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Julie Ann

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Everything posted by Julie Ann

  1. "Water of life" is representing the blood of Christ. Through Christ' shed blood we have eternal life. This is a free gift because Christ gave his life freely - with no strings attached - and it is up to us if we accept it. As christians we need to share Gods gift with others.
  2. God will now live with mankind. Now that everything is fulfilled the "old order" is gone. Because it is and we are is heaven there will be no more death, or anything else that causes unhappiness. I am looking forward to living with God more then "no more tears", etc.
  3. I know my name is written in the book of life because I prayed the salvation prayer as a child. I believe Gods word to be true and therefore the only way to heaven is through accepting Christ and what he did for all of us - dying on the cross to take away our sins and rising from the dead - conquering death. There is nothing I can do that is greater then what Jesus did - and will do.
  4. This scene is frightening because even though I am a born again Christian, I know the wrongs I have done and I don't want others to know them. Which is also why people resist the idea of final judgement because they don't want to think about others learning their darkest secrets, even though all our good deeds will be revealed also.
  5. King of kings - Lord of lords Christ is King and Lord, ruler of all even if others refuse to accept him. Christ taught us to "pay our Taxes", respect those on earth who are in authority, but He will always be King of kings and Lord of lords!
  6. I am a "bride" for Christ. Just as I keep myself for my husband and was faithful to him before our wedding, I need to be the same for Christ. I am encouraged because I have such a wonderful marriage I know that when we get to heaven it will be far better in comparison.
  7. I think we are to be here and let Christ shine through us. We have to be "In the world" since we live here, but not "of the world". We need to separate ourselves from worldly ways. Not by being "hermits" but by living the life that God wants us to live. If we distance ourselves to the point of being "hermits" who will see us and see Jesus through us? I think we are to fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...." as soon as we became Christians.
  8. These songs - most christian songs - are songs of praise. They glorify God and lift him up. Through singing them we let God know how we feel, how precious and important he is to us.
  9. It's hard to accept everlasting punishment, for some, because God loves us and will forgive us of everything. We only need to ask. But if someone dies first or refuses to accept Gods mercy before it is to late, then they will suffer the consquences - which is eternity in hell. It is a just punishment because God has given us enough warning and information about it coming.
  10. The 144,000 have kept themselves pure. They have followed Christ in the way we all should be striving to do - to be like Christ
  11. The anti-christ will come and start deceiving people. People will follow him because - at the time - what he says and does will seem good. The false prophet will come and expond upon this. Drawing more to believe. Then "the mark" will be introduced thus forcing everyone to either believe and worship the anti-christ or die for their belief and trust on Jesus.
  12. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Revelation 12:11 This verse discribes our salvation and faithfullness. Satan was overcome. Our victory for dieing for Christ is that we stood our ground, we ran a good race. The blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, cleanses everything.
  13. The "cosmic battle" will be extensive and terrible, but Jesus and his army will win
  14. The two witnesses work continually to further Gods message - always faithful and persevering. Their reward is to resurrected and taken up to heaven.
  15. Bitter: Gods total distruction, even though it is 1/3 of everything, and people refuse to repent. How sad to see all God can do and not accept him. Sweet: The church is protected. All Who are believers will be safe. I think we reject the hard stuff because it's easier to ignore it then to deal with it.
  16. The great multitude is made up of people from all over the world. They come out of the "Great Tribulation". Now they are in heaven and they are serving God and Jesus day and night. Amazing Grace sings of being blind but now able to see.
  17. God is a living God. Also the seal - or mark - is to protect the 144000 from death.
  18. 1) About the Church: It is still in place, working for God. 2) The martyred soulds are "under the alter" in this scene. 3) This seems to represent their sacrifice - death - for Christ. 4) They were killed for their belief in Christ and their willingness to share this with others. 5) They ask to be avenged for what they have suffered and they are asking God to do it. 6) I think this was a proper prayer. Many times throughout the Bible God tells us it is his right to deliver his vengence. One verse that comes to my mind is: Romans 12:19 (KJV) Dearly beloved avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written vengence is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. 7) The white robes - I belive - represent purity, having been washed in the blood of Christ. 8) The souls are told to "wait a little longer" because all who will die for Christ have not yet died.
  19. Christ is the one to open the seals and set them to work against the earth. It is just because God is just. He has the final say in everything and we've all been given plenty of warnings about what is coming.
  20. God and Jesus (and the Holy Spirit) are all one in the same - they are equal so the worship we give is equal. They are deserving of our love, praise, admiration and loyalty.
  21. Because Christ purchased us with his blood and we have accepted him, we will serve him and reign with him.
  22. Jesus was worthy to open the scroll because He died for us. Noteworthy/praiseworthy because Jesus - being perfect - was and is the only one able to take away our sins.
  23. I'm not very good at this - trying to see comparisons but here are a few I thought of. 1. 4:3 Throne - representative of the Pulpit and Pastor 2. 4:4 24 Thrones - Choirs 3. 4:4 Dressed in White - use of Robes by ministers and choirs 4. 4:5 7 Lamps Blazing - use of candels 5. 4:8 saying "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Hymns 6. 4:10 fall down before him - kneeling to pray
  24. Hymns from chapters 4 & 5: Holy, Holy, Holy and Worthy is the Lamb were the obvious ones to me. After that I had to do some other research to find the names of others. Ones I found are: Come Thou Almighty Crowns, Gloria Patri, Hallelujah Chorus & Praise Him Praise Him.
  25. Church Critisized: The Churches were critisized for not holding to their original convictions and allowing others - pagan beliefs, etc. - to sway their attitudes. This caused them to be hypocrites - Sardis was reprimanded for "being alive" but they were "dead", or lukewarm and tolerant of practices that go against God. Church Praised: They are praised for doing more then they did at first, not renouncing Jesus even when terrible things happen - Pergamum - Antipus was put to death. Also for patience and endurance and keeping Gods word. I think the church of the 21st century needs to remember what was happening and what is happening. Though we have greater technology, many of the same basic issues remain - immorality, diverse religous beliefs, acceptance of practices that go against God. Churches need to stay in the word and keep in touch with their members so they can encourage one another. Also be accountable for the choices made.
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