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Foofee's Nana

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Posts posted by Foofee's Nana

  1. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

    Why is this verse so famous?

    I think this was one of the first verses we learned as children in Sunday School. It tells os God's goodness....His giving so that we might live.

    What does it teach us about God?

    It teaches us that God is a God of love, that he does not want anyone to perish....not just the Jewish people of the world.

    What does it teach us about salvation?

    It teaches that is a gift freely given by God and all we need to do is believe....that's it....


  2. What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God?

    We know from the teachings of Christ Jesus that it is a spiritual kingdom......spiritually discerned and spiritually entered.

    Do you think Nicodemus understands him?

    I think it would have been a deep question for Nicodemus.....he was in the ruling class of Jewish leaders and also followed all Jewish law....yet, he saw, he saw with human eyes and felt that tugging by the hand of God. Perhpas he kept questioning but I think that God opens our mind by our thoughts and questions.

    Why or why not?

    I think he opened his mind first and then God still wooed him to come and seek out the Savior.....Nicodemus had a hunger for the truth. Even thought the Jews were expecting a military leader I think he saw this was the King.

  3. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom?

    He teaches us that it is worth everything...that to enter we need to lay down self, or waht is important to us and follow Him.

    Why are we tempted to value it so little?

    We are in this world and I think our vision becomes where we think the things we have, the things we possess are definitive of who we are. We become fearful to give up to follow Him, when this is the path with all the prizes....a free trip to HEAVEN.

    What helps us to appreciate its true value?

    I think we can appreciate it's true value when we see that Jesus gave HIs life for us.....what a price He paid.

    How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

    I think my testimony has been one of ups and downs, of struggles and triumphs.....but ut has all been done with the glory and guidance Christ Jesus. He has been abundantly good to me and saved me form a life of sorrow....to a life of His joy, His peace.

  4. Why is poverty and self-sacrifice an inadequate religion?

    If poverty and self-sacrifice were the only requirements to loving Churst Jesus many of us would have always been qualified.....but it is something deep in the heart, in the mind...of laying down anything we put before God in order to serve Him more dearly.

    Why does Jesus ask the man to follow him?

    He is asking him to follow Him to be one of His disciples....waht a joy this would have been to the young ruler.

    In what senses was this a great privilege that the man was offered?

    This young man would have been one of the ones that followed Jesus.....learned at His feet and then spread the gospel to others.

    Why did he reject the offer?

    He could not walk away from the riches or position he held....so he walked away from Jesus.

  5. Why do you think Jesus requires the rich young ruler to divest himself of his fortune?

    It would have him put away all that he served now, and serve the Living God. The young ruller had always followed the Jewish law and Jesus knew this, he was moral, and all that it implies....Jesus wanted him to see that he needed to lay down what stood between him and the Savior.

    Why does this trouble us so much?

    I think this troubles us because it makes us feel vulnerable....we keep thinking that we all need money to live.....to exist....can everyone give away all......I am not a scholar of the Bible...but it seems Christ Jesus wasnts us to walk more closely to Him...to put our deepest trust in Him.....if we have things that are a hindrance we need to lay them down.

    If there was no other way for the man to be saved, what does that say about the spiritual dangers of wealth?

    Scripture says we can not serve two masters....we can not serve money and God both. Money has that strange way of getting to the formefront of our brains, our thinking, and God does not want it to be an idol.

  6. What do the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price have in common?

    In both of these stories someone finds something of the greatest value and sells EVERYTHING they have to be able to purchase that treasure.

    What is the main point of these parables?

    I think the main point is that we are willing to give up everything aand take that treasure of the salvation of Christ Jesus. We can not just remain as we are, we have to take that step.

    How should it affect our values?

    Our values should be above board, willing to deal with all things we do in a Godly manner.....we have been bought by a price.

    Our lives?

    I think we should live our lives in love and service to Him.

  7. What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors?

    This passage is telling us that when we are doing the daily tasks of our life...working, chatting, sleeping at night ....that SUDDENLY...with no warning at all.....no sirens, no hoopla....the world as we know it will change. His Kingdom will come.....we will be taken to Him....in exactly waht context this will be....I do not know...I just know to be with Jesus will be wonderful. We should be living as this day were our last, getting ourselves right....loving, testifying, LOVING....LOVING......LOVING......is there a better wa to show the mercy and grace of our Christ Jesus ??? We should be kind and bearing all things.....as we await that day of glory.

  8. What indications does Jesus give in this passage that he will suddenly come in his Kingdom without further warning? What are the implications of this for our attitude? For our lives?

    He rfers to different stories from the Bible....where the destruction of God comes without warning. We know specifically about Lot and the leaving from Sodom, God told them not to look back abut Lot's wife did and was turned to a pillar of salt. We need to be careful about what we are doing, how we live our daily lives....Jesus could come at a moments notice. We need to be in a prayerful, loving, joyful attitude....waiting on that day and not thinking about missing this life. Come Lord Jesus....Come.....

  9. In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

    The Kingdom of God is present with Christ Jesus in His teachings, HIs personality, His love, His mercy, His healing, His kindness....in Him. So if it is in Him, it is in me, it is in you, if we believe and love Chirst Jesus. The Kingdom of God is present today because I am in Chrsist Jesus. I am His so He dwells in me....someday He will come and we will be with Him but for now He abides in me.....

  10. Why is continual asking, seeking, and knocking so essential to our looking forward to the Kingdom?

    We need to take action and then we can expect results. We do not want to sit on the sidelines and whimper about all of life. We need to boldly seek the Father and be His child.

    Why do we give up so easily?

    I think we give up so easily because we are afraid of asking the wrong thing...of seeking only our own will. Perhaps at times we are just too timid to tell what is on our heart.

    How do we gain boldness and persistence in prayer?

    We gain boldness by following the action examples that Christ Jesus gave us....ask and it sahll be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened. We need top step out in faith and belief.

  11. Jesus seems to make it sound like you can't seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

    Jesus says that we can not serve two masters....and I think He means this.

    I do not think it is an hyperbole.

    No it is not figurative.

    I think it is quite literal.

    Yes, I think that wealthy people can indeed serve God. We do not have to be poor to seek the kingdom of God first. We do not want to make money the thing we live and die for.....we may need it to live but we NEED our Savior more. I think that wealthy people can serve God and be good stweards of their money....they can feed the hungry, clothe the naked.....and serve a living Christ Jesus.

  12. Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom?

    A person has to have that hunger to do the will of God, to follow His pathways. Sometimes we are baby Christains and even if planted in good soil, we need to mature and be obedeint to the will of God. We need to WANT to follow Him, to serve Him better.....to be more like Him.

    What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

    This kind of growth is caused by the seed falling on good soil....this believer hears and understands the word of God. He puts it to practice in daily life and it shows by the abundance around him.

  13. Which of the thorns that Jesus mentions do you think is the most dangerous: Riches, worries/cares, or pleasures? Why do you think so?

    The thorn of pleasure....if we want to make ourself happy first, to be content in our glory....to want...want...want...then we leave no place for our Savior. i think that the deire to be happy, filled up with pleasures cuts off the road to Christ....we make excuses and forget what he paid for our eternal joy....His redemptive blood on the cross.

  14. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God?

    If we do not repent, turn away from the sin in ourlives, how can we be serious about serving the Savior?

    Why is baptism important to converts to the King?

    When we have repented and started our walk with Jesus, we want to follow in baptism....it is not a saving act but one of obedience.

    Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

    I do not think so....we have to want Him, to turn away from our old ways and follow Him.

  15. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repent of their known sins?

    If people say they are Christians and do not repent they only put on an outward show of loving God....but inside they know they want to keep ding the old things....following the desires of the old self. This leads to alwasy living in guilt and self loathing.

    Why do people avoid repentance?

    People avoid repentence because they like their old ways, they do not want to give up themselves to follow Christ Jesus.

    What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

    The percentage of Christians that are not repentent is known only to God. Perhaps what I see as another believer is misleading and I would not want to judge them.

  16. What kinds of perils were the early Roman Christians likely exposed to?

    They were threatened with being thrown to the lions, being burned alive, any sort of death...I am sure crucifixtion was still part of the Roman way f death as it had been for Christ Jesus.

    What kinds of perils are Christians exposed to today?

    In our country we have freedom of worship although many here take this more has a political agenda. Other countries around the world may not be as fortunate as we are and still face persecution for their beliefs. As Christians we can still face that being set apart, even in this country but ut is something we have to be willing to do.

    How does this passage reassure us?

    To be more than a conqueror...to know that nothing can separate us form the love of God makes one breathe that sigh of relief...I am a saved person, a child of God.

    In what sense do we Christians "overwhelmingly conquer" (NASB) despite the obstacles we face? We have that wonderful sense of peace that God will forgive us....He will forget our son.....He has provided His beloved to pay the price for us.....no longer will Satan or his force be able to stand in accusation of us.

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