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George L

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Everything posted by George L

  1. Q52. (Luke 11:5-10; 18:1-8) What is the similarity between Jesus' Parables of the Friend at Midnight and the Unjust Judge? Persistance in the face of delayed answer. What does this persistence look like in your life? Learning to continue to pray believing I heard right what to pray and stay with it even If I do not see or hear of an answer. What will persistence in prayer do to develop you as a disciple? The latest revelation was about my care of overseas ministries in unchristian dominated lands. My I want to go fix that maintenance man repair it urge. “Your prayers can out run your stamina every day of your life. You prayers can arrive before you would ever start your travel.” Message recieve Holy Spirit. There is more satisfaction now in my secret place.
  2. Q51. (Matthew 7:9-11; Luke 11:11-13) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parable of Asking a Father for Bread? Be open with our heavenly Father with our needs. Which is what burdens our heart, concerns our mind, what needs we see others in need require. Ask every day as needs Rise into our vision. What misconception was he seeking to correct? Fear of Almighty God in relationship with us. We have great trouble understanding the meaning of ‘By the spirit we will call him ABBA’ Greek familiar of Father so therefore Daddy. Are we really ready to run into the throneroom of heaven with muddy shoes leap into God’s lap and cry “Daddy I am in another mess…!” And not expect the reaction my mother had when I muddied up a freshly mopped kitchen floor. In our greatest maturity we are still babes to Gods maturity and perfection. And we are still welcome to come as little children.
  3. Q48. (Luke 12:16-21) Is being wealthy a sin for a Christian? No. What was the rich man's actual sin or sinful attitude? Selfishness. Greed. How do you sometimes see greed in the people in your neighborhood or social circle? My mothers word was “parsimonous”. People making a point of tipping to the penny the minimum expectation openly. Christians aren't immune. In what ways might greed influence a Christian's behaviors and values? To hold back a sudden abundance instead of paying attention in the Spirit to dispence as and when told.
  4. Q47. (Luke 6:1-13) In what way is the dishonest steward supposed to be a positive example to disciples? He used the available resource to enable his unemployed future. How does one "lay up treasures in heaven"? By giving into the needs of those less fortunate. By caring with actual performance meaningfully to their need. Why is the quality of our work of very small things so important to God? Details of great important things are small things. Small things are never unimportant. The still small voice is the Spirit of God. The clamor is the enemy. God does not yell at His obedient children. The Holy Spirit with all His power only does what the Father wants done. What is he waiting to see in us? Maturity. Our becoming renewed to the likeness of Christ leaving behind the traits, thoughts, actions of our old self. What happens to people in the church who are promoted beyond their spiritual growth? They flounder. And like a vessel overwhemed in a storm they take others down with them.
  5. Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Do not expect them to appear different from true sheep outwardly. Observe the quality and abundance of their fruit. Listen carefully to the words as they represent the abundance within the heart. Why is this so important in our churches? The enemy is constantly at work to destroy churches effectiveness. He uses people that fall for his deceptions. We are at the end of the age. The church is going through the silver refiners process. The lead within the silver medal is being burned away. As the heat rises the pressure upon believers, they will revert to their true foundation in speach and behavior. Watch. Listen. Pray. Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets? False prophets are about stealing sheep. Twice I have been an associate pastor. Twice on my departure the statement was “you are the only assistant I have had that didn’t try to split the church.” My answer is “I was sent to help”. False prophets are sheep thieves or like jackels and weazels destroy beyond any hunger need for their nature is blood **** to kill.
  6. Q45. (John 6:53-58) What does the metaphor of "eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood," mean in practical terms? The teaching speaks of doing as Christ did, walking the Kingdom presence in the world before us. I can only say that when ministering to people right on with the Holy Spirit presence unbeleavable things happen at your hands and before your eyes. And when you finish you are as a limp rag, drunk in the Spirit presence residue. You know you have been used of God to touch a life. That is truely taking a drink of the life power and taking hold of the strong meat we are to grow into. I am often limp and in tears at so much love flowing into the need of another person. To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling the Bread of Life rather than actually making a meal of it? Timidity rather than ‘boldness’. Milk faith, early learning to trust the word. Strong meat, bold demanding authorative actions, declarations with true ‘I know that is exactly as given by God for this situation’ events. Trust in God for the greater work. How does "eating his flesh" relate to abiding in Jesus? Jesus has a ministry within this age of time. The work it needs finished, completed. The last rescueable soul saved. We are abiding if we take up our place rightly fit in the body of His to finish the work. Why do you think Jesus uses this offensive analogy that resulted in many disciples leaving him? There is a great difference between invited for a dinner at the neighbors house and every meal at your home table. At the home table you are sharing the whole of family life. As a guest it is as a glimps of the neighbors family life. Those that continued heard a join the family invitation, the rest heard ‘questionable food and drink at the neighbors house party’. A planned, who is hearing to hear and understand or just hearing to get a good story to tell, gosip.
  7. Q44. (John 15:4-5) What does it mean "to abide"? Take up permanent residence with. Become truly an adopted child of God who’s first born is Jesus, the Christ What does abiding have to do with "mutual indwelling"? As an adopted child we need learn the ways of our new family. With a "personal relationship"? Jesus, our first born brother is the prototype being of a very special ministry. The salvation of lost souls. We must absorbe his ways by relationship. Becoming one with His values, judgements in situations, ministry style. What does Jesus mean when he says, "Apart from me you can do nothing"? We need understand that the word is absolutely true. Joh 2:25 And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man. We need the Word’s understanding via the Holy Spirit or we can accomplish no good thing. What is the value of things done without Christ? None at all for the kingdom of God. What is the final end of things done without Christ? Being fruitless and worthy of being tossed into the fire pile.
  8. Q43. (John 15:1-3) How does skillful pruning increase the fruitfulness of a grapevine? It concentrates the energy of the root and vine to the new yield. How are we pruned or cleansed by exposure and obedience to Jesus' words? That which is unfruitful can be cut free. According to John 8:31-32, how does obeying Jesus' teaching bring cleansing and freedom from sin? To obey is as worship. It is as the bride adjusting the value system of her husbands culture and family. Becoming one. Holding each other in covenent relationship. Jesus is ‘The Word’ in person. The word, received, makes us clean.
  9. Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? We do not spend much time in introspection. We are equiped to look outward to collect data and learn. Our how am I doing is as a race against not a check on our internal self. Or balance of think, do, and especially say against the scriptures. James 3 in a traffic jam is a good beginning test on our righteousness. Are we blessing them in the mess. Are we being pushy or polite? Are we giving way? Or insisting on our own. Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? If I think I have achieved I lose the drive to advance and especially correct the issues that stall advance spiritually. To witness? The life you live is a far better wittness than anything you say. Hypocrisy cripples us before we open our mouth. To obedience? If I am not seeking correction and guidance to better then I am stalled out or receeding. To being a disciple? Jesus requires you be attentive to the Holy Spirit and the scripture. 2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2Ti 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. I see much in the way of course change and correction not much pat on the back. My first Pastors wife once said to me If you want to hear God don’t expect to hear your right very often. What is the antidote for hypocrisy? Humility
  10. Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? Pride in their assumed worth. According to verse 11, what will happen to them? The respect they have in themselves may be offensive to the host who likely values others greater than them. They then will become publicly humiliated being set lower at the table. Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? Love is the most powerful weapon. It has the ability to change and heal hearts damaged by words and life. One must always be attentive to the Holy Spirit to say what he guides, and not do beyond what God desires at any time. We do not overpower the lost, we are out to catch and win the skittish fish. What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson? We will be set down so we will do less or no damage to the Lords harvest work.
  11. Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? Children are excited, simply currious to see and learn. They enter the world with fresh new eyes. They are simply open to the new. What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? Pride and arrogance of their position. When arguing about who was greatest? Concern of their individual attainment and importance displayed before the world. Why is humility essential to repentance? We did not earn or pay for the grace which saved us. It was God’s sovereign choice. We owe we did not earn. To learning? Great openness. Welcoming new information gladly. To obedience? Children are the future of a family and a nation. They were cherished as the riches they represent for the families continuing into the future. They must be treated with loving guidance not strict oppressive rule. Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Compared to God we have no measure of maturity as standing by any fact of mankind and our attainments. We best come to him with open loving respectful attention and excited thanksgiving that we are adopted in to the brotherhood of the Lamb.
  12. Q39. (Luke 18:9-14) Why do you think the Pharisee is so convinced of his righteousness? He has been taught that strict following the law and the verbal traditions makes one righteous. The teaching itself was totally flawed. It proposed the rules from God for relationship with God and therefore proper treatment of fellow man that counted.. The I I I I is look at me! While righteousness requires humble service for God not self. Moses was the most humble. What do you think are his actual sins? Pride in his doing and not doing. Which was failure to do for others less blssed in society. What is so remarkable about the tax collector's prayer? It is clear that he had heard the hundreds of scriptures in the word stating God is merciful. 40 or more in the Law alone. While sin was mentioned more than twice as often. David had God’s heart. Ps 35:13-14 David declairs he saught God for those attacking and hunting him as though they were sick friends or family, not requesting judgement. Clearly mercy touches God’s heart and nature. If you were listening to the reading of the law you would know that. The Pharisees did not listen to learn. Why is it easier to promote ourselves in front of others rather than humble ourselves? Ego. The desire for self advancement. Why did Jesus tell this parable for his disciples? Because God hears cries for His mercy. God gave me back my life when I cried “I can not do this, You have to do this” Life support, morphine, and pain. And every thing done to help me would hurt terribly. I needed patience take the pain as they tried to help me. God showed up in my room like a warm blanket. My son says you could feel it it just walking in the door. I was saved a month plus later when I could wheel chair into church. God hears cries for mercy. Especially yours for those who trouble you.
  13. Q38. (Matthew 13:44-46). If you were to objectively assess your life, career, family, values, and possessions, is there anything more important, anything of greater value to you than your relationship with Jesus? No. How would you objectively prove to a friend that Jesus is first in your life? I can give them my testimony, and pray for them. God will demonstrate with signs following if you procaim the gospel of the kingdom to them. Never fail to thank God your seed is not failing. Praise Him for he can’t lie. His word is true. The promises yea and Amen. James 3 is always the test; bless your seed and results never never curse your prayer with doubt. Things happen in God’s perfect timing. Instant answers maybe, rescued from the edge often. Takes some time to work in a lost life. God sent you to them. He means to win with them making the decision for salvation and freedom. Let the leaven work on the lumps. Keep on working WORD!
  14. Q37. (Luke 9:23-24, etc.) What does it mean to take up your cross daily? Having made the choice to die to self. Since we are already dead if we have not Christ and His salvation. Is it not the only true choice to chose to live each day you awake for the Lord upon heavens business than any other thing. If it should cost you your earthly life so be it. You win, heaven instantly not some day. And the enemy would have you believe that is loss. What does this have to do with "losing your life for me." Give up your preference of selecting your priorities and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your day. He knows you must work, care for family etc. Do you think God would have you neglect to care for those you are responsible before Him? Give up your thoughts that you are the comander of life and the universe and responsible. Give over command of your life. What are the consequences in one's Christian walk if a disciple wants to take this step of commitment? My first was 4 miles from home after being head of Electronic Measurement for the national track and field masters championship. “will you be more satisfied doing more of that or working for me.” Laser measurement instruments sold off, retired from track and field officiating. And on to the next steps of being free of the self life. At the apostle level HE wants ALL of you not part of you.
  15. Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Welcome to the narrow doorway. A.B Simpson’s small book ‘the Self Life and the Christ Life’ lays it in a more explanitory way butvthe same conclusion. Every Day putvyour self desires up on thevtree andcfolloe Jesus way to finish His work. That serious His Work. Not something like it. The real thing. Are we too compromising with the world's demands? When we start out. When the truth that those dreams, visions, and prophetic words were windows on your future if you would cherrish the you God designed you to be before he saw you knit together in your mothers womb. Do you want to truly become rightly fit for service to the body of Christ? Or will you settle forvless than God’s best for you. What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? You need to let go of all your your do lists, priorities, desires, imaginations. And step into the unknown wonder of serving God as He needs believers to do. Every morning, meet with the Holy Spirit for guidance through the day ahead. Verse 3 of ‘olde rugged cross’... When my trophies I lay down. “Do you own that stuff or does that stuff own you?” Is what the Holy Spirit laid upon me. It is all going. And I am finding out it is not easy to give up the enjoyable imaginations of those hobby items books and technical toys.
  16. Q35. (Luke 9:57-62) What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples? When Jesus spoke at times of healing “ the kingdom of heaven has come near you”. There are seriously stringent requirements to prioritize the apostalic callings workload. The change from heard a general invitation, called, to being chosen to carry on the work Why is Jesus so urgent? His time was short. What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities? His power and authority was clear to them by demonstration. His philosophy to serve others plain. Now they had to understand the true cost to them as individuals.
  17. Q34. (Luke 13:23-27) Beyond the message that few will be saved, what is the unique message of the Parable of the Narrow Door? While many consider the crowd and a rush as narrow; I believe it is a more an warning of an exact sellecting factor. That factor is the why did you cast ot devils and pray for miracles. For a show of self or by the guidance and for the purpose of Christ. Per our earlier study on why seek the spirit to guide your doing. That is the narrow door. And why Jesus will say I never knew you to so very many. Why must would-be disciples be aggressive in order to enter the Kingdom? You must aggressively grab hold of the kingdom. Make your way through the troubles, thorns, and things of this world by believing and acting in accord with the word of God. We rescue sinners into a war for souls not a garden and a vacation land. Grace had a tremendous cost. The narrow is the true respect of serving the one who paid not just using his name. That id what disciples must transfer to the rescued to grow them from milk to strong meat. What happens if we don't aggressively seek God? We will not hear “well done” but We would hear “depart from me I never knew you”. Why do you think Jesus told this parable to his disciples? They had to know the true cost of giving up the desires of self life for the needs of rescuing the lost for the kingdom. True spiritual power comes only from true spiritual submission to the will and purposes of God.
  18. Q33. (Matthew 13:22) How do "thorns" prevent the Word of God from maturing in our lives? Thorns are a worldly attraction with more allure to your mind than the depth of the gospel understanding. A failure to enter a covenent relationship with the onecwho paid the price for you. Thorns are distractions, of the world apealing to self life. What is the difference between a genuine "disciple," follower or learner of Rabbi Jesus, and a person who holds a Christian belief system? Christ came on a mission to recruit a workforce to salvage the souls lost, stollen, stray, and captured by the enemy. A genuine disciple is about serving the one who’s goal is saving all who have fallen short of the glory of God. The measure is sacrifice of self for use by the Christ. What can you do to clear your life of the thorns that prevent Christ's work from maturing in you? One by one stop heeding distractions. Remove them from your life. Tell the Holy Spirit you want more of God’s ways help you make room for him. He will show you one by one the things that need to go next.
  19. Q32. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to the Parable of the Sower, why do some people fall away so quickly? They fail to hear to absorb because they came to hear the speach but not to understand it fully the teachers message. What is their problem? They have no root in themselves. May have heard and can repeat the words but the words have not become a doctrine of comply in honor of that word. Seeking to be entertained with the new thing not seeking knowledge to live by.
  20. Q31. (John 10:6-15) Why does a true shepherd "lay down his life for the sheep"? The shepherd is one member of his family. The sheep and their welfare are the future of the family as to are our children to ourselves, our church, and our nation. How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? His care in prayer. “Peter Satan desired to sift you… But I..” we need to become active shepherds and under shepherds rather than passive sponges of others blessings. For us? The Lord, the Lamb of God ever sits at the right hand of God interceeding for the saints. Equals he repairs and adjusts our sloppy misguided prayers into completely perfect prayers to rise as a sweet savor before the Father. In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? He did so by example. Washing their feet. And the crucifiction reserection episode for majors. Handing them the bread and fish pieces to start and sending them into the crowd. They experienced his power as they kept breaking off pieces and never had to return to him for more. Constant demonstration of His care of the shepherd kind rather than the I Am King kind. Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this? Every occasion we take a moment of our time to pray, help, do a kindness for others we are giving of our sole resource in this life. Our time. We are giving of our very special God given span of life for another.
  21. Q30. (John 10:1-5) Why is knowing the Shepherd's voice and obeying it so very important for disciples? That is the only way to be close coupled with God’s perfect plan. What happens when we act independently of the Shepherd? We create issues with God’s perfect plan. What causes sheep to stray? It is their nature. That grass looks better. Wonder if that might be tasty. Philip Kellers books on the sheep and the Good Sheperd are very instructive. Calling us His sheep was not a compliment but a truth that we needed constant care and the shepherds attention.
  22. Q29. (Luke 5:36-39) What did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Unshrunk Cloth and the Wineskins? The world shall wax old as a garment. Putting a new clothbpatch on an old grament becomes a greater rent. There is no new so,ution to the troubles if the world. The eorld will not become eden like. We are here to salvage the lost, not attempt to patch the old. Or misuse the container. The old person or the new each has its purpose and its proper filling. Why are we tempted to say, "The old wine is better?" What we already know reqires no work or additional study. We tend to be generally lazy and grab a ready generic answer. How might our church traditions limit the Holy Spirit's work in our day? Traditions are like data spreadsheets. Incapable of predicting the future. They are gatherd history therefor being in the middle ofvthe data is comforting. Christ said this world is going away it will be a new day. We must change from caretaker church to harvester church. How do these parables illustrate the need for newly planted churches? No, not well as just new is too limiting. More that new days require properly matched new ways. So not only the new church subject, but the fact that the very organization of church must be ready for a huge change of scale. Think, grasp, take hold of the 12 became thousands within 50 days in Acts. The pastors Leaders conference this past weekend had an evangalist from Nigeria speak. Revival meetings of thousands. One meeting filled a 3.5 mile square property more than a million came. There are 1.38 Billion Chinese, 1.4 Billion In India. We must plant for capacity, evangalism, and mentoring on a massive scale and think explosion of expansion to happen quickly. They teach us the need is for new approach, new vision, new plans. It is the new day dawning.
  23. Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Given that planting and crops are seasonal, and tree crops require several growing seasons to be mature. That said, your words of faith and testimony may appear negligable, but given growing time they eill produce a great change. If you continue in faith and do not dig up your seed or give up on the yeast or dough starter. Why might the disciples be discouraged by the "size" of the Kingdom? The human trait of immediate expectation of results from God is not a new thing. It has been always. However nature has seasons, and the proper starter will bring the proper result. God’s timing is perfect and patient faith brings the greatest reward. Given God’s timing Act 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Our juvenile expectation that a 25 cent prayer will provide an instant candybar for our gratification is patently absurd when dealing with an ever forever always and eternal God. Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? We are dealing with recovering the lost, stollen, stray, decieved of the world. Damaged hearts, that only the Lord by the Holy Spirit can repair. When the Doctor says take one pill a day for 30 days we should not expect day one to be all that is needed. Should we not allow God to gather that great cloud of witnesses?
  24. Q27. (Luke 11:17-22) In the Parable of the Binding of the Strong Man, who is the strong man? Whom ever is trusting to guard the house. Without Christ we are attemtingvto be ourcown strong man. Who is the stronger warrior? The enemy who is beyond our power or Christ our Lord to whom all power and authority is given. How does this explain Jesus' power to cast out demons? There is no power above God’s power. How does it explain Jesus' power to set you free? All power is his. To set your friends free? All power is all power. The next issuecis keeping the room swept clean continued protected.
  25. Q26. (Matthew 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26) How do the bread and wine remind us of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins? If we are being scriptural and doing communion in rememberance of Jesus body being broken for us and his blood shed for us.. then we are repeating a family tradition of Christs earthly family. Bonding with the provision of a sacrifice for us. In what way, when we partake of the Lord's Supper, do we "proclaim the Lord's death until he comes" (1 Corinthians 11:26)? We are performing an act of remembrance. Taking part in honoring His provision of eternal life with him by him.
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