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Everything posted by Diggz

  1. Q3. (Colossians 1:16) "Thrones," "powers," "rulers," "principalities," "authorities," etc. probably refer to both earthly as well as angelic and demonic dominions. What does this passage teach about the relation of these powers to Jesus? How should this affect our fear of them? How should it affect our prayers? Jesus made all things. Nothing occurs unless God allows it. We need not to fear anything but in all things fear the creator.
  2. Q4. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal church or a local congregation, or both? In this specific verse Paul is clearly stating that Jesus Christ is the head of the universal church. Jesus is said to be the beginning, the first born among the dead, that in all things he might have pre-eminence. He
  3. Q2. (Colossians 1:15b-17) What does "firstborn of all creation/every creature" mean? Jesus Christ is preminent over all created beings. First born reffering to Jesus means by him has all things been created by him and for him. Before him there was nothing, through him has everything came into being. Is Jesus a created being? No If not, what does "firstborn" mean here? He
  4. Q1. (Colossians 1:15a, 19) The great understanding of Judaism was that God is spirit, not physical. That he is invisible. Any idol that tries to depict him is blasphemous. So what is the significance of the statement that Jesus is "the image of the invisible God"? Jesus being revealed as the image of the invisible God answers the deity of Christ himself. He
  5. Q5. (Colossians 1:13-14) What are the two qualities mentioned in verse 14 that characterize the "kingdom of his beloved Son"? Redemption and forgiveness. What did the idea of redemption mean in the Greek? Redemption meant buying back a slave. In what way did Christ "redeem" us? What is the significance of the fact that our sins are forgiven in this kingdom? Christ redeemed us by dying on the cross. We are now justified before God due to the blood of Christ that has washed all our sins away and made us perfect.
  6. Q4. (Colossians 1:12-13) What are the three or four action verbs in verses 12 and 13 that paint a picture of salvation? Qualified, delivered, conveyed. Who performs the action? Jesus Christ Who is it performed on? The Saints of God In what way were we
  7. Q3. (Colossians 1:12-13) Why does Paul use the terms darkness and light to portray his readers past and future? Paul used the terms darkness and light to paint a picture of the believers
  8. Q2. (Colossians 1:9-12a) What are the elements of Paul's prayer for the Colossian believers? Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, walk worthy unto the Lord in all pleasing, be fruitful, in every good work, strengthened in all might, patience and long suffering What are the seven or eight specific results that he prays will be produced in their lives? To Be filled with the Knowledge of God), Spiritual Wisdom and understanding by the Holy Spirit, Live a life pleasing to Jesus ( A life of worth and glory unto God), Bear fruit, Grow in relationship, Be strengthened by god power Discipleship is qualities of life. Which of these are most important in a Christian disciple? Which, you think, are least important? What happens when some are missing? I believe that all of these elements are equally important in a Christian disciple. If some of these elements are missing the Christian will not be able to fully fulfill his/her calling in the Lord.
  9. Q1. (Colossians 1:5-6) Paul glorifies the gospel, the good news. What words does he use to describe the action of the gospel in verses 5 and 6? Paul describes the actions of the gospel as truth that has reached the Colossians church to all over the world. The gospel is described as bringing forth fruit as it has when the Colossians church received the good news and came to the knowledge of the grace of God in truth. Given the temptation the recipients have to adopt another religious philosophy, why do you think he reminds them of the world scope of the gospel's influence? I believe that Paul reminds the Colossians about the influence that the gospel message was having throughout the whole world because his intention was to open their eyes to the power of Gods work. He was displaying fact regarding the fruitfulness of working for God. Regardless of the opposition, nothing or no one was able to keep the good news un heard in spite of the persecution, and in this case Paul was showing them that their labour in spreading the good news wasn
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