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  1. The bread is symbolised as his body broken for us and the wine represents his blood. He did this to cleans us from all our sins. To remind us, what a sacrifice he made for us. By taking the lord's supper we are taking this until he returns and to remind us of what he has done for us.
  2. They try to distort Jesus saying of the Camel and the Needle as an impossibility. It is a impossible fact. By works alone, no person can enter the kingdom of Heaven. Humans can only receive salvation if they believe Jesus is their Lord and saviour and that he died on the cross for them and rose again. He took their sin and shame. By grace we have been saved.
  3. Flowing or living water is symbolic of Jesus the one who gives eternal life by drinking his water. He says to people come all those who are weary and he will quench their thirst with living water. Jesus creates this spiritual thirst in a person. The promises are believed by believers and they become whole and receive salvation and eternal life.
  4. A first birth is through the mother's womb and we cannot re-enter for a second time. We are new creations when we are born again, the old is gone and it's a new beginning. The wind blows wherever it wants to, it cannot be controlled. The holy spirit helps us to live a righteous life and keep away from those worldly desires.
  5. God represents the Vineyard owner and employs people during the day and is generous as he pays each worker the same. Doesn't matter when they started. It shows that it is by grace we have been saved not by works. Sometimes we feel in ourselves that we should be recognised more and be treated more fairly because of what we do. God does not take us for granted. It is our pride that gets in the way. God treats everyone the same as it is by grace we are saved.
  6. The similarity of the parable of the weeds and nets emphasize the good and bad. The weeds are the unbelievers and so are the bad fish. They represent the world, those who are not in the kingdom of God. Those who believe are truly in the kingdom of God and are righteous and at the end of the age Jesus will come back for them, and therefore they have victory in him. This encourages all believers in him.
  7. The sheep are complimented for there kindness to others, for following Jesus with a pure and righteous heart. The goats actually bully the sheep, so they are antagonistic to people's needs. This is not salvation by works as we have already been saved by grace. Jesus treats the least of my brother's first. Jesus told these parables to his disciples to be like him and help others and live a righteous life. Help those in need. Not to ignore the poor. This should motivate missions to help people who are homeless and destitute, hungry, need clothing, even take them in.
  8. The rich man's sin was that he was selfish, had plenty of money but didn't help the poor, especially Lazarus that landed him in hell. In hell the rich man is wanting Lazarus to come down from heaven and stop his feet from burning. He realises he had done wrong and wanted Lazarus to warn his brothers so they too would not end up in hell. We are helping out in a food bank where people have to pay but a minimum amount. We are volunteers. The homeless in Hyde are not actually homeless but have homes and use the money for drink or drugs. I also sponsor a girl in Uganda and send money to an orphanage in Romania.
  9. Jesus uses this as it shows that we might have sinned a little but pointing to someone who has sinned more. We should not judge one another. We can see with clear spiritual eyes by being in tune with the holy spirit. It isn't Christians that see themselves as holier than others that can correct sinning Christians but those in tune with the holy spirit and to be guided by the spirit gently not harshly.. To be judgemental to others in what they are doing sin wise can be hypocrisy if you are sinning yourself. Who are you to judge when your own life isn't in order.
  10. The first son as he disobeys at first but then changes his mind and does what his father wants him to do. Natural to do one's own will and be disobedient. By just mouthing the words is not putting things into practice. It is similar as the first son was disobedient to start with and changed his mind, the wise men built the house on the right foundation. The second son said he was going to help but changed his mind and therefore was lazy like the foolish men who did things in a rush. Obedience is essential to true discipleship to be a true witness to others. Loving one another and helping each other.
  11. Seeking is necessary as you can only enter the kingdom of God through the narrow gate. Narrow gate to life. The broad road leads to hell. As people are human and their lives are not perfect and temptations come in, where people think they can do things of the world. They loose their footing and because only a few find it because it isn't an easy life to lead. This parable is a warning to disciples to strengthen them in their walk with Jesus to keep on the narrow path otherwise they will fall just like people of the world. It is therefore a warning to keep off the wide road as many choose this road, it is a road of destruction. Jesus is the narrow gate.
  12. Jesus focuses on the parable of the wise and foolish builder, to question where are walk with Christ is. To see if we are embedded in the foundation of Jesus firmly, or whether we are being foolish and doing are own thing which could jeopardize are practical walk with Jesus. He focuses on practical rather than believing as it is lived out each day and it can be seen by others. Young Christians need discipleship to help them grow in Christ and have a firm foundation. These can be done in a group for new believers to be discipled by a leader in the church. Bible study and question and answers so that new believers grow and mature in the faith.
  13. He told us this parable so that issues could be sorted out between people and an agreement made between them instead of going to see a judge where they will be seen as guilty. If we have wronged someone we need to make it right with them, otherwise our worship to God will be jeopardised and we will be further away from God. If we are not obedient to God's ways and we are a hypocrite and not following Jesus way to address the situation others may see our witness, which isn't a good one and also not to God.
  14. The heart of man shows how a person really is, how he thinks and acts. Jeremiah 17:9 that the human heart is most deceitful of all things and wicked. Only God knows how bad it really is. We try to look good on the outside so that people acknowledge us as a good person but sometimes are habits of life and wanting to keep having them resists us from asking Jesus to change us. We are all sinners and it is vital that we repent and acknowledge Jesus died and was resurrected for our sin and that we receive salvation.
  15. They represent the prophets and men of God. They didn't enter into the Kingdom of God as they resisted receiving the message of the gospel by the disciples. I have seen a church where a pastor was asked to take over the church, as the pastor was retiring. This new pastor was voted out of the church. It's important to support are leaders as they are doing God's work and need to be encouraged to build his church and have helpers on board. They encourage others and pray for others and seek God's guidance for each sermon with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus accepts the rejected and downtrodden and persecuted as there's is the Kingdom of God.
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