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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Annie

  1. Though I cannot see Jesus, He cares for me.I know because when I was saved my life changed.It is true, you can't express it and it is glorious. The joy we have as believers is not only when we worship but also when we go through trials, God is helping us to grow up-run the race for the prize. The world's idea of joy is an outward happiness and joy, most times temporary. There is a peace no matter what happens.
  2. My family seemed real close and loving and we spent a lot of time together. A lot of under lying stuff split our family apart. Because of this I started to look inside and saw sin and faults I hadn't seen before. I always tell God I don't want to miss anything he has for me to learn. He is GOOD. I spend more time studying and I love sharing what I learn and my gift is encouraging others. I have such peace about our family.
  3. God guards and protects us when by faith we receive Jesus and His shed Blood for our forgiveness.
  4. Just because I'm saved and forgiven by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, it does not give me the right to go on sinning. My life is not my own. I don't deserve to be saved . It is a gift and I cannot work for a gift.
  5. When I'm not in the Word, I get caught up in the negetive of the world(Financial, social issues, wanting things, etc.)I need the Word not in my head , but in my heart and talking to God everyday, and christian fellowship.
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