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Everything posted by george

  1. Q2 I would define holiness as imitating God. Be as He is but, never as an equal. Being born-again and sanctified, and washed in the Blood we are holy and perfect in His eyes. Without obedience, we would just drift away from the Lord, by that I mean we must continually want to please Him and stay focused on whats more important our Lord or this world. My biggest struggle would be those influences that the world throws out there is money. I worry sometimes if I make enough for my family. I know worry is just on of those tricks the devil uses, and He has always provided for me and my family in the past and He is not going to do diferent.
  2. Q1. 1Pet.1:13 Our minds should be in a constant state of readyness, to carry out duties or to endure the trials of life. If we did not continue in self-control and soberness we would miss everything. If we think we have lots of time, we would become complaisant, and we would be caught unready.
  3. My name is George. I've been a christian for many years, and I always open to learning all I can. I enjoyed the last study very much.
  4. Q5: It is that the Lord has forgiven us our sins, and we are his children. Faith in my Lord is the source of and fountain of my joy! Feelings can be controlled by outside forces, both good and bad. I walk by faith, not by sight. This makes invisible thing real, and enables us to feel and act in view of them, with the same degree of certainty as if we saw them. If faith could deceive us, then could not our physical senses deceive us? Does the eye never deceive? Are there no optical illusions? Does the ear never deceive? Are there no sounds which are mistaken? But for all practical purposes of life, the senses are correct guides, and do not generally lead us astray. So there are objects of faith about which we are never deceived. We act with the same confidence as if we had personally seen them. New christains or muture ones will say their happiness came when they first had evidence that their sins were forgiven and the burden of guilt was rolled away and that they were the children of God. This is joy unspeakable. Eph1:14 To have this joy you must have love. If you love the Lord, then you must love others also. If you don't love others you don't love the Lord.
  5. Q4 The Lord gave me a daughter 8 years ago, but she was born with a birth mark that eats away at the flesh like a cancer. I was scared, and mad. I blamed myself. I did not know what to do. I even started to blame God for letting this happen. I got to such a low point there was no hope for this problem. I was discouraged because I didn't have the faith and trust in God I thought I had. It's easy to love the Lord and say you have faith when everything is going right, and the smallest problem comes up and I give up. I spent time in prayer, when the Lord spoke to me. God gives everyone a measure of faith, and He showed me its not how much faith I needed, because just a little is all you need. He showed me Matt. 17:20 about having faith as mustard seed. I didn't know thats the smallest seed around! To make a long story short, I had little love in my heart, and love is what drives faith, like gas drives a car. What's the greatest commandment? Love
  6. Q3 God has put in the hands of Jesus the protection of our salvation, until the final day. Our part is to remain obedient in faith to hold on to our inheritance.
  7. Q2(1-2) Two facts are implied here. The first one is that the design of the gospel is to induce us to obey God, and secondly that the tendency of faith is to produce obedience. So there is no true faith which does not produce that. Promise and duty go hand in hand. All is a free gift and yet such is the gift, that the final issue depends on our future obedience. As you have stated Pastor Ralph, this is a package, they are intertwined. Salvation is easy to receive, but the commitment must be made on our part to walk that path, God would never force us to obedient to His will it is up to us to decide that. We are saved by grace, but when we accept this gift we should also want to do good works to bring honor and glory to God. As the prophet Isaiah said our works alone are as filthy rags to God.
  8. Q1 (1:1) I believe that a christian who can identify with this world, is living a life that is contrary to what they should be living. We have been born into, and grafted to the true vine, our Lord Jesus. We belong to God. Our new home is heaven! It's easy sometimes to get more involved with the world, I have and I"m sure other people have also. I feel as long as we have that sin nature in us this will always be a battle. We have to continue to be lead by the spirit to show and guide us daily walk with Jesus. The world's spiritual priorities have been eroded away which is evident right here as you see prayer removed from the schools and homosexual marriages being condoned. Chuch atendance is low too because, people have better things to do!? We need to pray for these people, that they get saved to start getting their priorities straight. It hurts me to see how the devil is deceiving the unsaved.
  9. Hello, my name is George. I'm from Dixon, IL. I' love the Lord., and I hope to learn and grow in the Lord through this program.
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