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Standing On the Rock

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Everything posted by Standing On the Rock

  1. A4. The most compelling proof of the resurrection for me is the post-resurrection appearances of Christ. There are far too many individual eyewitnesses, in very many different locations, at different times, who are without motive to deceive, that have testified to the appearance of Jesus in bodily form to them. The appearance of Jesus in human bodily form after the crucifixion, over a period of 40 days to different individuals, was the topic of common knowledge and widespread conversation. In explaining to a person unsure of the validity of Jesus resurrection, I would first point out, that Christ suffering, death, and resurrection was foretold in Scripture. Luke 24:46-49, Luke 24:25-26. Then we would review the sightings of Jesus by various individuals after the crucifixion.
  2. A1. The ability to explain away the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is an indication of the inability to believe the Lord Jesus Christ is, in fact, who He says in his Word, He is. The two are contradictions. They just do not mix. If you can explain away the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, you cannot believe in Jesus Christ, His Word, or the Father God almighty Himself. The belief that God sent His son Jesus Christ to earth specifically to die, be buried and resurrected for the remission of sin, is the cornerstone of Christianity. If you don
  3. Jesus resurrection was when his body left the tomb and appeared alive to his disciples and others, never to die again. It speaks specifically to His victory over death. Jesus ascension occurred about 40 days after His resurrection and took place just outside of Jerusalem near Bethany. It speaks specifically to His exaltation by His father to the highest place, the right hand of His father. Jesus ascension is the final aspect of His resurrection from the dead; His ascension to his original and rightful place in God
  4. _ It was flesh and bones _He could eat _His body could be touched and handled by others _He could walk and talk _His wounds were still visible _He could be recognized by others at his will _He could enter locked doors, disappear, and appear at will.
  5. (Luke 24:12; John 20:6-8) What about the grave clothes brought Peter and John to faith? What was so peculiar about them? The grave clothes were neatly folded in the tomb as though Jesus simply emerged through them. There was no disturbance to them. They were somehow preserved in the same fashion as when they were wrapped around the body of Jesus.
  6. 1. Jesus was dead and buried 2. The disciples were not ready for Jesus death. They were overcome with confusion. 3. The tomb was found Easter morning empty. 4. The disciples encountered a number of experiences which they took to be appearances of Jesus risen from the dead. 5. The disciples proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus in Jerusalem, near where he had been buried. Jesus died, was buried and rose again
  7. A4. Jesus' enemies were familiar with the real event of Jonah and his rescue or
  8. A3. 6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus is saying I am the gateway, the bridge, the passage way, the only way to everlasting life with God the father all mighty. Thru Jesus the righteous, dead and living, will live again! But you can only get to that life, eternal life with our eternal Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior. Those that believe in Christ Jesus will arise from the grave, to live eternal life with God the Father.
  9. The result of resurrection for the righteous will be everlasting life with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Life without sorrow, hunger or worry; New, abundant life in Christ Jesus without sickness, pain or grief.
  10. A3. Because we associate all things good with God, we also connect the good times, times of abundance and smooth sailing as well as rescues in life with being blessed by God. We have come to understand the comfort He provides us with as being His blessing. We know His mercy and His grace protects us and shields us. Therefore, when we think about or envision being blessed, the crises we go through don
  11. A3. Because we associate all things good with God, we also connect the good times, times of abundance and smooth sailing as well as rescues in life with being blessed by God. We have come to understand the comfort He provides us with as being His blessing. We know His mercy and His grace protects us and shields us. Therefore, when we think about or envision being blessed, the crises we go through don
  12. A1. For the Christian, the mindset of a sojourner is imperative. It relieves us from the bondage of environmental conformity. If I don
  13. A2. Jacob is acting upon instructions from God Himself. He is doing his part in the fulfillment of the covenant between God and Abraham, between God and Isaac, and between himself and God. Just as Isaac through trickery gave the blessing to the
  14. A2. Jacob is acting upon instructions from God Himself. He is doing his part in the fulfillment of the covenant between God and Abraham, between God and Isaac, and between himself and God. Just as Isaac through trickery gave the blessing to the
  15. . For the Christian, the mindset of a sojourner is imperative. It relieves us from the bondage of environmental conformity. If I don
  16. A4. I think Jacob was reassured instantly, when he heard the Lord call his name!!! It was confirmation that the Lord had not forgotten him at all. Jacob
  17. A3. The difference between Jacob and Joseph is their relationship with God. Jacob prayed and worshipped God for personal protection whenever he felt threatened, afraid or remorseful. Joseph prayed and worshipped God during the battle, resting assured on his confidence and faith in the Lord
  18. A1. Perhaps it was a plea for attention from their father. Maybe they are saying Joseph is no more, but father we are here, pay us attention and find favor with us. Perhaps they felt as though they would never get their father
  19. Idolatry in his household and the incident at Shechem weighed heavy on Jacob
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