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Love Jesus

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  1. Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. I am a nurse on a tranplant unit in Texas. The other day I was taking care of a man that desperately needed a kidney tranplant. When he arrived to our unit for his pre-op, we discovered that he was having some heart problems. It was decided that he would go for a heart cath first and if everything was okay, he would get the kidney. What I didn't know was that this man and his wife of 43 years were raising their grandchildren because their son-in-law had murdered their daughter and that these children also depended on him getting the kidney. The OR team arrived to pick him up and I asked him if I could read Psalms 91 to him, he said yes and then asked me to read Psalms 27 to him stating that this was his favorite Psalms. I looked a little bewildered and then he told me that he was a Christian and a Minister for the Methodist Church. When I was done, he prayed for both of us. As I drove home, I prayed the entire way that he would get that much needed kidney and that his heart would be okay. Two days later, I saw him back on our floor and went into the room and hugged him and his wife like we were long lost family members. He is doing great and I got to take care of him the last day that I worked. I know that God works miracles because he allowed me to meet these two wonderful people. Thank you, Love Jesus
  2. Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? If we were not able to recognize that God love us, then we would have no reason to believe his Word. It is through love that I seek God. I was once acquainted with someone that saw God as this horrible monster that wanted to kill all of us, he had fear of the Lord, but not the love that I felt for the Lord. When I tried to explain to him how much God loves us, he just kind of brushed me off. I love God and that love has kept me believing and seeking Him. What does this realization bring about in your life? I have had to realize that no matter what I do, God is still there for me. God does not turn his back on us, we turn our back on him. It has made me realize that I want to be closer to God, know his Word and defend his Word whenever it becomes necessary. I never want to be without him again and I have promised God that I will not turn my back on Him again no matter what is happening in my life. I have also learned that God has a perfect plan for my life and I have to have the Faith to let Him give that life to me. Thank you, Love Jesus
  3. Q2. (Psalms 42-43). What is the psalmist feeling during this spiritual struggle? He is feeling like God does not hear him while his enemies draw near. How does he combat his spiritual depression? He continues to hope in God and to call out to him. He continues to praise God even when he feels this spiritual depression trying to overcome him. Have you ever felt this way? Yes, very recently in fact. my husband walked out on our marriage because he believed that I was not spiritual enough for him and accused me of being a Satan worshipper. He also stole a lot of money from me and my son's car telling me the entire time that he was doing these things in Jesus' name. How did you reach out to God at this time? I called several of my friends that were in the church and we had several sessions of prayer for myself and my husband. I also told my husband that I forgive him for what he has done and I asked for his forgiveness for anything that I may have done to make him feel this way. He refused to forgive me, so I just put everything in God's hands and asked for God's forgiveness and peace. God has given me both and I continue to praise him and to seek Him daily. Thank you, Love Jesus
  4. Q1. (Psalm 27) What does it mean that David desires to "dwell in the house of the Lord"? He wants to live the way that the Lord wants him to live so that he can feel the presence and peace of Jesus. He also means that one day he will dwell in the house of the Lord and that he wants to be prepared to be received by Jesus. And he wants the Lord to dwell in him. What does it mean to "seek his face"? It means to seek the Word of God and to know the truth. How does David provide hope at the end of this Psalm? He encourages everyone to wait on the Lord and that the Lord would strengthen your heart. Thank you, Love Jesus
  5. It teaches us that God is glorious and that he has man's best interest at heart. It teaches us that God has placed the responsibility of all animals and the earth in our hands to care for and to be keeper of. It shows us that man has been crowned with glory and honour by being given this dominion. It also teaches us that Christ is our Lord and to be thankful for all that he has done and to glorify him. Thank you, Love Jesus
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