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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Vaiden Rochelle

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Everything posted by Vaiden Rochelle

  1. Paul could have singled out Archippus because Paul loved him and his church and wanted them to be in complete favor with God by doing all that He instructed them to do. Archippus would be the type of person who only half listened to God and only half did what God told him to do. Unfortunately, that is me sometimes. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit checks me on this, I admit my guilt and ask for forgiveness, and God forgives me. Thank you, Lord, for not giving up on me! Thank you for loving me even though I'm not worthy. Thank you, Lord, for helping me do better next time.
  2. What guidelines does Paul give us to form our praying habits? We are not to get tired of talking with God. We should talk to Him daily and often. Jesus did. We must continue praying and watching for God's answers, and then we must be thankful when they come. We will become stronger in the Lord by talking with Him and hearing what He needs to tell us.
  3. In what way does obedience prepare a child for everyday life in the future? We always will have to answer to someone. If we work, we have supervisors, if we are stay at home moms, we have husbands whom we must submit to since they are the head of the house. We even have the government bodies that enforce the laws we are to obey. Therefore, it makes sense to teach our children the importance of obedience as they grow up. They will be used to obeying parents, so this will be an easier transition for them to make compared to not having to obey anyone as they grow up. In what way does obedience prepare a child for spiritual life in the future? Since the parents will teach the child obedience as they grow up, obeying God will be much easier to do. It helps if both parents are Christians and the child sees them obeying God. What can fathers do to keep from discouraging their children? They should be interested in what their children are interested in doing. Also, they should listen to them and talk with them about all things. Encourage their children. Another thing for fathers to do is to be with them and participate in activities with them. Also, fathers should not go overboard in discipline. The punishment should justify the crime type of thing works best.
  4. Christian virtues are so important to Christ because He wants us to live this way. He wants us to live in peace with everyone, including Himself and ourselves, so that we honor Him and also so that "the whole church will stay together in peace." (The Living Bible) These virtues are important to the church because we are like "iron that sharpens iron." We are to encourage one another, worship together, which is hard to do when there are problems within the church, and pray with one another. These virtues are important to non-Christians so that they can see how Christians react to problems and situations as opposed to how the world responds. When we practice good virtues in the face of adversity, those around us will be able to see the difference and perhaps want to have the same peace and spirit we have. These virtues are important in our homes because the enemy will try to attack us from "within." This "within" is often our homes. We need to be strong in order to continue in our walk. Also, if there are children in the home, they can see how we handle situations and model their lives after our example.
  5. The sins of the tongue are so easy to slip into because it is easy to let our emotions get in the way of sound thinking. Once we say something it's out there, and no matter how sincere we are with an apology, the intent behind the words are still there. Relationships are often destroyed or at least altered. The only way we can break free of sins fo the tongue is to continually earnestly pray for God to change our hearts into what He wants us to feel and to say only the things that are pleasing to Him. For many of us, this is going to take lots of prayer and practice. Fortunately, when we slip up and curse, The HOly Spirit will immediately speak to us about it, and we can ask for forgiveness, and God will forgive us. However, the key is to really want to change our lives so that we are living the way God wants us to live.
  6. Why is sexual **** so difficult for people, especially males? Sexual **** is especially difficult for males because they are aroused by the visual sense more than any other. That's why the opposite sex should pay attention to how they dress, the signals they send, and what they say at all times. Of course, girls and women often respond to the visual sense as well. However, they are more aroused than their counterparts to kindness, intelluctual process, personality, and tenderness. Both sexes should watch how they conduct themselves. Sexual desires will be easier to control if we maintain a personal daily relationship with Jesus. This is something that many people need to pray about daily. Jesus loves us, and wants us to talk to Him. So, we should tell Him about our situation and ask for His guidance.
  7. Forgiveness freed us from the Law by the blood of Jesus on the cross. Jesus knew that mankind could not keep the law because of the sin in the world. So, once we ask for forgiveness, we are free to serve Him as He needs us to serve Him. Nailing the Law to the cross is significant because we can't keep the Law. We need the forgiveness that only Jesus can give, so that we can make it to Heaven. Throughout the O.T. God demanded a blood sacrifice for the atonement of sin. However, the blood of animals wasn't good enough since it didn't triumph over evil spiritual forces. Only the blood of Jesus on the cross conquored the evil spiritual forces.
  8. How can a belief system be empty and false? There is no personal relationship with anyone. The belief system is not going to help with the "spirit war" that rages in people. Also, no one is going to be able to provide salvation and save from sin. The only one who can do this is Jesus. Without Him we are nothing. In Col. 2:10 we read that we have everything when we have Christ." Fortunately, I have not experienced being captivated by a belief system.
  9. Why are legalism and asceticism unable to restrain the sinful nature? I feel as Old Jerry does. We can't have a personal relationship with God like He wants us to have. What alternative to legalism does Paul offer in Co. 2? He offers living the way Jesus wants us to live. Paul wants us to realize that once we have Jesus living in us and that He has "wisdom and knowledge" (verse 2) that He wants us to have and use. He will also help us with our daily problems.
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