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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by val

  1. We are fooled because we do not grasp the concept that we have to be not only hearers of the Word but doers of it as well. The Bible has to become revelational knowledge to us so that we learn to walk out the principles in our daily life. The nature of self deception is thinking you are fine when in fact you are not; thinking that all that is required of us as Christians is a little word without living and doing what it says. Deception is a scheme of the devil in that he does not care how much word we have in us as long as we do not apply it to our lives we are living a christian lie. This Christian life is one that actively seeks the heart of God and out of the love for Him and His Word acts out the righteous life. Complacency is pure deception.
  2. The word of truth brings about spiritual birth in that the Word is living and active and able to accomplish much in one's walk. Our Spirits become alive as the truth becomes Rhema word in our lives. This birthing of the truth through the word is able to impregnate us with the tools to successfully live the Christian life. As we yield ourselves to the word we can see wellsprings of life come about in our spirit enabling us to be led supernatually and enabling us to bring forth much fruit. The Lord breathed Him Spirit in the word when he inspired men of old to write accounts for us today. Our human capacity is limited but with the word of God actively working in us we can live this life with abilities He infuses in us after our born again experience. The word if we meditate on it, can change mindsets which can propel us to great accomplishments for His kingdom.
  3. The promise claim is you will b granted wisdom if you will ask. The condition is that we must ask in faith without doubting. Trials strengthen our faith so that we do not doubt God and therefore have the stability to stand. Our faith through trials does not remain stunted and we are able to mature as Christians.
  4. Trials can lead us to trust God and resolve in us that He will work all things for our good. I believe every Chistian at some point battles doublemindedness; perhaps that is why the trial we face help us be more settled in Him. It is as we look back at each trial that we can reflect on the goodness of God. Our faith cannot grow if it is not tried or tested. Strong faith came out of strong trials. God will need to have us strengthened in our faith if He is to trust us with bigger kingdom responsibilities. If he tells us to do something we have to have faith and not question or have all the facts in front of us. As we take 1 step at a time we begin to grow in faith.
  5. People blame God for evil because they want to so trust Him to solve all their problems and wipe away evil that when this does not happen they blame God and feel He has disappointed them. It is an immature belief in God in thinking "He could have prevented this." A lot of our calamity comes from our mindsets that need to be renewed and from our sin nature. We are not created to be like robots and just accept things but to actively partake in life, so to speak and in each dimension to call upon Him for guidance. God does not tempt us with evil but He does allow the evil to come our way to strengthen us and for us to see what is in us. He does allow people to sin so that we can exercise our free will in choosing the right or wrong path. There is always a way out of sin if we surrender. Evil is necessary as this is Satan's world we are living in and the Bible tells us that we are Ambassadors for Christ, just passing through. How else can we see the hand of God work unless He intervenes on our behalf. He does show HImself strong to those that call on HIm(2 Cor.12:9, and Jer. 33:3).
  6. Trial have had value in my life but I must say that that my responses were not always positive in the way I would approach them or react in the midst of them. I learned more after I saw the hand of God in the situation which sometimes took a while after the trial was over. Overall however I can say that trials have equipped me to endure and to trust God in a way I otherwise would not have. Why bad things happen and why God does not intervene readily has settled in my mind that God is sovereign and that His hand is always at work to protect HIs people and is more interested in our character. I was able to see that I did not trust God in the way I thought I did. I feel God has to let us see ourselves in trials and has to sift us. Often He was the only one that I knew could intervene in the situation. I did however shake my fist at God a lot in my earlier Christian days as I only saw the selfish means of having my needs met. Ishook my fist at God because He did not answer my prayer like I would have wanted Him to. Our limited human mind cannot compare with the wisdom He holds which I now know that He knows me better than I know myself. Thank God He did not answer all my prayers as can now see what a disaster it would have been. Trials has indeed strengthened me in my walk with the Lord which is now almost 30 years.
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