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Megan Hope

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  1. I was purchased at a young age. I was 8 years old when I accepted Christ. I like the idea of being redeemed as a purchase, because it implies permanence. God isn't going to return me for a refund. The reason the idea of being Jesus' property is so important to me is because I had a time in my life when I had no relationship with God. I didn't even know if I believed in God, and I certainly didn't read the Bible or talk to Him. But God had purchased me already, and He wasn't going to let me go. One night, when I was in the 8th grade, I had a dream. It was absolutely terrifying; Jesus was fighting Satan for my soul. God defended me just like I would defend my property if someone were trying to steal it from me. I know in my heart that what happened that night was real. Satan was trying to steal me from God, and Jesus fought to keep me. JESUS fought for ME. Isn't that amazing? He won, and I woke the next morning knowing that God was real, Jesus was His Son, and I was loved. I have since had times in my life when I didn't live my life quite the way I should, and didn't spend much time talking with God. But since that night, I have never again fully lost touch with God. I wasn't re-redeemed. This is the way I see it: God purchased me from Sin. In my stupidity, I ran back to Sin to serve him again. But I was already free, and nothing could undo that. God just chased after me, and led me away from Sin again. I don't have to think very hard to know what my life would be like if I had not been redeemed, and it is not a pretty picture. I doubt that I would ever have done drugs or drank, because it was counter to how I was raised. But I most certainly would have entered into relationships with men that would have been harmful, and I'm pretty sure that I would have had children for the sake of having children, outside of the way that God wants me to raise a family. But more than anything, and the truly frightening idea, is that I would have been empty. I would have been living for nothing, with no joy and no peace. I remember how I felt those years when I walked away from God. It was dark and lonely, and I never want to go back. Thank God, I never have to. A future without Redemption is no future, as far as I'm concerned. I mean that both literally and figuratively. I think that without God, I would have probably committed suicide by now, or would at some point, so there is the literal part of it. If by some miracle I did not take that step, my future would still have been empty. Life without God is death. If Jesus had not redeemed me, I would have a future as a walking, talking corpse. I am very thankful that that is not my future.
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