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  1. The excuse- makers represent those of us who reject the gospel message because we are distracted by the world.For example, two invitees to banquet refused, because business matters were more important than attending i.e looking over land bought and testing newly acquired oxen etc. Another, refused because of his recent marriage. These excuses all seem plausible, in my opinion, but since the King who represented God, was calling men and women to Himself, the excuses are not merely lame, but an outright rejection of God Himself. The parable clearly illustrates the dangers of worldly attractions and not prioritising HaShem and importance of being obedient to His will and being sensitive to His Call. Sadly but justly, the result of rejecting HaShem is eternal damnation.
  2. Their disconnection from God led to legalism and unfruitfulness. The Religious elite paid more attention to their traditions than on God's Word and loving kindness and taught people to do the same. Yeshua often chastised them for their hypocritical behaviour, for example, focusing on form, tradition, outward appearances, etc, rather than transformation of the heart, by the Word of God. Their traditions superceded the Tanakh and lacked mercy and spiritual insight, as Yeshua pointed out. Again, disconnection from Adonai, the Living Water, as a direct result of inpenitence, neglecting study and meditation on the word of God, keeps the Holy Spirit from maturing within us. The parable of the Barren tree is a wake up call to repent of our sins and take this gospel to others because Yeshua is returning soon and will judge the world. It's a lesson of mercy but also of judgement. We do not want to be destroyed as the unproductive fig tree; we do not want to grieve the Holy Spirit with unrepentance by an ungodly lifestyle but rather to be spiritually transformed and embrace and exhibit the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. Fruits given to equip us for ministry.( Galatians 5:22-23.
  3. Matthew 18:23-35 The unmerciful servant was himself pardoned by the king, from a colossal debt ( grace), running into millions of dollars, in today's currency, yet he treated one of his debtors callously by throwing him into prison, when he also pleaded for time to pay his debt. He showed absolutely no mercy or compassion. But Justice was served, when the king revoked his pardon and sent him to prison, for his heartless , unforgiving, greedy, apathetic and indifferent treatment of the man who was indebted to him. This parable was very moving because there are lessons to be applied, as disciples of Yeshua. Truly Hashem's thoughts are not our thoughts nor His ways our ways- Isaiah 55:8-9, which is why He has bestowed on us, pardon for sins. But like the unmerciful servant, our carnal natures, tend to hold on to unforgiveness. But we need to remember that we have been shown grace and mercy by our beautiful Lord and need to extend the same grace to others. This also tells me, that we need to be loving, forgiving, sympathetic, patient and non judgemental in our attitude towards others, for Yeshua has shown His compassion and forgiveness to us. It's all about a heart change. It's difficult to forgive sometimes, especially when hurt is involved, but I know from experience, that when I call on Hashem, the Holy Spirit takes over, the tears spill, He softens my heart and forgiveness flows.
  4. This beautiful woman experienced forgiveness before entering Simon's house because her extravagant gratitude towards Yeshua was an outpouring of thankfulness for her forgiven sins. I am daily in awe and humbled by the gift of Hashem's forgiveness of my sins and that of the world. He is the Living Water that I cling to; my High Tower and Strength; in Him I live and move and have my being-Acts 17:28. As a result,I live my life to glorify God and be a living example in the way I relate to others and in my sharing of the gospel message. But also, O what a delight that when I stumble I can go before His throne of Grace for His absolution and restoration. Therefore, in my opinion, living godly humble lives that reflect Yeshua, is the ultimate expression of my gratitude for His Saving grace.
  5. These parables highlight and emphasise Adonai's joy when a repentant sinner returns to Him. Hashem's mercy and compassion for the sinner is paramount, and He rejoices when a penitent returns, who is then instantly restored into fellowship with the godhead. Adonai does not keep a record of wrong doings since the penitent is now forgiven, set free and covered with a robe of righteousness, even as the prodigal's father, wraps his robe around his precious son. He is therefore, Mercy, Love and Grace, operating within the legality of His law. He is our COVERING! The older brother is dutiful and obedient to his father. You could describe him as the perfect son. But this perfection is marred by his legalistic attitude towards his brother whom he refuses to forgive for his greed and riotous living. His anger is understandable but Hashem calls us higher, to love, forgive, overlook faults, in order to win a soul and ultimately to transform our own hard hearts, in this journey of perfection. As disciples, we should then have the same heart of Christ when reaching out to others by not being legalistic and unloving to others. We should not be influenced by a person's class, ethnicity, socio- economic background, education or those whom we have deemed to have lived depraved lives. It is arrogance and vanity and a direct contradiction of Yeshua's example.
  6. These parables show the love and compassion of God to save the lost. He is intentional in seeking the lost and in restoring them to Himself, as the Great Shepherd He is. His approach then, is to meet each sinner individually, with His saving grace and infinite love.
  7. Hello, I am Marcelina from Surrey UK and so very happy to be part of a group, enthusiastic about bible study. I am definitely looking forward to it. Thank you Pastor Ralph for making these studies easily available and for your precious time. God's blessings Everyone!
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