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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

chris loh

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  1. Q1. From how large a group of people does God remove sins in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12? In what sense is this a universal sacrifice of salvation? The Son of God, our Jesus Christ, is the perfect lamb in exchange for our freedom. He is the perfect sacrifice that is worthy as an sin atonement for all nations, till the ends of the earth. For those who have ears, let them hear, and those who have eyes , let them see. The Son of God offers salvation to all who accept Him as their personal savior and offer up their lives to Him. Seek not our Kingdom but His Kingdom, and in everything, put God before us, until we unite with Him in Heaven. God's salvation plan is to provide a way for us as sheep to unite with the Shepherd. Jesus finished work is a testimony of forgiven sins and the fulfillment of God's will. He trump over sins and sit at the right hand of the Father's throne. He has become our intercessor until today, and until the end of the earth. In what sense is Jesus' sacrifice wasted on some people? Those who rejected Jesus, rejected their own lives. jesus is the bread, the life and the way. Without Him, we will not be able to enter our Father's kingdom. Jesus work is never wasted because His victory is forever.
  2. Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? God is angry with us when we sin. It is an appropriate response because God is just. By showing anger, He uphold justice and holiness. However, He is also loving and gracious because He provides a way for atonement of sins, so that He can offer forgiveness to us when we repent of our sins. What is the difference between capricious and uncontrolled anger and anger that bring about justice? Uncontrolled anger does not seek reconciliation. It is not motivated by love, grace and mercy. Our God is full of love, grace and mercy, hence His justice justify His anger.
  3. It is the Jewish tradition to use lamb as animal sacrifice under Mosses's Law to atone sins. Jesus, the Christ, is the Son of God who was sent by the Father, as a lamb to atone sins for all mankind. He, the son, who has no sin but become sin for all of us. This is God's salvation plan for all mankind. John, the baptist, is the witness sent by God to testify that Christ is the Son of God, and he revealed the purpose of Christ's purpose of becoming flesh to dwell among us. The fall of mankind brought forth sins, fall short the glory of God. The law and animal sacrifice have become a ritual among the people whose heart have hardened. Sin of the world was a radicle concept because at that time people believed that their sins can be atoned by animal sacrifices. They too believed that sins can be avoided by not breaking the laws. They least expect that Christ has entered the world to offer them the truth. The atonement of sins was carried out by the high priest, who represent the sinners in front of God. The gift of the holy spirit offered by Christ was a radical concept that was never heard of at that time.
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