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Posts posted by Marloes

  1. Q4. (Luke 13:18-20) According to these parables in this lesson, in what ways is the Kingdom small? In what ways does the Kingdom grow? In what ways is the Kingdom door narrow? In what way is the Kingdom banquet, on the one hand, large and diverse, and on the other, selective?

    The Kingdom starts small, with only a few people.

    It grows when more people become christian.

    The door is narrow because not many people will enter at all or at the same time.

    The banquet will be beautiful.

    It will be selective with guests.

  2. Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

    The Kingdom, i.e. being with Jesus, is most important and valuable there is.

    We value it so little because we can't have it now right at this moment and we have to make efforts.

    And we don't know how it will be.

    So we get impatient and discouraged and things like that.

    Personally, Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is helping me to appreciate the true value of what Jesus did for us.

    For example verses 4 and 5 give a short summary of the sacrifice.

    He didn't do us just some pleasure, but He really had to pay for it.

  3. Q3. (Mark 10:22) Why is poverty and self-sacrifice an inadequate religion? Why does Jesus ask the man to follow him? In what senses was this a great privilege that the man was offered? Why did he reject the offer?

    It's not abouth ow much money you have but on how you use it.

    Jesus asks everyone to follow him, only for this man it's meant literally.

    It's a great privilege to be in the presence of an honoured rabbi/ the Lord.

    In my country it would be a great privilege to meet the Queen.

  4. Q2. (Mark 10:21) Why do you think Jesus requires the rich young ruler to divest himself of his fortune? Why does this trouble us so much? If there was no other way for the man to be saved, what does that say about the spiritual dangers of wealth?

    The man loved Jesus but he loved his money even more.

    With his money, the man also would give up his possessions, status, family relations, power/leadership, ...

    It's not good to love something else more then Jesus, whatever it is.

  5. Q1. (Matthew 13:44-46) What do the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price have in common? What is the main point of these parables? How should it affect our values? Our lives?

    Both are on a man selling everything to be able to buy something better.

    Lesson: to us Jesus must be most important.

    To me, this question is embarassing.

    Because I was busy with other things, I begin this week's study just now.

    However yesterday there was a Bible quiz, with also questions on the merchant and his pearl.

    I had them all wrong, because I thought it was about the hidden treasure.

    If I should have begun in time, I would have known the answers.

  6. Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors?

    It simply means that some people go to heaven and other people go to hell.

    I don't care how this will happen in detail.

    The only thing that matters is that Jesus will return and that we have to be prepared.

  7. Q3. (Matthew 7:7-8) Why is continual asking, seeking, and knocking so essential to our looking forward to the Kingdom? Why do we give up so easily? How do we gain boldness and persistence in prayer?

    We must take action in order to enter the Kingdom.

    Ask, seek, knock.

    We want everything at the moment we think about it.

    We don't like waiting, and get easily impatient or discoraged.

    I guess we gain boldness and persistence by practicing a lot.

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