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Posts posted by LadyP

  1. Q3. (Ephesians 3:7-9) Why is Paul so careful to be humble about his call and apostleship? How can his example help us remain as humble servants?

    Why is Paul so careful to be humble about his call and apostleship?

    Paul was very humble about his call becasue he knew what he was and did in his past and so did all the others. However when you accept Jeuses and let him use you, you know that with God all things are possible and Paul knew that nobody but God change his life.

    How can his example help us remain as humble servants.

    His example can help us in the way of remembering that we didn't always follow Christ. We were not always saved and some were saved and had back slid but don't point out others fault to the degree as if you were always humble and so good.

    We have to deny ourselves in order for God to use us. In doing that you remember where God brought you from and not go back but reflex so that you can see how far you have come in Christ Jesus.

  2. Q2. (Ephesians 3:6) Just what is the "mystery" that Paul is talking about? Why was it important to the Gentile Christians in Paul's day?

    Just what is the mystery that Paul is talking about?

    The mystery that Paul is talling about the fact that all differneces between Juew ans Gentiles regarding Redemption was erased. This showed that Gentiles were fellowheirs and they are of the same body meaning in the same church.

    Why was it important to the Gentile Christians in Paul's day?

    Because this showed that we were all one partaker of one Body of Christ. In Paul's day the Gentiles were looked down on and were not consider a part but Jesus took care of all of that.

  3. Q1. (Ephesians 3:2-5) Why is God's revelation to "his holy apostles and prophets" our authority for faith and practice? What is the danger of minimizing or straying from that revelation? What is the danger of superceding that revelation? What is the danger of denying that God reveals himself to us and to his church today?

    Why is God's Revelation to "his holy apostles an prophets" our authority for faith and practice?

    Becasue the apostles and prophets waled with Jesus and he taught them. Paul was favor by Christ and he gave him the management over the New covenant and the proper way to set up the church and reveal the mystery of Christ. (Cross) God want us to understand the Mystery of the Cross, as it was given to Paul.

    What is the danger of minimizing or straying from the revelation?

    We will be lost and in darkness and would not be one of the ones who God comes back for.

    We are to study the inspired scriptues from God that is his Holy Word and as God's people, we are not to deviate from it.

    What is the dnager of superceding that revelation?

    The danger is who will you be following, you cannot go ahead of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the direction we should be going. The teaching would be nothing ut man's worldly junk; definitely not good for God's people.

    What is the danger of denying that God reveals himself to us and his church today?

    The danger of denying this is that you do not believe in God, the son and the Holy Spirit. Then the question becomes who or what to you believe? For as the church, what type of teaching would you be receiving if it not the work of God. When you learn the word, yoy will expierence knowing, believing, feeling, and seeing the results from the visitation of God himself.

  4. Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated?

    My congregation brings the word of God to the people. We stay in his word and he will direct our path. There are people who come to church by habit and these are the ones who really need the word of God and how to live today by his word. It hinders when there is a click that wants to bring everything in the church house that they think is the way it is suppose to be instead of going to the Word and checking it out for themselves. We must continue to teach the word of God, live what we preach and sing about and God will do the rest.

  5. Q3. (Ephesians 2:17) What does it mean to have "access to the Father"? In what way does the Holy Spirit facilitate this access? In what way does Jesus enable this access?

    What does it mean to have access to the Father:

    When we have confessed with our mouth, believed in our hearts and accepted God and our Savior have access to our Father in heaven. Through prayer, faith, hope and trust we now have access our Father to talk to him. The Holy Spirit is our geatest avenue to God. It simply means that we can talk to God for ourselves.

  6. Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles?

    Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law when he gave his life on the cross for all of our sins. He was the sacificial lamb, As for the Jewish people and Genitles camer together becasue the Jews realized that he was the Massiah because he completely fulfilled the law and for the Gentiles, he brought salvation to everyone(full circle) and now there is no need for anyone to go to God on our behalf, we can all go to God for ourselves and speak to him for direction and guidance.

  7. Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

    Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness.

    Being out of touch with God and his word means you are lost. How can you witness when you do not know what God's word say.

    A fiend or co-worker who does not know Christ is living in darkness. They are lost, lonely and cannot have any hope. I would have to feed them like a babe on the work of God. First, they must learn who God is and this is done by hearing of the word and hearing through a preacher, evangelist or bible scholar who is saved and know Christ.

  8. Q4. What exactly is faith? Can we take credit for having it? Can we be condemned for lacking it? Define "faith" in terms a 10-year-old could understand.

    What exactly is faith?

    Hebrews 11:1

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I also translate that in to Fatih is not believing that God Can; it is believing that God Will.

    In a way we can take credit for having it becasue God did give everyone a measure of faith. Yes, we can be condemned for lacking it becasue this means to me that you do not know God, believe or trust in him. What are you believing or have faith in. To a 10 year old child, I would explain it as when you get home from school you have faith that your Mom will have food for you to eat. When you have a birthday or a special day, you have faith that your parents will make it special for you with things you have been asking for.

  9. Q3. According to Ephesians 2:10, what were we created to do? Why? (Matthew 5:16) What is the difference between these works and the works Paul discredits in verse 9?

    We are his workmanship; we were created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has ordained that we walk in. The difference is works of man cannot merit Salvation or boast in his own ability and strength. Paul however was speaking that we are to boast only in the Cross. The only way that we can overcome the world, is by placing our Faith exclusively in the Cross of Christ and keeping it there.

  10. Q2. "Saved" has become Christian jargon. How can you "translate" this word into modern speech so people can understand what it really means and why they need it?

    "Saved" has become a Christian jargon. Saved is being protected from sin and realizing who is protecting us. Being saved is living your life to the will of God and turing from your old ways and know in your heart that when you wilk with God you always teach your destination. Faith is not believing that God can; it is knowing that God will.

  11. Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand.

    To me it is hard to understand grace becasue it is given freely to us. We are so into ourselves we are always saying we we we or I I I did this even when we have done something that we are not suppose to and we come out of it we glorify ourselves and not God who has given us grace even though we do NOT deserve it. Grace demolish sin!

    AS far as translatint to a 10 year old the word of grace; I would say you know when you have done something wrong that you know you was not suppose to do and you know you will get in big trouble and when your parents find out and call you in and question you about it and you are scared but tell the truth, they talk with you and explain the where you went wrong and gives you advice for the future. That is grace when you know you deserve something more thatn what you get for doing something out of line.

  12. Adoption is a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us because we were predestined into the adoption of children by Jesus. God knew already that he would adopt us because this was the will of God. God pull us out of the world to be children and to not be apart of the worldly things.

    This concept of adoption is encouraging to us because we want to be like Jesus, we want to live right and focus on kingdom building because this is what God has told us to do. We are a part of the kingdom and not of this world. We are to be fishermen of men and woman to being to the family.

  13. Holy is is what Jesus present us to be to our Father and God Almighty. Holy is the cleansing from unrighteousness. We are so full of sin that our Father sent his son down as a sacrifce for us and through him and our faith we are to live right, treat our neighbors right and do what thus said the Lord. Continuing to stay on this track, and continuing to pray to God for direction and repent when you know that you have failed, living in his image is part of being holy.

    Holy also means mature; separated from the world and the worldly things.

  14. I feel that we should ask for forgiveness daily because we fall short daily of his grace. Being in this world, we will think, speak or act in a way that is nto pleasing to God becasue we are human. )of the flesh. This is one reason why we should always ask for forgiveness from our Father. He is so kind and humble that he told us that if we repent our sins and ask forgiveness, he will forgive us and throw it in the lake of fire.

    Jesus teaches us that we must forgive and love and this is part of our daily living.

    This is my feelings on this question.

  15. It means that I know that I have somone who is there for me all the time. He has always been there and I am truly realizing it now that when I was a little girl, he was ther even though things happen to me that should not have. Especially, when my mother left me alone and I always thought that I put myself throught school by working in the diner. I have come to know that Christ has always watched over me and protected me.

    I know that I can't do naything without him and he is the author and finisher of all things. I love him more and more each day. Since I've accepted him in my life, it hs changed tremendiously. I now understand about separation of his people from the world.

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