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  1. Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Adoption is a perfect illustration of God's relationship with us because Paul was trying to unify the the Gentile and Jewish Christians in Ephesus. As pointed out in todays lesson in Roman society a person with low social status could be raised to the highest status through adoption. The Jewish Christians were very confident in their identity as being God's chosen people and through Christ the Messiah coming they has to feel all the more confident in God's love for them since He once again fulfilled His word. So the Jewish Christians were like the "hight status" if you will - and the Gentile Christians were the "lower status". And because Ephesus was a Roman providence both Gentiles and Jews living there knew the rights and privileges that adoption brought. Now I have a better understanding of this. Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? I am encouraged because by the concept of adoption because I am a child, heir, and citizen in the Kingdom of the most high God.
  2. To be holy means to be God's child who have been set apart for His service. I love that it has been pointed out that it's "in His eyes" that we are blameless. Because of the redemptive work of Jesus we are able to stand blameless before God. When God sees us He sees the sacrifice of Jesus - as we are coved under the blood of Jesus. My holiness and blamelessness has nothing to be with the way I see myself, but has everything to do with the way God sees me. In His eyes I am holy and blameless.
  3. What's scary about predestination is that it can easily be misrepresented if not careful. To be honest I have questioned if I have been predestined especially during difficult times in my personal life etc. I know that was nothing but the enemy trying to convince me that God did not care about me or my situation. I had believed in predestination because it was taught to me but I did not study it for myself. So for the passive Christian the concept of predestination maybe scary if they are not sure of what God actually says about predestination or assurance and justification for that matter. The most comforting thing about predestination is that two words before predestination appears love appears. See it was "In love He predestinated us . . .", how awesome is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To know that God acts out of deep love for you and I is so wonderful and so overwhelming to process at time. Paul brings this up because the Jewish Christians has a history with God if you will, They were very secure in who they were in God, because they were His chosen people. But the Gentiles on the other hand were just getting to know the only true and living God. I am sure they were also overwhelmed by God's loving kindness and questioned if they really belonged to Him at times. I can imagine them thinking, "God I think you made a mistake my choosing me to be your child." By Paul explaining to the believers in Ephesus that even before God created the world he made the loving decision to include the Gentiles in His family they had to feel a since of confidence in who they were in God and in this plan for salvation. I think Paul wanted the believers in Ephesus to know that their being predestinated is truly a reason to praise God.
  4. to be "in Christ" means i have security. this security gives me peace and joy. i realize that being "in Christ" means that i posses the mind and character of Christ. the things that are important to him are important to me. as Christ is so am i. as a result of being "in Christ" i strive to make the decision on a daily basis to rely on Christ and not automaticly respond in my flesh. i recognize that being "in Christ" i have been given blessings and benefits . . . however i have responsibilities which i am compelled to carry out in the name of Jesus. i desire to fulfill these responsibilities because of my frail human love for Him. i know i can never repay God or Jesus for thier loving kindness . . . for choosing me in the Beloved, but i receive such joy when i am encouraging and serving huring people in an effort to demonstrate the Love of God bring glory to God. He makes the important weightier things so clear when i am willing to really seek the Kingdom of God and all righteousness above anything else as Matt. 6 instructs. to be "in Christ" = blessings and benefits as we seek the Kingdom of God and all righteousness!!!!!!!!!!
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