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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by EMC

  1. To whom are blessings promised through Abraham's descendant? God's blessings are promised to all who have accepted Christ who is Abraham's descendant. In accepting Jesus we are assured of acknowledgement as children of God John 1:12 it says those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. In what way does Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac prefigure the Father's sacrifice of Jesus? While there are some similarities in Isaac and Jesus's birth; for example both were only sons of their father whose births were miraculous and preannounced; Isaac did not die, he was saved by the ram provided by God By the way, I still marvel to this day how the very human Isaac, was quiet like a ram to the slaughter, on realising that his father was going to offer him as a sacrifice. He submitted to his sacrifice. I do wish to hear more about Isaac's personality and character. Sometimes I feel we dwell a lot on Abraham's faith and not enough about Isaac's nature. Please help! Sincere apologies if this is the wrong forum
  2. What does the image of a lion tell us about Judah's descendant? The lion is considered as the king of the jungle, therefore, so the image of the lion here depicts the all powerful nature, strong invincible, fearless fighter and ruling over all How does Jesus qualify for the promise of the ruling scepter? I believe the staff is a symbol of sovereignty and authority, so Jesus qualifies because he is the King of Kings referred to in the scripture quoted in the text Philippians 2:10-11 He qualifies because he managed to conquer all. In particular I am reminded of his victory over sin as well as the nature of bringing lost sheep to the fold. A passage that comes to mind is where Paul describes the struggle to do good but sin appears to prevail (Romans 7:15-25). In the last verse I think, there is an acknowledgement that only through Jesus can one win this battel between desires of the flesh and what is right Why is obedience so hard for us? Uhm obedience is hard mainly because of lack of faith or trust. Very often we want to be in charge and rely on our abilities, which unfortunately are limited. In difficult circumstances I tend to forget God's promises of Fear not I am with you. Why is it so important for us? Obedience is important because in obeying you surrender all and not have to worry. When we obey we are assured of Devine protection
  3. Why did the angel put Elizabeth and Mary together? I think because their conceptions were similar. In both cases it is biologically impossible for either one to conceive. In the case of Elizabeth she and her husband were too old to bear children. Elizabeth had reached menopause. As for Mary she was still a virgin and this is reflected in her question in verse 35 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” How is Elizabeth a comfort to Mary? Elizabeth comforts Elizabeth by recognising her pregnancy as blessed and and that she is blessed for being the mother of her Lord. so there was no ridicule and therefore no shame. She also praises her for believing in what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished and as in your text: Elizabeth provides the wisdom and comfort that Mary's mother doesn't have the perspective to provide her. How is Mary an encouragement to Elizabeth? Mary is an encouragement to Elizabeth in her humble obedience. I think the 2 ladies were of a great support to each other as they chatted and compared notes and shared their worries and concerns that may not be appreciated by other people To whom has God sent you to give and receive comfort? I am blessed in my family support system. I have very caring siblings that I can count upon. In particular I have one sister 2 years younger whom I refer to as my best friend. In addition I also have a couple of very close friend and prayer partners whom I can call upon for moral support and believe you me I have called upon these people a thousand times. I would like to think I have also been there for my family and friends when they needed me. Recently I have been asked to work with the youths in my congregation and for that task; I need prayers. It's such a diverse group, the task is overwhelming
  4. Sorry I am a late starter, hopefully will catch up with time Mary was bestowed with the honour of being the mother of the God - awesome Agree totally with Con' response above; the honour will cost her the risk of being disgraced, rejection by her betrothed and his family and most probably by her own family as well as she would have brought shame to the family. I am just imagining the way single mothers are scorned upon in my community. One is made to feel an outcast Her response to the Angel indicates total surrender to God’s plan for her. I am reminded of the song "God make me an instrument ......I lift up my hands in your name". I pray that one day I will reach that level of total commitment to God without considering how people will view me I think the discipleship lessons here are total surrender to God's will, complete trust in Him and obedience That is, one should be prepared to be used by God
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