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Mama Eve

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Everything posted by Mama Eve

  1. Jesus had entrusted Himself to His Father, ABBA. Jesus died on the Cross ending his earthly ministry and once He breathe His last breathe His Father welcome Him with open arms. One day soon we too will commit our spirit to the living God who will also awaits for his children with open arms. Arms that will keep us safe for all "Eternity." And, we too will be held by Jesus. Amen
  2. Jesus accomplished a cry of victory. He completed (teleo) the Scriptures there were prophecy over thousands of years ago. he had been in obedience to the will of the Father, drank from the cup and baptism completed. We to as believers must be willing to suffer to achieved God's purpose. Luke 9:23 "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (24) For "whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
  3. I see Jesus human nature of when he said "I Thirst," His tongue is stuck upon the roof of his mouth, his lips are parched, waiting for something that will wet his lips so that he can cry out in a shout his victorious last words. "Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." Jesus drank the cup of suffering so that you and I can be made whole. One day we who believed in Him will have everlasting life with the King of Kings. He will still be a servant because He will be the one serving us at the "Great Banquet." Amen Jesus was in obedience to the will of the Father.
  4. Jesus willingly died on the Cross for you and me. We will never know how much it cost to see our sins upon that Cross. Jesus feeling that short separation from God was truly heart-felt. He felt so alone. God was still behind the scene. Cup of suffering was his destiny, but in a good way, because Jesus won the Victory on the Cross. Jesus was so faithful and obedient and that is how we all need to be faithful and obedient with his Word, and live a godly life despite this sinful world. John 3:16 says it all how much Jesus loved us and God that gave His only Son being God to suffer and carry all the sins of the world so that one day we may share Eternal Life with Our Savior. He paid the debt that we were supposed to pay. King Jesus.....
  5. The faith of the thief on the right was remarkable. When I was reading the article I truly believe that the repented thief had seen Jesus preached and performed miracles. He demonstrated his faith even while dying on the cross, because he acknowledge that Jesus was the Son of God. No one below could of had ever image that this thief would repent of his actions. God's compassion, mercy and grace was upon him.
  6. We see all this at the Cross......The Seven sayings of Jesus Christ......It is finished, but in reality it had just begun.......
  7. Reading Luke 23:34 We were responsible for the innocent death of Our Savior Jesus, because of this sinful world. It all started in the Garden of Eden. This was something that had to happen. God already knew that He would be sacrificing His only Son ( which was God himself) to come and save this dying sinful world. Forgiveness is part of walking with God as hard it may seem to forgive someone. The Lord's Prayer says it all. Amen
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