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Everything posted by smithj7

  1. Jr, I was intrigued by your statement that the format of the beatitudes was classic Hebrew parallelism. I know very little of Hebrew writing. Did rabbi's use this type of format in their teaching? Jamie
  2. Why Two parts: The Beatitudes parts seem to be to provide the following: Situation Outcome or "hope" For example in the first Beatitude it says "blessed or happy are the poor in spirit, for theirs in the kingdom of God or Heaven (depending on translation.) The first part is the listener situation. In this case it is the state of being poor in spirit. In others it is the state of mourning. But the second part provides us with hope, with outcome. If the listeners is mourning they will be comforted, if you thirst and hunger for righteousness, you will be given food to satisfy you. Why use Paradox Jesus was speaking to both the learned and the unlearned. His technique was to ensure that all would be able to understand. Talk about paradox! If you are meek, you will inherit the earth!! That is really a wake up call. People listening could not help but take notice and really ponder the words of Jesus! Relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit Examining what was the relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit as noted in Galatians was the highlight of Question 1. Jesus fulfills the prophesies. Jeremiah noted that the law of God would be written on our hearts. There is no way that we, as Christians, can have the fruits of the Spirit, or follow the Beatitudes without God's Spirit within us. For example, Verse 10 of Matthew's beatitude says "Blessed or Happy are those who are persecuted for righteous sake....' Who without the spirit of God could be blessed or happy in such a situation. One must rely on the Comforter that Jesus promised to realize this. The fruits of the Spirit and the blessing or happiness spoken of in the Beatitudes are only possible through the gift of the Comforter promised by and given to all the believe!!
  3. Wow! This is a tough question. I hadn't given this much type of question much thought. As young as 7 Satan could have destroyed me with trials. But I was blessed by the love of Christ Jesus, who wrapped me in his arms of love. From that point, I have been refined. When I was 17-19 one might have called me a "know it all" or a "goodie two shoes". God worked on me through trials, and I have become more loving and tolerate. However, I always have been an advocate (fighter for justice) and often I need God's help not to fall into the you are bad and I am good type of thing. God is always working on me in great patiences. God is merciful, kind, and patient is refinement! In Christ, Jamie
  4. (Ephesians 1:19) Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"? What is wrong with their eyes? It appears that the Ephesians were working from self and seeing with perhaps eyes from the intelligent rather than spiritual eyes. Paul therefore prays that Ephesians
  5. The introduction was awesome! I have read it over more than once. I will be looking forward to learning and sharing. In Christ's love. Jamie
  6. I can't wait for the first lesson to begin. Practical Christianity makes sense to me. When reading James I can't help but see echos of John. Yet sometimes I struggle with the apparent conflict with some of Paul's ideas. I don't believe there can be conflict. I am very interested in this study! Thanks for making it possilbe to learn in this way. In Christ's love. Jamie.
  7. Hi Bill. I definately agree with you feelings. May God be with us all as we "dig deep". I never heard that expression, but I like it. -- Jamie
  8. Hi Sybill. I too am excited about new learning and this sharing opportunity! Amen to your wonderful blessing!
  9. Hi! Michelle. I am also looking forward to sharing with this group. :Tomorrow I will get my first lesson. I have loved the introduction.
  10. Hi! I'm Jamie from Florida. I am excited about the out line for Ephesians as it relates to the Church. I am deeply interested in knowing what the Church can be! I've been studying about the early Christian Church and in my search found this web site. I don't think it was an accident. Till later. In Christian Love. Jamie
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