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  1. It seems to me that there are different levels of deceiption which on some cases we justify why we are doing something so it doesn't seem like deceiption. In reality I have learned through the bible that the levels don't matter its all deceiption. So, I believe that as humans we need to stop trying to justify what we do so we act like we are not sinning. I would rather just go to the bible if there is a question as to whether it is a sin or not. Most of the time I know if I think it could me IT IS so don't do it!!
  2. Well, I had one child to avoid that! Just kidding. The difference in treatment between my brother and I never became a big problem until both parents passed away when we were grown. My brother had deep resentment and anger that I was always treated better by all the aunts and uncles; he was left at home unwanted. When in reality they took me out of the house to get away from my alcoholic father who only liked my brother and made my life miserable. How could our life be perceived so totally different? My anger towards my father ended when I became saved and turned my life over to the Lord. I forgave him and moved on. My relationship with my brother will alwasy be difficult and hurtful towards me because he is not saved and does not know forgiveness. I am happy that I can talk to the Lord about this problem and let him handle it for me. I pray my brother can find peace thru the Lord. My parents never acknowledged the unfairness to us but I know that my mother tried to protect each of us in her own way.
  3. I don't see how he can take it back. God is going to work it out his way no matter what.
  4. Well, for me it is always about being able to trust in the Lord and let things happen as he plans. Its hard to not step in and help it along. Mom's tend to do this for their children so they don't have to struggle or wait for what they want. Rebecca in this case did not trust in the Lord to let it happen his way and at his time frame. Even if she did tell her son they could have discussed it and said all will happen in the Lord's time and way. Instead they stepped in and took advantae of Esau weakness.
  5. I think that Isaac was the most spiritual because he prayed to the Lord not for himself but on behalf of his wife to have a child of which was answered with twins. Esua selfishly valued immediately gratification more than his birthright. He may have been sorry later and was forgiven but some things cannot be undone by our actions. Jacob was not deceitful but not totally blameless since he knew of Esua weakness and took advantage. Never sons were what I would consider spiritual and Rebekka seemed to put the seed in Jacob's head in the first place.
  6. It says that he is godless for selling his inheritence rights for a single meal. Esau was only concerned with instant gratification which was a strong temptation before him to get what he wants now with no thought to the consequences. Jacob on the other hand was willing deny himself that moment to get what he most values later not valuing integrity with his actions. So of course Esau felt deceived by his actions when in reality he did not value his birthright over the stew. They are forgiven for their sinful actions but somethings the result of actions cannot be changed no matter how sorry you are.
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