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Trusting God

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Everything posted by Trusting God

  1. The purpose of contrasting the huge debt with the small on in the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant is to show mercy, forgiveness, and compassion should be equal. I would probably owe the huge debt, and the smaller debt would be owed to me. The king was insulted by the unmerciful servant
  2. When Jesus said that we must forgive a person 77 times or 490 times we should take these numbers figuratively. We should take these numbers figuratively, because this is representational of the idea of unending forgiveness. In other words there is not end to forgiveness. This teaches us of God
  3. When Jesus said that we must forgive a person 77 times or 490 times we should take these numbers figuratively. We should take these numbers figuratively, because this is representational of the idea of unending forgiveness. In other words there is not end to forgiveness. This teaches us of God
  4. When Jesus said that we must forgive a person 77 times or 490 times we should take these numbers figuratively. We should take these numbers figuratively, because this is representational of the idea of unending forgiveness. In other words there is not end to forgiveness. This teaches us of God
  5. John 3:16 is famous, because it shows two actions by God,
  6. To enter the Kingdom of God a person has to be born anew. That is born of God into the family of God by believing that Jesus is the Christ. Just as a child is born into their earthly family through their mother, a person is born into the family of God through the Lord Jesus Christ. The only difference is that they do not have to come through the womb, but the new birth is brought about by the Spirit of God. Personally, I like the term
  7. Jesus teaches two things about the spiritual nature of the Kingdom of God. 1. The Kingdom is spiritually discerned, that is, you can't see it or grasp it spiritually unless you are "born from above," unless God enables you to see it. God has to reveal it. 2. The Kingdom is spiritually entered, that is, you can't enter into the Kingdom, which is a synonym for inheriting eternal life, unless you are changed spiritually. A person has to be
  8. Jesus teaches us that the value and worth of the Kingdom is of great price. We are tempted to value the Kingdom less than we do the material things on earth, because it is our human nature to acquire things, possessions, and status to have worth and value before the world. When I am willing to let go of possessions, time, and things acquired in this world to help a seeking friend it shows the love of God in my life. A simple gesture of kindness or help will show a person what I value most in this world.
  9. Poverty and self-sacrifice is an inadequate religion, because they are not God
  10. Jesus required the rich young ruler to divest himself of his fortune, because He wanted him to surrender everything and follow Him. He wanted the young ruler to realized what was controlling and possessing him. The young ruler wanted to have his cake and eat it too.  The Bible fully explains that we cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). He wanted to keep his possessions and wanted eternal life, but he was not willing to pay the cost. Just as we read in the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price we have to be willing to give up all for the cause of Christ and the Kingdom. Just as the rich young ruler was troubled about giving up his fortune and possessions we have the same problem, also. We do not want to fully surrender everything to God. We are possessive of what we have and are fearful that God will require us to give it all up for Him. That is why Jesus tells us in His word that if we cannot give up everything for Him we cannot be His disciple (Luke 14:33). The rich young ruler came to Jesus asking
  11. The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price have two things in common: 1. The rich man and the wealthy man both found a valuable treasure, and 2. They sold all they had to purchase that treasure. The main point of these parables is the importance of parting with everything we have and own in order to obtain something invaluable, and inestimably greater. These Parables should affect our values to remind us that the Kingdom of God is greater than anything we can own on this earth. We should strive to forsake everything on this earth to obtain Heaven
  12. This passages teaches that God will gather His elect and they shall be saved from God
  13. Jesus is referring His coming Kingdom as lightning, because lightning can be seen at great distance, and lights up a huge area. When Jesus comes back to set up His Kingdom He will be visible to all, believers and unbelievers.
  14. The kingdom of God was present, at that time, in the Person and ministry of Jesus Himself. The Kingdom began here on earth when Jesus began teaching, gathering disciples, and exercising God's authority here on earth. Today, the Kingdom is present within us by Jesus' Spirit, at the moment of salvation the Spirit indwells all believers.
  15. Continual asking, seeking, and knocking is essential to our looking forward to the Kingdom, because when we believe God
  16. Yes, Jesus means it when He says that a person cannot seek wealth and God simultaneously. I think the key words are
  17. Factors that make a disciple have good soil for the growth of the Kingdom is when they have a desire to become more like Christ. They will want to be obedient to the Father, read the Bible daily, pray without ceasing, and persevere to put on the fruit of the Spirit. As a believer apply the truths of Gods word to their daily lives, and grow in Christ. It is God who will give them the increase of a 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth, because He alone knows the heart, and can judge how much a person have taken hold of His salvation.
  18. Personally, I think that they are all dangerous. If I had to pick one, I will say riches. I picked
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