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Everything posted by wunway4u2

  1. God's revelation of his holy prophets & apostles our authority for faith and practice. It's due because our creator spoke to and through these individuals. Through them he enlightened mankind with who we are and how we are to live. He selected these men and gave utterance and with prophecy and power demonstrated that his word is true. Trying to minimize or superceed is an act of rebellion and/or doubting God's word and his provision. Denying God in the church today is as bad as it everway. Denying he who made us, he who gives live, provision, that heat beat you just had, that one, that one and that one are all at HIS good pleasure. In him alone we are, in him alone do we exist, in him alone we live and die. In the shed blood of his son, his resurrection and atoning death for my sin on the cross I have eternal life and an inheritance that I cannot fanthom, one beyond my wildest dreams. The same goes for each and every one reading this. IF we confess our sins, ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and ask him to come into your life and be the Lord of your life. Then, you too can have forgiveness of your sins and life eternal. Thank him in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  2. The main thing for these questions is the main thing. That means total surrender to Christ and be listening and available to hear and do what God's commands. The biggest problem we have as humas is that we are human beings with a fallen nature. Even though we accept Christ and his subsititutionary work on the cross we have a great tendancy to not allow God to have his way. We hinder our own blessings because of this. We have a tendancy to desire to be in charge of our lives. All aspects of our lives. We need to "Die to ones self, pick up our crosses daily and follow Chirst." The Only way for us to expierence and become fully appreciated it to step out of our "comfort zones" and step out in faith and dare to do something that you would not think of your self of doing. I'm born and raised in NYC, been a rebel, drunkard, womanizing sinner. I've joined my church, joined the men's ministry, work in my church any chance I get. Recently I started teaching an adult Sunday School Bible Class. This is definately out of what in my wildest imagination that I would be teaching a Bible Class. We serve an awesome God! Move out of your comfort zones, get involved. We will not only be judged on what we do with and for Chirst. We will also be judged on what we know and what we did with our time, talents and tithes.
  3. We now have direct access to the father. In the old testament, gentiles were totally excluded from "true worship". Only the priests were allowed into the temple and only the High priest was able to enter into the "Holy of Holies". Jesus has done away with the "old way" of worship. No more animal sacrafices. Jesus once and for all time has takes the place of animal sacrafices by becoming the perfect sinless, pure sacrafice for us. Since he who decended now has ascended and has sent the holy spirit to dwell within all believers; whit the Holy Spirit of God within us, and being covered by Chirst's blood; we can enter directly into the throne room of the God of all the universe to make our petitions known. The Holy Spirit not only protects us, but prompts us and urges us to become closer and closer to Chirst by his gentile nudging of our spirits to a closer and closer relationship with God the father through his son Jesus Christ. If we sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us of that sin; so that we may confess it and received forgiveness for that sin/transgression. Jesus enables our access as we are now seen by God the father as righteous, blamless, Holy even though were not. God sees our righteousness as we are covered by the blood of Chirst. His death on the cross atoned for my transgressions.
  4. How did Christ forfill the mosaic law? Through the prophies from the Old Testament. His birth, his life, his death, the way he died. His resurrection and ascention. His - God's spirit pouring out on the day of Pentecost; forfilled the mosaic law(s) for a perfect sacrafice. For without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. He Christ Jesus was the "lamb of God" who took away the sins of the world. That includes us gentiles. For the Jew; it means that they are no longer "under the law of Moses and all the rituals that were attached. It amazed me that the Jewish people as a whole; still just cannot or just will not see the Messiah-Jesus for who he is. They were meticulous in tracking geneology cause they knew that their Messiah would come from Judah, yet somehow have to be a priest too. A Levi. Tracing back Josephs and Marys earthly lineage as given in the books of Matthew and Mark clearly provides the links. That the books of Daniel, the Psalms and Isahah point to the only one who could have forfilled the prophcies. The only one who also by the way; made that claim. After his death and resurrection; the only one who was seen of his diciples and others. Then these diciples and converts should have clearly demonstrated in life and death that Jesus is indeed the Messiah they have been looking for. But still reject him. Even after Titus destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 70AD. Now there is no more record of geneology. No way to trace anyone back to "prove" lineage. No more animal sacrafices since his death. Now clearly they know that they (the Jews) are all dying in their sins and tresspasses. Moses was correct in calling them a "stiff necked people." In a way it is great to remain on track. But clearly that track that they are on is a dead end. Time to turn the train around and get on the right track. As for the Gentiles. Now we too can be graffted into the family of God. Salvation is no longer just for the Jews. We now have peace and forgiveness with God through his son Jesus. Praise and Glory to his Name now and forever AMEN!!!!!!
  5. Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? If we are out of touch with what it means to be lost, our spiritual condtion is bleak. We loose sight of not only our position in Chirst, we loose the heart of God for the unsaved. There are only two kinds of people on this planet. Those that are saved and those that aren't. Those going to be with Christ Jesus and those going to be banned from his presence for all of eternity. If we loose sight of what this means to us, then we doom everyone who comes across our path in life to the eternal lake of fire. Not that we can or have the power to save anyone that is for God alone. But we just might be the only or last chance a person, your co-worker has to hear the gospel. The saving knowledge and atoning work of Christ on the cross prior to their last breath. We have been saved and given the commandment(s) and responsibilities to "Go throughout all the world and preach to every creature and nation the gospel". So what are you going to say at the judgement seat of Chirst if you didn't do what is expressly commanded you to do? The spiritual condition of any co-worker or anyone who doesn't know Chirst is dead. Dead spiritually, dead in tresspasses and sins. On a greased poll on their way to hell and no ability to get off or stop. Only the saving knowledge of Chist can one be removed from this pole. Only Chirst has the power to "pluck" someone off that pole. As it is written "For all have sinned and come short to the Glory of God". "There is none righteous, no not one. for all have gone astray..." and "The way of man is right in his own eyes and in the end; destruction." The plight of all who enter the world is death then death again. Born once to die twice. However, if we hear the gospel and respond to it we are born twice and will only die once. So get out there and tell your co-workers, friends, family, neighbors and strangers of the street the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love the line in the movie the Gladiator. "For what we do in life, will echo in eternity". This includes what we don't do for Chirst.
  6. Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? If we are out of touch with what it means to be lost, our spiritual condtion is bleak. We loose sight of not only our position in Chirst, we loose the heart of God for the unsaved. There are only two kinds of people on this planet. Those that are saved and those that aren't. Those going to be with Christ Jesus and those going to be banned from his presence for all of eternity. If we loose sight of what this means to us, then we doom everyone who comes across our path in life to the eternal lake of fire. Not that we can or have the power to save anyone that is for God alone. But we just might be the only or last chance a person, your co-worker has to hear the gospel. The saving knowledge and atoning work of Christ on the cross prior to their last breath. We have been saved and given the commandment(s) and responsibilities to "Go throughout all the world and preach to every creature and nation the gospel". So what are you going to say at the judgement seat of Chirst if you didn't do what is expressly commanded you to do? The spiritual condition of any co-worker or anyone who doesn't know Chirst is dead. Dead spiritually, dead in tresspasses and sins. On a greased poll on their way to hell and no ability to get off or stop. Only the saving knowledge of Chist can one be removed from this pole. Only Chirst has the power to "pluck" someone off that pole. As it is written "For all have sinned and come short to the Glory of God". "There is none righteous, no not one. for all have gone astray..." and "The way of man is right in his own eyes and in the end; destruction." The plight of all who enter the world is death then death again. Born once to die twice. However, if we hear the gospel and respond to it we are born twice and will only die once. So get out there and tell your co-workers, friends, family, neighbors and strangers of the street the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love the line in the movie the Gladiator. "For what we do in life, will echo in eternity". This includes what we don't do for Chirst.
  7. What is faith? Believing and trusting in something that you cannot see. Like gravity. Cant see it, feel it. But it is there and very real. Can we take credit for having faith. No. Faith is also a gift from God. When the man with the sick daughter came to Jesus and asked him to heal his sick daughter, Jesus said: "Do you believe I can do this?" The man replied: "Lord I believe help my unbelief." Jesus admonished his own diciples time and time again about their lack of faith. We are granted a measure of faith by God. Then God through the Holy Spirit "tests" us and helps to grow our faith. Can we be condemed for lacking faith. Condemed I dont believe so. Admonished or punished, yes. We have been given the mind of God though his written word, through his living word (himself/Jesus) and through his Holy Spirit. So not having faith, after learning who Jesus is, then accepting him as Lord and Savior then we through our actions tell God we dont believe him. We must be very careful with our faith. We must ask for growth and strengthening of our faith. To explain faith to a 10 year old: Again faith is believing in something that cannot be seen. I'd explain to the child Gravity. this is the example that I'd use. It is real, you can not ignore it, you cannot challenge it, you will get hurt if you ignore it. You cannot climb a tree and shimmy out on limb, hang from the limb and let go and expect to stay in the same place. You can have faith that gravity will work and you will be pulled down to the ground-quickly. If you throw a ball in the air it too will come back down. You cannot step off a roof and not expect to hit the ground. What goes up must come down. You can have "faith" that it will come back down. You can test it and see the results for your self. Same with God. FAITH=Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him.
  8. Man's sole purpose of being created is to love and worship God. To work and obey what he commands. All the religions of the world are about earning God's favor or God's merit and a right to heaven by what we do for GOD. However, that is not the way it works. Mans way of works to earn heaven; begs the question(s) when did you do enough to get you into heaven? What happens if you sin? How many of your good works then get erased? Who decides the merit of your works? Who is doing the screening? Since there is nothing we can do or say to erase our sins or guilt we need a savior and we have that in Jesus. We are saved by his work on the cross. NOW we do good works out of gratitude and thankfullness for being saved from a peril and destiny that is so horrible that words cannot describe the magnatitude of the pain and hopelessness for those who are all lost now in eternity. Being on the verge of constant insanity, hearing the pain, fear, gnashing of teeth, having demons tormenting you, no relief, no sleep, no water, no hope of escape, knowing you had a chance not to be where you now, forever. THANK YOU JESUS FOR DYING FOR ME. FOR SUFFERING FOR MY SINS SO THAT I MAY BE WITH YOU IN HEAVEN. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! So now I serve with a greatful heart. I worship with a greatful heart. WOW what an AMAZING GOD WE SERVE!!!!
  9. To translate the word saved into modern jargon we must know what saved means: To rescue from a dire situation. Your a passenger on the Titanic. Sinking in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, near the Artic Circle in the late autumn. Only a few life boats and hundres upon hundres of people needing a place on those boats. So many people, so few seats to be rescued or saved from the icy cold waters and a sure death. In the panic that ensued as the ship sank more and more. There were crew members "selecting" people to fill those seats. We humans are all on the road of life that ends and then begins in the lake of fire for those who have not been rescued by Jesus Christ. We as humans all have sinned or broken Gods laws. The 10 commandments. Since we violated those laws we can not be in God's presence and therefore will be bannished from his presence for all eternity. The only place aside from being with God in heaven is a place created for Satan and his demons; the lake of fire. It was not created for humans. However, all those who reject God have no other place to go so they will go there. Who wants to burn for all of eternity? This is what all humans need to be rescued from. Their own state of sinfullness and the consequence of those sins. The only way. THE ONLY WAY is by accepting God's provision (rescue life boat) in Jesus. By his death on the cross and the shedding of innocent blood we can be forgiven IF we allow Jesus to become LORD and masters of our lives then Jesus will save us from God's judgement and bannishment for those who reject him and his laws.
  10. Grace; unmerited favor. Why do we have difficulty understanding this concept. We all want grace, forgiveness. On the other hand we want justice for victims and violators alike. We are selves are violators of God's laws. So we find ourselves in a pickel. Our own sense of fairness and justice demands punishment for those who break the laws of our nation. Those who abuse others. Yet, we ourselves broke God's laws and we find ourseleves in a very bad position. So Grace is unmerited favor. Something we dont deserve, haven't no cant earn. So, amazed at God's love and grace I worship and say THANK YOU LORD!!! Grace demolishes the word or phrase. Justice and punishment. To explain grace to a 10 year old; At 10 children know the difference between right and wrong. With that said; I tell a child not to play ball in the house, and does it anyway. Thus destroying a prized family heirloom. Mom is hurt and crying. Dad is mad as mad can be. The child knows and realizes what he/she has done. The child is scared, knows their in deep trouble. But dad says: You know I told you not to play in the house with the ball. You disobeyed me. Destroyed a family heirloom that you mother loves very much. No you mom will punish me for what you did because I love you and dont want to see you get hurt or in trouble. That is grace that a child of 10 can understand. That is what Jesus did for us on the cross. We broke Gods laws and sinned againt the father. Jesus paid the price for our sins.
  11. What does it mean to be "seated in the heavely realms. Upon accepting Christ and admitting our sins, asking for forgiveness and making Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives. We become adopted sons and daughts of God himself. We have our sins. All of our sins, past, present and future sins - forgiven. We have been purchased with a great price. Now since purchased back, adopted, forgiven our physical bodies may be still here, but our home is in heaven. I may have been born in N.Y.C. and traveled around the world as a member of the U.S. Navy and for the longest time considered NYC my "home" my destination upon leaving the military. But God, (I love that); but God had other plans for me. I live here in Washington State and my home is in heaven. That is where my destiny lies, that is where my father resides, that is where my citizenship is, that is where my home that is being prepared for me is located. That is where I'm going. Not because of anything I've ever, done, said or can do or say. But because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross bearing in his body my transgressions against a Holy God. THANK YOU JESUS!!!! With that being said. What does this say about my (our) spiritual authority. Since I'm a child of the King; I have the authority of the King. Since this is my reality, I have been drafted to be in this spritual war until my God, King and Father returns or calls me home. I fight from victory not to victory. Our prayers are now set to tear down the evil of this world, to destroy wickedness in high places. To overcome the enemy at every turn by putting on the full armor of God and stand. God has given us the ways and means to defend ourselves and use the weapons he gave us to attack and be victorious in Chirst.
  12. God's motivation and Character. God moved with compassion on our behalf because of his GREAT LOVE. HE MADE us alive in Christ. Made....past tense, already accomplished, finished. His love and grace we have been redeemed, bought back, repossessed if you will to himself. We are now alive in Christ and should be living with eternity in the forefront of our minds. This way we can beg to have God's heart for the lost souls of this world, so that we may go boldly and proclaim the cure for mankinds "cancer" sin.
  13. We as people unwittingly follow Satan as we are tempted, drawn in, enticed by the **** of the flesh, **** of the eyes and the pride of life. These three can mean a host of topics, venues or actions. In that anything that takes our eyes and mind off of Christ we will follow after that. Like lemmings, following blind over the cliff. This is what all of humanity is doing. Following their own ways, religions called "chirstian" but not following Christs' teachings. Not walking the walk and talking the talk. We follow after leisure, sports, "wine, work, sex, family, selves then on women and song" then we spend of our time foolishly. But for those who know the truth of Christ Jesus and follow after him. To those; salvation and eternal life. ALL OTHERS THE LAKE OF FIRE. By following after our own desires we find ourselves in rebellion against God's word, his laws and we fail to obey what he wants us to do. Then we are sinning. Even though we are predisposed to sin. That we have a sinfull nature, meaning that given the choice most of the human race will choose to sin rather than do good. So how can God in all "fairness" blame us. In every way. He is the Creator, we are the created. He had placed us here and given us his word "The Bible", he has written his laws on our very hearts and by Adams sin and fall we have in place the knowledge of good and evil. We all have choices to make, every moment of every day of our lives. To choose God's way and Obey. Or not. "This day God says, I set before you life and death. Choose life". So since we have this knowledge of good and evil and we then by our own accord transgress God's laws-sin. He hold us accountable. PERIOD.
  14. Our neighbors (those who don't know Jesus) are dead in the sense they have no knowledge of what is wrong with them. The wrong is sin, trangressing God's laws. Since they do not have forgiveness in Christ Jesus, they are dead in the eyes of God. They have not received forgiveness of their sins. Should they die anytime soon without Christ, then they would go into eternity without God, without Christ, without hope, bannished from the presence and forgiveness of God.......FOREVER! We on the other hand have forgiveness of our sins from Jesus Christ by his sinless life, his persecution, crucifixtion, death, burial and resurrection we upon our death will go into the presence of God and be with him FOREVER!!!! Now since we believe they they will be lost; we need to, no we are commanded to preach the good news to them. Spread the gospel throughout all of this dying and lost world.
  15. Every question in "question 3" can be answered by a word or two. Faith or the Lack of Faith. This is why we feel powerless. Unbelief is another word for the Lack of Faith. Why do some congregatons have wimpy faith? The members are not reading their Bibles. I'd wager money on this if I weret a betting man. Renewing of the mind comes from reading the word. Reading, hearing, doing. repeat: Reading, hearing doing what is written in the Bible will change congregations, bring revival and sweep the town, city, state, country and the world itself. We need to "get into the fray" Pray pray for the God's heart for lost souls. The ability to speak boldly. We are all going to given an account on what we did for CHRIST. And for those things we didn't do for his kingdom and his glory. I'm just saddened by my own total reluctance to have not joined the fray all these past years. NO more. I'm sold out to Chirst. The only way to shut me up is to extinguish my life or God calls me home. BT AR BT AR. Naval communications for end of text, No need to respond, off the air, out.
  16. Take a pass? Unheard of. Your fighting on the front lines and getting shot at we need to fight or die. We as people have the unfortunate mind set of "I dont want to get involved." Well, HELLO FOLKS you are involved. You are commanded to put on the full armor of God and FIGHT, YES FIGHT THAT IS YOU MR. & MRS, MASTER AND MISS AMERICA!!! Once you've accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior; you volunteered to be in the battle, now there is no way out so, get use to donning your battle gear: The full armor of God. Jesus gave us the example on how to live and behave when it comes to spritual battles. He is the creator and commanded all evil spirits to "come out, or depart". After his resurrection on the cross, Jesus universally defeated (never in question) his foe and won back our freedoms, our souls and forgave us completly our sins, all of em. Not just yesterdays, and earlier todays. But all the tomorrows too. Paul made mention to try to get it to the minds of the Ephesians (and us) that we have victory in Chirst Jesus and that there is no need to fear. Our enemy is defeated. But the war is not over. Just like at the end of WWII, Japan surrendered in Tokyo Harbor. But fighting continued for months scattered over the Pacific Islands. The war was over the enemy was defeated. But bullets kept flying, people kept dying just the same. Due to the lack of knowledge. My people perish from the lack of wisdom. This IS NOT a GAME. This is real and the stakes are eternal. People you, we, I feel powerless because we refuse to BELIEVE, have faith in the work that was accomplished on the cross. We get intimateded by our peers, bosses, the world. Trying to embarrass, harrass us into submission, or keeping us quiet. WOE WOE WOE onto anyone, everyone that does. Jesus said: "If you deny me before men, I will deny you before my heavenly father." Sobering. Eye opening. This is a call to arms!!! The armor of God is for "standing and taking ground, attacking. If you read about ancient armor; there is no protection for your back. So you cannot turn and run. Arrows and spears are deadly. So stand, grab your armor and beat back the gates of hell itself. Christ plus you is an invincible army. No enemy, no demon, no devil is stronger than you. Greater is he that is in you (get it into you) then he that is in the world. I'll be out of town for three days. I'll be back on Sunday 02/01/2009.
  17. If I knew I was to inherit 10 million in a few years. I would live in great expectation and anticipation of that day that the inheritance would be available for my usage. Now with the anticipation of being "Seated in the Heavenlies" I should look forward to and live each day, with assurity of my position more and more. As far as the saints go, bonding, friendship, nuturing should be the "Catch phrase" of each day. Since we are going to spend eternity together we should be treating each other with the love that Christ loved the church. I try to foster and live this. Prior military expierence has provided a basic blueprint minus the "wordly bantering" that is prevelant in the military. The closeness and friendship and cohesiveness that is present in the military should pale in comparison to the saints being with each other.
  18. What do we as Christians have to look forward to? Our redemption, our salvation, seeing Jesus Chirst our Lord and CREATOR. Knowing that we will spend eternity with him. As a major motivation in our lives; We should be living each and every day with eternity in mind. Since we are here in a physcial earthly body but already live in eternity. We need to grasp this. We are finite in this physical realm however, the work is compled by Chirst Jesus and we now are part of his eternal kingdom. We should be living each day with this knowledge in the "front part of our minds" in other words not to loose focus. Our decisions and lifestyle of our daily lives should be based on the knoweledge that everything we do, every thought we have is being watched, listened to and recorded. So with the knowledge that we have been redeemed from sin and it's hold on our lives; that we should be filled with joy overflowing joy so that we "will be the light of the world". So let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. Non-believers really have no hope. They live and work all their lives trying and trying. Putting faith in their 401k's, bonds and the such which is passing away. They live in fear of what is happening in this country and in the world. We are to be examples so that the lost will see the joy and hope that we have. Inquire and by the grace of God we can present the gospel in a fashion that will want to become followers of Christ and want a personal relationship with our glorious savior.
  19. When we believed and accepted the finished work of Christ on the cross and have made Jesus or Lord and Savior: We were sealed with God's seal. Meaning that we are now his possession, purchased and redeemed by the blood of Chirst. We are a purchased possession. Meaning that the Cost of our lives, our souls was the life and blood of Christ Jesus by God himself. He crucified his son "To buy us back" from being lost, without hope. Your question "End of Term" is not written in my King James. I have until "the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory". If that is what your trying to address than: We dont know the day, hour, minute, year, month or week when we will all be redeemed. God alone has that answer. With that said: There is no worry nor condemnation in Christ. We are made "Holy" by the covering of the blood of Jesus over our lives and our eternal souls. If this is not the passage that you want me to respond to, please clairify. Thank you. James.
  20. Now that we are in Christ Jesus, we redeemed now have become legal adopted sons and daughters of the most high. Now sons and dauthers, we have by his will that he chose by his own good pleasure to grant to us the inheritance of eternal life and all he possesses. What is it that we need to do to fulfill his purpose? If we have already accepted Chist's atoning work on the cross, is now our duty to turn around and evangilize, spread the gospel to the rest of humankind so that all may hear the message, the gospel. So, how does this line up with Matthew 5: 13-16? I've heard many people over the course of my life that say that religion and faith are personal and have no place in the public market of ideas. This of course is totally wrong! If I have the cure for cancer all those suffering from cancer would want to know the cure. Humanity is suffering from the cancer of sin. Satan blinds those suffering from this cancer, sin and they don't even know it. I now have within me the message, the gospel, the cure if you will for the cancer of sin. Jesus Chirst, Lord, God, Creator of the heavens and the earth. I am commanded to go forth and tell those sick with this cancer of sin about the forgivness found only in Jesus Christ. Belief, repentance and dicipleship is your, their and my ONLY cure for this "cancer" if you will. If I'm to keep this good news personal, within myself and tell no one. Then I become unsalted, worthless in God's eyes and good for nothing. Things that are good for nothing are thown out for they are of no use. So, with that said: I do, and will continue to tell others of Jesus Christ Lord their only savior (mine too). Praise, Glory, Honor, Power, Dominion be to our God forever and ever!!!! AMEN.
  21. God provided a way, through his son Chirst Jesus. God has given him; Jesus a name that is far above all names, all powers, all principalities, all dominions. Lord. With that all things, all beings are placed under his authority, his leadership. The heaven(s) will be administered by a loving, just, benevolent God, creator. Our creator, God; gave Adam authority over the earth and all that is contained within. He through rebellion forfited his rulership over the earth. Jesus, having become the 2nd Adam, lived the life none of us could, tempted in all things willing became God's sacrafice upon even a cross to "buy back", redeem both man and this planet through the eternal laws that he created. Now with Chirst's work completed, he has redeemed man back to himself, the authority over the earth are all legally back under his control. All his enemies are under his feet. Judgement, and wages will be met for those who have rebelled against God. Both fallen angels and fallen man. Heaven, earth and all within are now in unity under the authority of Christ. The relation to 1st Chorinthians 15: 24-28 I believe I've answered already. Everything is now under Chirst. Jesus will give everything back to his father.
  22. I have been redeemed from my sins. Been purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Chirst. His sacrafice on the cross taking on all of my sins so that I may be forgiven is a wonder!!! What would my life be like without being redeemed? I would have continued obliviously sinning. I would still be an enemy of God and acting out my rebellion as I saw fit. Living for self. What would my future have been like without redemption? I would die in my sins. I would then have to face God at the great white thorne of judgement and would have been condemed to the lake of fire. But now, by his grace and mercy, by his longsuffering towards me, by never letting me go I have surrendered to Chirst, I have accepted his work on the cross for my salvation, my reedeemer purchased my back from my own destructive ways. For wht time I have left on this planet I will serve the Lord, praise his name now and forever!!! AMEN.
  23. The concept of being adopted by God is mind boggeling. It's a great illistration because. God did choose the Jewish people as his own. Time after time they blew it. He forgave them. Gentiles on the other hand were lost, without hope. Doomed. God out of his own election, mercy, great love for man/man-kind that he sent his son to ransom all of humanity back to himself. Since the Jewish people rejected Jesus (for the past 2000 years); God chose to adopt the gentiles (us). Meaning now that we've been adopted by God through Christ Jesus we too have become "legal" sons and daughters of the most high God. We have (not realized unfortunately by the church, (Christian folk)) all the power, healings, casting out of evil spirits, the ability to raise the dead. If we would just let the Holy Spirit in he name of Jesus do the work and give God all the glory, praise and honor after events such as these. Show the world the power, majesty, grace, love, compassion, that God does have for man. Just like in the early church. Realization and revival begins within each of us - singularly and God's light will shine fourth after for the lost to see and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Chirst. His name be praised!!!!
  24. What does it mean to be "Holy". This is an attribute of God and God alone. However, since we are to emulate God as one of his adopted sons and daughters in Christ Jesus; To be Holy is to be without continued sin in our lives. We're covered by the blood of Jesus. Therefore, all our sins are washed away. We should emphatically live in good moral standards, with no filthy communications, no snide jesting, not dwelling within our minds on things not our own, ******* after others. Basically cease sinning. If / when we fail immediatly confess the sin and pray to Jesus for forgivenes. Wash and renew our minds with the word. Staying in the Bible keeps us from sinning. Sinning will keep us out of the Bible due to guilt. Therefore, since we are washed by the blood. We must also forgive not only others but ourselves. To be Holy is to be covered by the blood of Christ Jesus and since we are covered, blameless before God. God doesn't see us in our sin or sinful nature anymore. He sees us covered, therefore, blameless.
  25. The scary part of predestination is a fact that God didn't choose you to be in his kingdom. He decided eons ago who would be part of his kingdom and who would not. The most comforting part of that same scenario is that since we've heard the gospel and have responded that you may have assurace that you will not be at the "Great white throne of judgement." Paul's praise of God is due to his (Paul) knowledge of those people that he was looking at, associating with and praying for and over were going to be with him in heaven. That his friends would be with Jesus Christ and himself for all eternity. Now with that all said. I believe that God knows who will respond to the sacrafice of his son and Jesus' work on the cross and accept Jesus as savior and those who would reject this worderful salvation through none belief. God's will allows us also to have free will. Because we have knowledge of our acceptance or rejection of salvation in Christ Jesus.
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