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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Ashech

  1. Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here? What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? To tell we are different now. What is important is the treasure in us. What does the clay jar represent? The clay jar represent our earthly body . What does the treasure represent? The precious Holy Spirit Who live in us. What’s the paradox here? Though we are weak but God's power makes strong to overcome hardship.
  2. Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? Yes, that why Christ had given us the great commission. What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? Our prayers and life must be engaged to help them. How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? Rarely few.
  3. Q1. (2 Corinthians 4:1-2) How do questionable ethics and ministry practices hurt the work of Christ? What is Paul’s alternative in verse 2b? How do questionable ethics and ministry practices hurt the work of Christ? Questionable ethics and ministry practices hurt the work of Christ by causing the authenticity of our faith to be doubtful.It must be authentic and transparent or else it will discourage other to the Jesus our Lord.. What is Paul’s alternative in verse 2b? Let live in full light of truth and try to commence ourselves to everyone's conscience.
  4. Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:10-11a) How does Paul’s mention of the Judgment Seat of Christ fit the context here? How should our belief that we Christians will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to be judged for our works affect (1) our desire to please him? (2) Our motivation to persuade people to receive Christ? How does Paul’s mention of the Judgment Seat of Christ fit the context here? We have to give account to God as to what we have done with the spiritual gifts and ministry we have been given during our life on earth. How should our belief that we Christians will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to be judged for our works affect (1) our desire to please him? This will certainly cause us to re-evaluate our lives in light of this so that we will beware of our deeds. We should always be aiming to please God We should always be aiming to please God We should always be aiming to please God We should always be aiming to pl(2) Our motivation to persuade people to receive Christ? Our reward is to hear, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' This really will motivate us.
  5. Q2. (2 Corinthians 5:6-8) How do Paul’s words comfort you when you consider your death? What do Christians believe happens when we die? What will happen to us if we die before Christ returns? What will happen to us when Christ returns? How do Paul’s words comfort you when you consider your death? Death is only a transition. Then enter eternity to be with our Saviour, a place far much better than this world. What do Christians believe happens when we die? We all will be like Christ. What will happen to us if we die before Christ returns? We in the spirit will be with our Lord but our bodies will return to the earth. What will happen to us when Christ returns? We who are dead shall rise up first and those who are alive shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
  6. Q3. (2 Corinthians 5:7) What does it mean to walk by faith, not by sight? Why can’t nonbelievers understand this kind of living? What aspects of your life are guided by your senses rather than by your faith? How can you bring a faith perspective into these areas? What does it mean to walk by faith, not by sight? To walk by faith and not by sight is to believe in what God have said and having the evidence of of things unseen in God's promises. Faith is the spiritual eyes that see the things of God. Why can’t nonbelievers understand this kind of living? Because they do not want to accept or have anything with God and they are more focused on the things seen, which are just temporary. What aspects of your life are guided by your senses rather than by your faith? Impatience and fear will cause me to be guided by my senses.
  7. Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? In what sense are our bodies like tents? Our bodies are like tents because they are movable. Our body does not stick onto one place only because we travel. If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? Our focus will be more changed towards the Maker of our Eternal Home.
  8. Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Moses glowed by spending time with God on Mt. Sinai, in his tent of meeting, and in the Tabernacle. How can we get a similar glow of the Spirit in our lives? In what way is meditating on Scripture beholding God? Is the low plane of Christianity in our day related to the time we spend in communion with the Lord? What is God leading you to do to increase your glow? How can we get a similar glow of the Spirit in our lives? As we spend time with God daily, and meditate on the Word of God, and then apply the truth of God’s Word to our lives. In what way is meditating on Scripture beholding God? Mediating on Scripture is beholding God from His word. From here we see Him as what His word revealed to us. Is the low plane of Christianity in our day related to the time we spend in communion with the Lord? Yes, the low plane of Christianity in our day is related to the time we spend in communion with the Lord. Most people are not spending time in God’s Word for learning nor for their very existence. They feel that God is not active today. What is God leading you to do to increase your glow? God is leading me to have a greater desire for Jesus our Lord.
  9. Q2. (2 Corinthians 3:16-17) Why is the Holy Spirit essential to help people see truth, and what enables people to come to Christ at all? What kind of freedom does the Spirit give us when we become Christians? Why is the Holy Spirit essential to help people see truth, and what enables people to come to Christ at all? Because He takes off the veil of anyone who is seeking the LORD. And He gives understanding about the goal of life. What kind of freedom does the Spirit give us when we become Christians? The Spirit gives to us freedom, freedom that enables us to function within the laws of God,
  10. Q1. (2 Corinthians 3:7-11) Why did Moses’ face glow? Why did he cover it when he was out with the people? Why didn’t more people’s face glow in Moses’ time? What’s the difference between the spread of God’s glory in Moses’ time when compared to our own time? Why did Moses’ face glow? Because the glory of God fell on Him as he deeply fellowship with God. Why did he cover it when he was out with the people? Because the people could not withstand the brightness of the glory of God on his face. Why didn’t more people’s face glow in Moses’ time? Because he was only one who is able to enter the glorious presence of God. What’s the difference between the spread of God’s glory in Moses’ time when compared to our own time? Compared with our own time the difference between the glory of God in Moses and His glory in us is the Holy Spirit. Today the Holy Spirit lives in us.Through His Spirit, God communicated His glory in us. .
  11. Q1. (2 Corinthians 3:7-11) Why did Moses’ face glow? Why did he cover it when he was out with the people? Why didn’t more people’s face glow in Moses’ time? What’s the difference between the spread of God’s glory in Moses’ time when compared to our own time? Why did Moses’ face glow? Because the glory of God fell on Him as he deeply fellowship with God. Why did he cover it when he was out with the people? Because the people could not withstand the brightness of God on his face. Why didn’t more people’s face glow in Moses’ time? Because he was only one who is able to enter the glorious presence of God. What’s the difference between the spread of God’s glory in Moses’ time when compared to our own time? Compared with our own time the difference between the glory of God in Moses and His glory in us is the Holy Spirit. Today the Holy Spirit lives in us.Through His Spirit, God communicated His glory in us. .
  12. Q1. (2 Corinthians 3:7-11) Why did Moses’ face glow? Why did he cover it when he was out with the people? Why didn’t more people’s face glow in Moses’ time? What’s the difference between the spread of God’s glory in Moses’ time when compared to our own time? Why did Moses’ face glow? Because the glory of God fell on Him as he deeply fellowship with God. Why did he cover it when he was out with the people? Because the people could not withstand the brightness of God on his face. Why didn’t more people’s face glow in Moses’ time? Because he was only one who is able to enter the glorious presence of God. What’s the difference between the spread of God’s glory in Moses’ time when compared to our own time? Compared with our own time the difference between the glory of God in Moses and His glory in us is the Holy Spirit. Today the Holy Spirit lives in us.Through His Spirit, God communicated His glory in us. .
  13. Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? Same as Moses' face shone as he spent 40 days with God. What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Transformation ! Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? I notice the change in my mind, heart and deeds.
  14. Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? Training is usually based on knowledge however personal submission to the Spirit is wisdom. Effectiveness in ministry relies on this two. Are you able to "listen to the Spirit's voice" in your own life? Yes, in certain time of my own life. Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? This ability is so important in being a competent minister as it makes the minister effective in whatever plan.
  15. Q2. (2 Corinthians 3:2-3) In what sense are we “living letters”? The bible is only a book to know the True Living God. We are living letters where the Word of God is made into our life where others will see God in Us. In what way can people “read us”? They read us whether we are good or bad Christians Why is it so important to be authentic, not phony, in our lives? If we are a TRUE Christians, we will strive to walk in the Lord so that our life will turn others to the Lord. Besides we have to give an account to our Savior, The Lord Jesus, that we are not a stumbling block to others. What happens when people “read” something in you that they admire and mention it to you? How might you respond appropriately? I give all the credit to my Lord Jesus Christ.
  16. Q1. (2 Corinthians 2:14-16a) In what sense is knowing God fragrant to people who are open to God? In what way is this fragrance repugnant to people who are closed to God? Have you suppressed your “fragrance” because some people are allergic to Christian perfume? If so, how can you regain the fragrance of Christ’s gospel? In what sense is knowing God fragrant to people who are open to God? They welcome it and are convinced that is sweet and beneficial. In what way is this fragrance repugnant to people who are closed to God? When they have prejudice and rejection in their hearts. Have you suppressed your “fragrance” because some people are allergic to Christian perfume? Yes in some way. If so, how can you regain the fragrance of Christ’s gospel? By living as a testimony of Christ before them.
  17. Q3. (2 Corinthians 1:10-11) Why does Paul ask people to pray for him? How do the prayers of others have an effect? What happened in your life that has helped you enter into a ministry of intercessory prayer? Why does Paul ask people to pray for him? I think the idea was to make people know his problems he was encountering so that they will share the burden in prayer. Sharing in this way will create a heart of humility before God. How do the prayers of others have an effect? They help to bring comfort and strength that there are people still with me sharing the burden that I am encountering. What happened in your life that has helped you enter into a ministry of intercessory prayer? I think the instinct that is in me to the delight.
  18. Q2. (2 Corinthians 1:9-10) How does facing a harrowing crisis help us grow in the Lord? How has a crisis helped your spiritual life? What is the value of learning not to rely on ourselves? What does this do to our pride? How does this improve our effectiveness as God’s servants? How does facing a harrowing crisis help us grow in the Lord? Facing a harrowing crisis helps us grow in the Lord by undstanding what our Lord desire of us and the way He delivers us from every difficult situation. How has a crisis helped your spiritual life? It compels me to grow in patience with dwelling more in prayers and believing that God will deliver me from the crisis. . What is the value of learning not to rely on ourselves? The value is experience that, we cannot achieve anything if we rely on ourselfves but with God, it is amazing. What does this do to our pride? This shows that God does not work with our pride as it might lead us astray from God. How does this improve our effectiveness as God’s servants? The effectiveness comes with humility in us.
  19. Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? My life is in God's hand. From your personal daily relationship with God? Sometimes God comforts me with His word in times of distress. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? I share the comfort of God will let me forget my agony What words of comfort can you bring to others? Rom.8:28 all things work together for good for those who love God. As long as we still love God, we will experience the good outcome.
  20. Pastor Ralph, on 11 March 2011 - 04:16 AM, said:Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways? 1) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? To speak to the rock. 2) What did Moses actually do? He struck the rock. 3) In what way did he sin? He did not recpect God's holy word. 4) What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? Anger and pride. 5) What must leaders do when they sin in these ways? Repent and plea for forgiveness.
  21. Q3. (Numbers 25; Revelation 2:14) Though Balaam wouldn
  22. Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah
  23. Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? 1) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? To transfer sin to the animal. 2) Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? Be reminded of the pain in the penalty of sin. 3) How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? Significant is life is in the blood. Without shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. 4) In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? He gave His life and shedded His blood to redeem us from our sin once for all.
  24. Q3. What does the arrangement of the furniture, the tabernacle, and the courtyard teach us about worship? Why do you come to the bronze altar and the laver or basin before you reach the tent itself? 1) What does the arrangement of the furniture, the tabernacle, and the courtyard teach us about worship? God is God of order and holy. 2) Why do you come to the bronze altar and the laver or basin before you reach the tent itself? We need sacrifice, forgiveness and clensing.
  25. Q2. (Exodus 25:10-22) What is the significance of the Ark in the Holy of Holies? What did it represent? Why was it considered so holy? If no one really sat upon it, why was it so important? 1) What is the significance of the Ark in the Holy of Holies? God is Almighty, merciful on His throne and reverent by holy angels. 2) What did it represent? God was present with them. 3) Why was it considered so holy? Because it was considered the throne of God and here God listened to his priest. 3) If no one really sat upon it, why was it so important? Yes, for His Spirit is on it.
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