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Posts posted by Ron2

  1. Christians disagree about who is the "I" in Romans 7. Is Paul referring to himself or others? What is your opinion? (We won't all agree here, but we'll learn what the issues are by taking and arguing for a position -- lovingly).

    A few facts that I know are:

    Paul was a murderer before he came to Christ

    Paul ask God to remove the thorn in his flesh. God said no live with it. We don't know what this was in Paul's life that he wanted removed. Just maybe it was something in the mind like ****, that plegged him every hour of his life. If this was true he could be writing about himself.

    I know I only grow in Christ in my trials, and this may have been true for Paul also.

    It is not about what we struggle with, it is how we grow in Christ that matters.

  2. What does the law do well?

    The law showes use that we are sinners.

    Also after we are believers in Jesus Christ the law showes us how to live a Crist like life.

    Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us?

    Joh 3:16 The only way to be saved is to believe in the Lord Juses Christ

    What is the problem here.

    There is no problem, if you call upon the name of Jesue to be your savior and live by the law to live a life of holyness.

  3. What does the law do well?

    The law showes use that we are sinners.

    Also after we are believers in Jesus Christ the law showes us how to live a Crist like life.

    Why is the law (knowing right and wrong) powerless to save us?

    Joh 3:16 The only way to be saved is to believe in the Lord Juses Christ

    What is the problem here.

    There is no problem, if you call upon the name of Jesue to be your savior and live by the law to live a life of holyness.

  4. What does obedience have to do with slavery?

    A slave is obedent to his master.

    In what way does doing acts of righteousness demonstrate your slavery to God?

    If we do acts of righteousness it means that we are obedient master. God

    In what ways does doing bad things demonstrate a slavery to sin?

    The devil is master of sinfull acts, we were all borned into slavery under the devils mastery, thank to Adam.

    How is such a slavery or bondage broken?

    I don't think slavery can be broken we are either slaves to the devil or to God. It is either black or white there is no gray. Paul says he is a slave to the gosipel.

    What part does obedience have in breaking this bondage?

    Again we are either obedient to one master or the other it is our choice.

    In what areas is God speaking to you about a fresh obedience in your life?

    Each day I need to kill the flesh to be obedient to the Spirit

  5. Q4. (Romans 6:2-5) According to this passage, at what point do we move from being under the headship of Adam to the headship of Christ? Is there anything we must do to bring about this change in headship? What are the implications of us having died with Christ?

    Some would say just except Christ as your savior and it is done, you are under the headship of Christ. True but it is also just the start of a relationship that will be costly.

    Take up your cross and follow me, are the word of Christ. (Luke 14:27 Matt 10:38-39 Mark 8:34) What does this mean? I think we are either in the flesh or in the spirit. I don

  6. Q3. (Romans 5:15-19) By what right does Adam represent all humankind? By what right does Christ become head of all who become his disciples? If Christ is not our "representative" or "head," how can his death for sins be effective for us?

    I think about these questions in the terms of genealogy. In the human or flesh we can all trace our family tree back to Adam. What was in Adam is in us. It is like in our DNA we inherited sin from Adam.

    When we except Christ as our savior we are brought into his family. We can then trace our spiritual family tree to Christ. Our spiritual DNA is the same as Christ

  7. How can a holy God justify wicked man??

    The nature of God verses the fallenness of man.

    There is a dilemma if God is just he cannot forgive you a sinful person.

    How can God be just and at the same time be the justifier if wicked men?

    Proverbs 17:15 He who justifies the wicked is an abomination to God.

    We know God is just and we know we are wicked.

    But God sent His son to earth to be a perfect man. He went to the cross, bore mans sin and bearing our guilt He became a curse. Christ redeemed us from the curse by becoming a curse in our place.

    Christ prayed,

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