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Everything posted by sweets

  1. the **** of the flesh, . the **** of the eyes, . the pride of life.
  2. planet earth, worldness love, cravings, desire, longing for somthing against God.
  3. we all go thoug some thing, in our lives John lets us know that we are overcomers , we as being youn or old, goes thou tests and trials in this live ,but no matter what comes or goes , we can make with the Lord, cause we have anccount with the Lord.
  4. hate blinds us. unforgiveness makes us unable to forgive, so it make us struggles in our walk with God. trying to get beyond the darkness of our hurt ,thats why we half to go beyond the darkness of our heart and reach for that light of forgiveness, cause in God theres no darkness, God is light.
  5. let the holy spirit bring changes in our lives, they are dening that they are walking in darkness. cause they are pretending to be in fellowship with God . but they are not so they are walking in darkness.
  6. Because there fellowship is not base upon the truth. we got to have a close association involving nmutual. interst and sharing. it will take that koinonia fellowship.
  7. love God, love your neighbor, follow Christ above, be obedience from your heart. dont have a sel- righteous spirit, love God with your hold heart, mind, body and soul.
  8. we have and Advocade with the Father, and that he is the Atoning sacrificee for our sins . by keeping his commandments, and reaching for unlimited Atonement.
  9. I belive that if we confess our sins that he will forgive us of our sins, like he says in his word. his word is not a lie, all we half to do is be trueful from our heart, an mean it from our heart.cause wecant be clean from our sins until we confess. once we confess it cleans us. he ppurify us then we will be clean. he will forgive us,our sins. once he forgive you then he for cleans you. you cant have one with out the other
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