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Everything posted by ritad

  1. They will fool many through false hood and deception. Those who are fooled will be led straight down the road that leads to hell.
  2. If our true faith and trust is in Jesus Christ, He always makes provision for His people. The "battle belongs to the Lord." He will always take care of us. Even if we die for our faith, the reward is greater than our life here on the earth.
  3. They are true to the testimony of Jesus Christ. They are resurrected by the Breath of God and ascend to heaven.
  4. The terrible suffering and destruction is bitter as the unbelievers still do not accept the Lord. The protection of God's people and promises of what is coming is sweet.
  5. These people just want to worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are from the church. They worship and serve Him day and night. We once were lost, but now we are found by God and have been given eternal life once we believe in Him. Alleluia!!!!
  6. God is ultimately and always in control. The seal saved them from physical death.
  7. Those who were martyred are under the altar. They are being taken care of by God. They were killed for maintaining their testimony and for their faithfulness. They want vengeance for the spilling of their righteous faithful blood. The white robe represents their purchase by Christ's blood. Others were going to be martyred, and at a later time God would avenge their deaths.
  8. Jesus, as the Lamb, initiates this great storm of destruction. It is directed toward mankind who have denied the Lord Jesus. Some who have remained faithful are martyred. It may seem unfair, but God is always just.
  9. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit operate as One. One is not more important than the other. They are three in one in perfect harmony. They wish to operate in perfect harmony in our lives, too, if we allow them.
  10. We will reign with Christ, and we will carry out the Lord's instructions. As priests we will worship, praise, and offer prayers before Him. We will be His kingdom.
  11. Jesus completed history through His death and resurrection. He made a way for God's creation to be saved and be assured of eternal life, once they believe in Him. After He did this, that completed the plan that must be done for mankind. Because of His selfless act for the redemption of men, this made Christ worthy to open the scroll.
  12. Jesus completed history through His death and resurrection. He made a way for God's creation to be saved and be assured of eternal life, once they believe in Him. After He did this, that completed the plan that must be done for mankind. Because of His selfless act for the redemption of men, this made Christ worthy to open the scroll.
  13. Continual Worship Bow Down Sing in a loud voice Fall Before Him Lay crowns before Him Use instruments and incense (prayers of the saint) Sing new songs We can't worship too much. Music is a wonderful introduction to worship and helps in worship. We need to be totally focused on the Lord. Each day as we receive compliments or praise from others, we need to offer it up before the Lord so that we do not become ego-inflated and think that what we do is of ourselves. All that we are and all that we ever hope to be is from the Lord. We can never praise Him too much for His gift of giving His life so that we might have eternal life. He is worthy of all our praise, adoration, and worship.
  14. Behold the Lamb Holy, Holy, Holy To Him Who Sits on the Throne Worthy, He is Worthy
  15. The churches are criticized for: abandoning their first love, following other teachings, tolerating spirits of enticement and sexual immorality, eating food sacrificed to idols, not completing their deeds in the sight of God, for being luke warm, that is, wretched, blind, poor and naked. The churches are praised for: Patient endurance, toil, sound doctrines, hating the Nicolaitans, having affliction and poverty, yet realizing they are rich, remaining true to His name, deeds, love and faith, perseverance, doing more, keeping His Word and not denying His Name, and enduring patiently. These all should be used on a daily basis to shape the church and the individual, that is, using the criticism to make us better and showing us what to guard against. All the praise should be used to show us what we need to continue doing. The most important thing is not to abandon our first love, that is Jesus Christ. If we are close to him, continually persuing and increasing our relationship with Him, praying for guidance and studying His Word, then the other things should fall into place. We need to keep all these things in mind and check ourselves often to be sure we are remaining faithful to His Word and direction.
  16. We are all so caught up in ourselves that we don't even recognize a lost and dying world all around us - one without God and hope. We are in a comfortable position of apathy, and we salve our spirits with self-proclaimed goodness rather than sincerely seeking the Lord's will and path for us through prayer and seeking the Holy Spirit.
  17. Participating in heathen religious practices comprimises morals and beliefs. Do we conform to this world or to His Word? We put other gods liks work, success, materialism, money, and/or prestige before our time in prayer, Bible study, and growing closer in our relationship with the Lord.
  18. First of all the loosening of sexual standards is immoral and it mixes Christianity with the world and dilutes Christianity. There is often persecution of those who stand for what is moral even if it is overt persecution. Moral and Christian people are often cosidered prudes, out of sync, square, different and/or odd, even though we are referred to as a "perculiar people" in scripture. It is often easier to keep quiet than to be different or start an unpleasant or difficult situation where we must explain ourselves.
  19. We can lose our first love by being so busy doing, we don't take time to nurture our relationship with the Lord. Jesus came to serve, and we should follow His example, however we can only do this effectively when our relationship with the Lord is where it should be. Signs of genuine love is a desire to know Him more each day through sincere fervant prayer, study of His word, and time for praise and worship. Putting Him first in every aspect of our lives helps us to "love Him more than these." We exhibit a lack of love when our attitude in working or helping others is not that of "working unto the Lord." Doing things because of legalism or "have to" rather than out of love for the Lord causes our ministries to be less than effective along with our attitudes being less than they should be. Churches can regain this love by concentrated and fully committed prayer, Bible study and regaining a desire to love and know Him intimately.
  20. The church belongs to Jesus Christ. He is in control and sovereign. He can not or will not be defeated - ever. He is worthy of all our praise, honor, glory, and respect. We owe all to Him as our Lord, Savior, and Sovereign.
  21. Among the lampstands, Christ is the resurrected, glorified Savior of the world - All God - in one harmony with the Father and Holy Spirit. Walking on the earth, is Christ come to earth as a man going through and experiencing humanness. These two pictures allow us to see all that Jesus accomplised through His earthly walk, death, and resurrection, and helps us see where is is now reigning in Lordship over His church. It gives us balance and understanding of His mission to save us and make us worthy of His kingdom. These pictures show the balance of the two - how one is responsible for the other.
  22. China, North Korea, Iraq, Iran, some African nations, and many more I'm sure. Revelation shows that the Christians win in the end with eternal life, rewards, and an eternity praising the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are always to give a reason for the hope that is within us - that is Jesus Christ. We have a life of hope, hope, hope. Hallelujah and Amen!
  23. God is the Almighty, ever existing along with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the one who came as a man and dwelt with us and is coming again. He has the keys to death and hell and will reward each person accordingly. His followers will receive their rewards because of their righteousness through the Blood of Christ. The Holy Spirit dwells with each believer on the earth at this time. The three persons of the God Head are always in perfect harmony and agreement on everything. There is never discension. They all always were and always will be. Hallelujah and Amen!
  24. Jesus already knows all tht is about to happen both at that time and throughout history. He has "witnessed" it. We don't really understand God's concept of time and history, except what He reveals to us, so we must trust the faithful witness of Jesus Christ. This account is first hand experience, as Jesus knows all (except the date or time of His return), and He will never leave us or forsake us no matter what. He will stay with us through thick and thin. We worry too much about what others think and don't want to be singled out as "odd" or "differnt" even though Scripture says we are a "peculiar people."
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