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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Dan in Minneapolis

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Everything posted by Dan in Minneapolis

  1. I agree. In this age we expect science to explain how a thing happened and if it fails, we have faith that science will someday give the answer. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us break thru the fog of cultural, natural world presuppositions and gives us the eyes to see the spirit reality
  2. My life experience is that we do not recognize signs and wonders when we see them. A church leader was diagnosed with a kind of cancer; 6 months to live. He was a youth leader and it was youth night when he found this out. many people in the church came together and cried and prayed and gnashed their teeth and wept and called out to the Lord. Two days later, more specific diagnostic tests were run and the cancer was found to be dormant. Everyone was relieved that the first diagnosis had been wrong. No one wondered in awe at the power of God answering prayers of the faithful. in the Bible, the children of God are delivered from Pharaoh. They witness the Red Sea part for them and swallow up their enemy. Yet a week later, they grumble and believe that God had abandoned them in the wilderness. What lasting spiritual value was the miracle? The pharisees do not doubt Jesus signs and wonders; they argue that he is possessed by evil spirits.
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