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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Dee Kale

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  1. As I thought about this question, the thought came to my mind if this would be a meaninful question in the early church where persecution and hardship brought the early Chistians together. I sincerely doubt if these Christians had only a "surface level" relationship. I wonder if this is a meaninful question in parts of our world today where persecution continues. Are we now living in a day and time where we are beginning to feel the persecution all around us much more strongly and will need to live out "a closer relationship" for strength and survival?
  2. Good Morning. My name is Dee and I am 62 and have been a Christian sice early childhood. I live in Montana. I have never done a study online and am looking forwarding to it. I am in a discerning process in my life right now. Grew up in a non-denominational church, have been going to a "very denominational" church for the past 6 years, but considering going back to my "roots." I am the mother of a daughter and a son, step-mother of a son, and grandmother of four (3 girls and 1 boy). I retired after 40 years as a paralegal and working part-time as a transcriptionist for a physical therapy office. God's Blessings to everyone.
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