would've been too much of a hassle. Also,i found it interesting that the NIVin v6 says "everyone whose heart God had moved" suggesting that either God attempted to move all hearts or moved the hearts of a few. Either way some moved and some didn't. This implies that a few returned because their hearts were more responsive to the move of God than others. 1b)The ones who stayed were likely to be people of immovable hearts,materialistic, uncommitted, complacent etc. The ones who returned were devout, sensitive to the move of God, commited and devoted to God and the way of their fathers, obedient. 1c) Only some answerJesus' call to follow him to a different kind of lifestyle and mission because to most people the cost is too high. It calls for a lot of sacrifice and leaving the place of comfort and things we enjoy behind. Also,its just hard lol 1d) Characteristics of true disciples -- They value commitment over convenience,they consider the master's will above theirs
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