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Posts posted by quilter

  1. 1.It means to die without knowing Jesus Christ as our Savior.

    2.It means you will not have eternal life with our Savior.They will forever be seperated from Christ.

    3.In our study of the bible it tells us to be beliver of Jesus if we don't accept his gift  we will die in our sins.Jesus knew they would never accept Him.

    4.Most people won't talk about our Lord they are ashamed of him and we know what the word says about this. They are so hung up on other worldly things they don't give him a thought. Even living in sin Jesus is there waiting for them to give their lives to him. We have a Holy God to worship and I pray no person  will miss this.

    5. I know people like this they do the Lord's work but is so far from Him. We have to be a beliver in order to be a solider for Jesus Christ works will not take you to heaven.

  2. 1.Death brings eternal darkness and only Christ's eternal life planted in us will keep us alive in His new Kingdom for eternity.

    2. His promise is that He will give to the ones that believes hope and light of His eternal life. It can't be bought it is a gift of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

    3. We have to live for our Savior Jesus Christ. We have to read His word daily. Darkness is when we don't have Jesus in our lives.

  3. 1. This is a statement about judging others. Because he upheld the legal penalty for adultery, which is stoning Jesus could not be accused of being against the law. With saying that only a sinless person could throw the first stone He was showing the importance of compassion and forgiveness.

    2. I think a lot of people hide behind this. If they are called out on their sins this verse is often used.

    3.No because there is no such person we are all sinners saved by grace. We need to have love and forgiveness in our heart and leave the judging to our Holy Father Jesus Christ.

    4. These scriptures goes right along  with John teaching. In Matthew Jesus told us to examine our own motives and conducts instead of judging others. 

  4. 1.He invites all of us. He gives to all who believes. You have to be spiritually thristy for His word and you will receive. 

    2.When we receive the Holy Spirit we are promised to everlasting life with our Lord and Savior.

    3. Jesus had not been glorified at this time and in scripitures it says I will go and send a Comforter to you.

    4.In my life it has been fulfilled that I can go to the  Loving Savior at anytime talk to him at anytime .The Holy Spirit has truly worked in my life and made me see God's word more clearly.The most important thing about the Holy Spirit is that we will have an everlasting life with our Savior Jesus Chrisit


  5. 1.We cannot to do God's will unless we know it. Many of us goes along our daily lives and don't think a think of being obedient to God. First we must get to know God through His word and give our live to Him and become a believer. When we come to believe we will want to know God's will for us. We will want to do His work in telling others what He has done for us because we are willing to  obey Him and His truth.So my answer to this question no we cannot do God's will if don't know God.

    2. if we don't put God first in our lives and are willing to obey we are not of the Father.You have to read God's word pray the Holy spirit will fill you this will happen if  you believe and obey the truth.

  6. 1. Rabbis was taught or trained by others rabbis. I think older  and wiser people would have a hand in this training. Wiser and older believing can be an asset to new believer.

    2. Jesus was taught by our Lord His Father. Jesus came to teach and to show all of us the way to eternal life.  John 7:16-17 tells how He taught.

    3. The disciples was taught by Jesus through the Lord. Jesus teaching was of His Father. He was the example the disciples wanted to learn from. Like all of us we have to believe  in what He is teaching and believe in the words He spoke in the Bible.

    4.Theological training is taking the scriptures and get deeper in the word of God. Being able to explain the word. To me anyone can do this without theological training by studying and asking the Holy Spirit to help you understand.It also help us to pass on and explain the Bible to others.

    5.The Holy Spirit is what helps us to learn what God is saying to us through His words. When I study I ask God for knowledge and wisdom and sometimes it comes so fast its amazing. When Jesus ascended He sent back the Holy Spirit so He could be with us at anytime and to help us to learn His word and to be obedient to Him and His word and to live daily unto His likeness.

  7. 1.Jesus had much more work to do. He stayed away because it wasn't his time and He knew the people would try to kill him, this tells me it is God's timing not ours.


    2. God gave us common sense not to walk into dangerous situation knowing we would be hurt or killed.We depend on the Holy Spirit to protect us us.  If we have dangerous  choices to make we need right then to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us.

  8. 1.Being united with Christ, which means by believing in his death (the sacrifice of his flesh) and his resurrection.

    2. He was saying that His life had to become their own.

    3.They are the same in that if we don;t accept Christ as our Savior we will not have everlasting life.

    4. Sometimes Jesus used repugnant  words to see who stayed or left. Life with Jesus is not always take the good and flee when it is bad. I think Jesus used the words in a manner to see who could or could not handle them.

  9. 1.God, not man plays the most active role in salvation. When someone chooses  to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior,he does so only in response to the urging of God's Holy Spirit

    We do nothing on our own everything comes from our Savior.


    2.I think it is predestination. I think before we were born our Savior knew who would seek him and live for him.


    3.I think the Holy Spirit works in all of us ,even the unbelievers when we feel it and respond  to it that is the difference if we reject the Holy Spirit we may never get another chance.It is hard for some people to know when the Spirit is tugging at us. God is talking to us and giving us a chance to be a be a part of him give our lives to Him and respond when we feel His Spirit.


    Read God;s word ask someone to help you understand pray for knowledge and wisdom just don;t do nothing God wants all of us to live  with Him forever. 

  10. 1.Some believers go out and work hard for Jesus,but they don't him as their Saviour. Your works will not get you to Heaven. You may go to church, help the shut-in all good things but you have to know our Lord  Jesus Christ.

    2.Believing that  Jesus was sent here by His Father to do His Father;s will. To sum it up believing that Jesus is who He claims to be.

  11. 1. Some of the follower and I call them followers to seek their own agenda. food and anything to could get for their own use. A true believer don't do that. 

    2. A true believer follows Jesus because of his love for us. His dying on the cross for us and for the opportunity to be able to go to him with anything at anytime.  We can go to his words in the Bible for comfort at anytime.

  12. Some time we are so engulfed with rules and this is how we do it here we a lot. The Pharisees are upset first because of the man carry his mat and second because Jesus healed on the Sabbath.


    the Pharisees were more concern about petty rules than a man being healed It is so easy to get caught up in our man made structures and rules we forget about the people involved.


    The Pharisees sin was to see a man healed after  38 years of sickness  all they could see was it was done on the wrong day. When Jesus comes to us no matter what day take it pick up thy bed and walk.

    Praise His Holy Name




  13. I think the man was disrespectful ,not appreciative. he got to the water and complain someone would jump in front of him.

    I do not think he had faith that he would be heal after going there for 38 years.

    Jesus love is so great that the man was all of the above. He saw a man that needed healing body and soul


    Maybe vanity some of us are so sure we can make it on our own that we miss the love and what Jesus can do for us and what He did by going to the cross.

  14. It builds faith by seeing that when all is hopeless there is away to turn that around believing on the miracle maker.


    If we have to see miracles to believe on Jesus Christ then we are weak faith. We need to be like the solider Jesus said your son is heal and he left knowing that he would live that is true faith. When I pray I know my prayer will be answered not on my timing but God's timing. All it takes is to believe on our Holy Jesus Christ.


    He  rebuke because they could not believe without signs and miracles.

  15. Jesus saw all the people the woman told and He stay that second day to tell them about his Father and who He was.


    Jesus died on the cross for everyone not just certain people He is King of Kings and Lord of Lord. If you are a believer you will reign with him forever and ever. he is our eternal life.


    Our church mission is is to get out and work and change peoples lives as He did for us

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