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Everything posted by Liliane

  1. God would give a Messiah to Israel theough David’s lineage. David would not build the temple , but his son, as David had his hands fill of blood of so many deaths due to wars. God forgave David for his sin with bathesheeba.
  2. Without bringing yourself down to a state of humbleness you are nor able to repent, simply because you can’t see your faults and consider yourself some king of “ divine supreme god”. God hates pride exactly because pride and arrogance is self idolatry. According to the Bible, idolatry is a kind of witchcraft. Grace is undeserved favor. If you are not humble, your mind will not be able to perceive grace
  3. Jesus says ask as if you had already received. James says that if you doubt you are like strayed waves. we have a role in God s work in our lives
  4. God draws us to christ (jesus said:” nobody comes to me of the Father doesnt bring him” ( John 6.44). In Mt 7.14 Jesus says the ones who are His, die for themselves and start obeying Christ. Ot is impossible to do it with our human mind. We do it all by faith, but that is supernatural faith given to us by the Holy Spirit. 1 John 2.27. But he says for us to keep our beings in Christ. As the Spirit remains in us, we have to remain in Christ
  5. There is no sttonishment for sins without blood shed. God, in the OT, taught Israel to slaughter a lamb for the forgiving of their sins as a way to show what would happen when Christ died for us. So, He is the Real Lamb of God
  6. Jesus shows through this story, that no matter how good you think you are or how obedient to God you try to be, you can’t be saved through it. It is by grace and by putting Jesus first in our lives. Jesus dis not ask susana or johana , cuza s wife ( they were rich) to sell everything they had . That is because their hearts were not on their money, like the rich boy s situation
  7. There was absolutely no time for thief on the cross to do any good works. He simply recognized Jesus was God the Savior and saw that he himself had evil inside ( repentance of sins)
  8. The obedient son did it by rules and not out of love. He showed no mercy towards his brother. He should ve felt happy that his brother finally recognized his mistakes and repented. This is how God feels, because God is pure love.
  9. Jesus spoke to jews and jews dis not get along with samaritans. Jesus wanted to show them that despite religious, the jews that walked by that hurting man did not have a heart according to God s commands. The samaritan acted well but is still a sinner and can inly be saved by grace
  10. Grace is out of pure love. Out of love, without us having done anything, Jesus saved us by dying a death of cross. grace is implicit when john said not earned nor deserved
  11. Religiosity is a satanic way to “ please” God. Grace is not earned and not deserved. There is nothing we can do to get it. God saves us out of pure love. Ephesians 2 is clear. And romans 6 says we do not want to keep sinning because we are no linger slaves of sin, because of the grace of God that came to live in us.
  12. The human heart is bad and deceitful. We should never trust it. Instead, we have to make our decisions based on the Word of God. Our ego ( subconscious mind) is always lying to us, to get pleasure or to keep us surviving, without making the necessary changes. When we read the Word and do not want to obey it, we come up with all kinds of excuses or blame others.
  13. there is no man in earth who can do good and not sin against God. Out of pure love, Jesus died on that cross so that our human nature can be tamed and transformed into a new mindset. The Truth sets in our thoughts and we start living a daily renewal of our minds, body and emotions, according to the only Truth there is
  14. Before we came to christ and the Holy Spirit came to live in us, we simply followed ( conscious and unconsciously), the dark powers of this world ( satan s kingdom). We just took our actions based on our fallen darkened minds. We were lied to by these powers of darkness. God the Father took us to Jesus and He changed the kingdom we were in. We were born again, but this time into His everlasting Kingdom
  15. We have to keep ourselves firm in the faith, despite still living in this world and having a flesh that goes against God s commands. By faith we can obey and follow Him and participate in a relationship given to us, by grace
  16. God wanted to show Israel, through Hosea's example of marrying a prostitute, how the people betrayed their relationship with the Only One and True God, by relating themselves with other "gods", with reverence and idolatry.
  17. God knows the fallen human nature and perceives it with love and a merciful look. Because He is pure love, He will eventually send His judgement on earth. He needs to do it because of Love. So, He died for us and set up a plan so that mankind can be forgiven, and go through a cleansing process of getting closer to Jesus ‘ character and will, day by day, little by little.
  18. God, from the beginning, always intended for a loving relationship with all His creation, specially mankind.
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