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Everything posted by klkatak

  1. The potter has the right to place what he has created where he wants and to give or use it for any purpose. He can place it in a prominent place or a more hidden place. Generally the potter has a sort of pride, attachment, care for, or connection to what he has made. It is like a footprint- an imprinting of himself. That makes me want to maintain that connection and attachment to God as my Maker, to do the best I can in what I do. It makes me want to have a sense of peace about where God has placed me- geographically, work-wise, family-wise, position-wise, etc.
  2. Second-guessing, resisting the potter would make it harder for the potter to form the clay into the desired vessel. Clay that is malleable is ideal. I know I do and have done this often- I've gone through times where I've doubted or tried to hide the dreams, desires, thoughts and feelings God placed inside of me- seeing them as inferior to others' thoughts/feelings/dreams, sometimes figuring that mine must be wrong if they were different or didn't fit the usual "mold". A better attitude is that of knowledge of the way we have been made- strengths and weaknesses. When we know them and see them used we can better appreciate the way God has made us and the way He has made others. Trusting God in confidence.
  3. I think this indicates the personal nature of God- the relationship He wants to have with us. "I AM WHO I AM" shows the everlasting aspects of God. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The present tense being used at any time helps indicate this. I think also that it indicates a desire to be known for who He is, not just what He has done and will do. Also maybe a comfortability with His being--instilling that confidence in us as well.
  4. This phrase is humbling and reassuring to me. The more I can grasp God's holiness the more at peace I am, the more filled with motivation and awe for life, love, and serving God.
  5. The titles "King of Glory" and "Father of Glory" bring to mind awe and wonder in regards to God. Acknowledging the glory of God puts my heart and mind in the right place. We come to reflect God's glory like the moon reflects the sun (I think I heard that somewhere). We should "make His praise glorious" too.
  6. Hi! I live in Alaska with my husband and our little West Highland Terrier. (They are the little white dogs with the pointy ears like "Bolt"- he's the cutest!) I am participating in this study along with some women from the PWOC group at our church- Protestant Women of the Chapel. I'm looking forward to diving deeper into God's word through this study! Krista
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