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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Donna L

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Everything posted by Donna L

  1. I am beginning to see the World as anything that is in our environment that can distract us from our walk with God. Lately, God showed me that the computer was getting in the way and now it's the TV. I suppose if I had been using the computer to research Biblical things then its use would have been for good, but that was not the case. I just started to watch TV again because the new season started and the Holy Spirit has been really speaking to my spirit about it. This is time I should be spending with the Lord. Some TV would be okay, but not all evening. This is being in the world. I'm exposing my mind to things of the world rather than having my mind renewed by the word. God is calling me to a closer walk. I am grateful when he reveals what needs to be relinquished in my life because I know that He will supply me with the strength and discipline that I need to move to the next level. I find that God is a loving, gentle God. He has prepared me each step of the way, supplying everything that I have needed to get there. On my own, I am not one who has had a great deal of strength, discipline or many of the qualities that are needed for a good Christian walk. I have to ask the Lord for mostly everything. He has been carrying me along.
  2. It lifted my spirit to read what you wrote. I was getting very depressed after reading through what everyone was writing. I was feeling that this isn't the Lord that I know. He was there with me when I stuggled with addiction. He didn't leave me and turn his back on me. He was right there with me through it all. I was a Christian before it happened. Yes, it was a sin that first night, but after that addiction took over immediately. I was never myself after that very first night. It took 9 years before the Lord removed the the constant craving I lived with day after day, moment to moment. And believe it or not, I maintained a sensitive spirit while I was actively using. The Holy Spirit still worked in my life convicting me of sin. My spirit wasn't dead nor did I cease to pray. I wasn't a kid, I was 37 and had never been a drug user. Given most of your comments I know what you think, but I'm not deceiving myself. I belonged to him before it happened and I belong to him now. He was with me through it all. I know this much is true, he is faithful, when a sheep wanders he goes out and gets it and brings it back. He forgives, he keeps and he loves his own. Praise the Lord!
  3. I have taken the risk and shared with the women of my church at our bible study. I know it shocked most of them. I have only been a member of our church for two years. At the time I had only been in the church for 1 year. There was a time in my walk with the Lord that I could never have done that, the shame would have been far too great. But that's not so anymore. His forgiveness and love are what I am left with after I face the shame of sin before his throne. I feel that when we fail to share on a deep intimate level we can not truly pray for each others needs. We are also not confessing our sins to each other as we are commanded to do. We are also unable to share in the joy of God working in our lives to relieve us of burdens and sins; encouragement that we all need in our walk. We are missing so much by not doing this: love, shared burdens, prayerful support, encouragement, wisdom, and guidance.
  4. Hi, My name is Donna and I live in western Massachusetts. This will be the first time I've ever taken an online Bible study but it certainly isn't the first Bible study I've done. I am 61 and have four grandchildren. I love having the time to spend with the Lord and being His word. The joy I once had when I first came to him many years ago has returned as I have been spending more time with Him and His word. I look forward to sharing our joy as God blesses all of us through this study.
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