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Lady Dee

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Everything posted by Lady Dee

  1. The end of the term occurs on the day of Christ's return. In the analogies of 'seal' and 'downpayment' the Holy Spirit is seen as being used of God to make us as His own. The Holy Spirit is given to us when we are born again to guide us, and to help us communicate with God (a two way relationship). Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we really have no 'seal' or mark of approval on our Christian walk. The seal of the Holy Spirit on our lives manifests himself through our Christlike behavior. In relation to the term 'downpayment', God saw it fit to allow the Holy Spirit to spend time on earth for a while - so that we as Christian might enjoy that direct relationship with the Godhead, and that the Holy Spirit would be there to make intercession for us as necessary. This gives us a direct link into heaven, and therefore, as mentioned, we have 'a piece of heaven on earth'. The 'lump sum' is that when Jesus returns, not only does the Holy Spirit return to his rightful place in heaven, but we who are in Christ, will also enjoy the full benefits of heaven which has been ordained to us in Christ.
  2. According to verses 11 and 12 of Ephesians 1, God's purpose for our lives is to bring Him glory. To fulfill this purpose we need to understand who we are in Christ, and then walk accordingly to th Word of God. As we do that, we are emulating the unity that exists between us and Jesus. We cannot then help but praise God because we begin to understand who He is, so we begin to live a life of praise. This purpose relates to Matthew 5:13-16 in that this particular scripture give an overview of what will happen when we live our lives to glorify God. Others will be attracted to what they see, and will want to find out more about Christ and will be drawn to us, in an effort to emulate the Christ they see in us.
  3. The significance of all things being brought under one head - Christ himself - is that through the death, burial and resurrectionof Christ, we will now experience the fullness of God, which without these events would not be there. It shows that Christ is the ultimate ruler and that all things will be subjected to his authority and rule. Christ is the key to our redemption, as we are instructed through the Word that we must come to God through Jesus. This therefore relates to the Creator, because it comes back to the point that everything was created for the glory of God, in other words, everthing begins and ends in Jesus Christ. This shows how important unity is in the body of Christ and how God intended us to live. Background or our past lives does not affect the ultimate purpose of grace, which places all born again Christians equal in Christ - into the same inheritance - through redemption, guided and directed by Christ Jesus. Not only that, but if we are not in unity with Christ as the head, then we fall outside of his rule and therefore have no place in the Kingdom of God. This verse relates to 1 Corinthians 15:23-28 because it shows that ultimately everything has been placed under the authority of Christ. It also shows the unit between God the Father and Christ the son and that through Christ, God is in all. I think it brings across the importance of unity, not just in the Godhead, bu in the relationship between Children of God and Jesus, adn therefore brings a clearer understanding of the phrase "in Him" - which emphasizes that we as Christians cannot effectively operate separate and apart from Chist.
  4. I have been redeemed from slavery in the sense that through the blood of Jesus Christ I have been given liberty from the bondage of sin. I no longer have to submit myself to destructive thoughts or actions - but am fully aware of the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ in my life. Had I not been redeemed I think that by now I would have been suicidal and that I would not have hope for bigger and greater things in God on a daily basis. Redemption puts a new lease on life and allows me to understand that nothing in my past can hold me, as long as I continue to accept and live in the gift of redemption.
  5. Adoption is a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship with us because we were born into sin and therefore could not naturally have been a part of the family of God (that is through the natural occurrence of birth). Therefore, the concept of adoption is encouraging to us, because now we have been taken out of a no-win situation, taken out of a family with no hope, and given equal rights to a God's heritage because we bear the name of our new family, Jesus Christ, on our lives. Therefore the importance of the born-again experience, by declaring Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, which transfers gives us legal rights into God's family.
  6. To be 'holy' means that we have been separated from sin and set apart for and to God. That my thoughts, words and actions should be reflecting who Christ is in me and that things of the world and satan has no dominion over me. To know that I am totally in God's hands and care and willingly follow His guidance and instructions. I can stand blameless before God in the sense that I am in Christ, and Christ is blameless. This is possible because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and the grace of God that forgives us of all our sins.
  7. The human element that desires "to know" makes predestination scary because one is unable to know exactly intheir own strength the details of our predestined plan. Yet it is comforting because we know that God has a special purpose and plan for our lives that brings glory to His name. It allows us to walk confident that God knows every last detail of what we have gone through, are going through and will go through. Paul brings upu predestination, I think so that we understand that we are not here or serving God by chance or accident. That there was a specific well defined plan for our lives, that was in existence a long time ago. I think that he is praising God for it in the hearing of the Ephesians because of their history and background in terms of the hellenistic environment that existed. So that they would understand that life is not just haphazard, but an intricate design by God.
  8. To be "in Christ" - to me this statement lays my life before me, and truly lets me understand who I am as a Christian. It lays a strong foundation as it relates to my true identity, and puts things in perspective whether situations are going well or not. It confirms to me that God has ordained my future. As it relates to its implications for my life, the word "in" also indicates to me that this is an active walk. In the same way I can be "in Christ", I can also be "out of Christ"; therefore, relationship with Christ is the essential key to successfully walk with, as well as understand who Christ is, so that the "in Christ" becomes fully operational in my life. "In Christ" also denotes to me, that I need to understand and always be aware, that I have been equipped with everything I will ever need to fulfill the purpose and calling of God on my life.
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