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Everything posted by Highohfaith

  1. Q1. (Matthew 6:26-30) What point does Jesus make with his twin Parables of the Birds of the Air and of the Flowers of the Field? Is the point trivial or is it valid? The point is never worry, God takes care of ALL his creation. Nothing Jesus teaches us is trivial, this is a very important teaching, very valid. We need to 'get this' to understand the entire teaching of this sermon.And not only this sermon but the entire basis for our faith.Everything on earth is of God and from God, it is all God's creation. Money does not take care of us, our only provider is God.
  2. Q5. (Matthew 6:21, 24) The love of money can be a pretty subtle thing. Both the rich and the poor can love money. Can you describe a time in your life when you were deceived about this, and when the light in you was really darkness? According to Jesus, could desire for money **** a person (Luke 12:15-21)? Yes,when I was a child my father had a great job, he was a union ( back when Unions were strong-before corruption rared it's ugly head) blue collar operating crane engineer. Our family lived in a very small town. Population today is about 3,000, so back then it was probably 1/2 that amount. We were considered one of the wealthiest families in our town. I took most of the material assets we had for granted. My father was a hard working, hard drinking, hard hat, blue collar, working man.He was a "weekend alcoholic"( that's what we called him anyway) and drank heavily most of his life until he became sober the last 20 years of his life and also became a Christian. It's seems it was the way it was in those days or so I thought as a child. We had money and I never had to worry about being taken care of in a material sense.My father's way of compensating for his lack of involvement with his children was to buy us whatever we wanted. We had love,but it wasn't a particularly nurturing environment. My fathers motto was "children should be seen and not heard", so we were mostly always put on a "back burner"as second priority to whatever was on my parents agenda. When I married young at age 19, I was in for a big surprise.I was spoiled. I thought everything would come easily like it did at home.I was very naive and immature. I had to grow up fast when I realized that my life was a series of weeks living from paycheck to paycheck. Financial problems, along with many other factors, ultimately contributed to the end of my marriage after 7 years and 2 children. So, I guess you would say a time in my life when I was deceived by "riches" was as a child. Yes, I think a desire for riches can **** a person. Since I was not taught, nor did I know any other kind of life, I desired to have the same kind of life once I was married. I didn't take into consideration that my father had worked hard, all his life to achieve what we had. I took it for granted and thought my then 19 year old husband could be the same type of provider. I desired to be well off and comfortable,I wanted new cars, new house, furniture, clothes, jewelry, everything, right away!! I wanted it all and I was only a child and so was my husband. So, as I said I was very naive. The insatiable desire to have all these material possessions darkened my whole future and led me down a path of destruction. Once my marriage fell apart and I struggled for several years to get my life back on track, God taught me during this time that money was not important at all. I now live a very meager lifestyle and I'm very happy and THANKFUL with whatever God provides. God showed me how very unimportant riches are, because after my divorce those years were really my 'lean' years.I had nothing, and struggled with keeping a roof above my head and sometimes did not have food, and worked 2 or 3 jobs to keep afloat. God was always there for me, during all the rough times, and for the most part I didn't even realize it. Until I took the Lord as my savior at age 54. I can look back now and say with certainty that God had his hand on 'my steering wheel" many times ( ALL the time), during those rough stretches. I would not be here today, if He did not.!!It has taken a lifetime of growth (still growing) to realize how very unimportant and how very deceiving riches can be. I don't desire riches very much anymore. I know riches are fleeting but God will always be with me. God's love is the greatest treasure of all!!
  3. Q4. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can't seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact? The love of money is only the root of all kinds of evil if it precedes the love of God. The problem with wealth is oftentimes it distorts ones priorities. Jesus means this in the sense that one must always have a clear priority. I do believe wealthy people can serve God, I believe Jesus warns us many times in scripture about the possibilities of being trapped by wealth and losing ones way spiritually. Wealth can sometimes distort ones heart and motives and Jesus uses hyperbole, literal and figurative speech to make sure His disciples get the point. Jesus goes to every end, to make sure we understand the dangers of wealth. He does not say it is a sin to be wealthy, He does say it is a sin to put wealth before God, and that one can easily be trapped into believing money in more powerful than God and it is extremely important to guard our heart from this happening . It is a heart issue. One cannot serve two masters! God must always come first!
  4. Q3. (Matthew 6:19-21) According to the Bible, how does one "store up treasures in heaven"? What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven? Through deep faith,commitment, obedience and reliance on God. Earthy possessions can easily be lost, or taken away. God is sovereign and eternal and nothing can ever take away our love for God or God's love for his children. Romans 8:38-39(NIV) 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  5. Q2. (Matthew 6:19) Jesus says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth...." Is he speaking figuratively? Hyperbolically? Generally? Specifically? Is this a new teaching, or an old one? I believe Jesus is speaking both figuratively and literally. It is possible to plan for the future, "storing up" in itself is not wrong but we are not to become trapped by the concept that we no longer need God. Jesus is speaking here about where we put our priorities. Anyone who is wealthy must at all times thank God for ALL God's provisions. God is the creator of everything on this earth. In a literal sense He is also stating that having great wealth can easily trap one into believing in a false security, in a sense, money can become a false prophet. Jesus is saying don't let this happen. Don't ( figuratively) store up yourselves treasures on earth. For ( literally) your only true and everlasting treasure is God. This teaching may have been seemed new to the times but it is an old prophet teaching which originated in the Old Testament. It is a teaching which teaches, God must always come FIRST in our life and that is not a new concept, it is the basis for true faith.
  6. Q1. (Luke 12:15-21) Read the Parable of the Rich Fool. What did Jesus condemn him for? Storing his harvest? What is the key verse in this passage? What is the context of this parable? How does this relate to the Sermon on the Mount? Jesus condemns the rich man for thinking his life depends only on his material (worldly) possessions. His wealth will provide, and protect him. He did not condemn him for storing his harvest, but for thinking that because he had material wealth he did not need God anymore. Key verse: 21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.” The context of the parable is no matter how much wealth one has, God must always come first in his life. Just because one is wealthy he cannot rely on his wealth for provision, God is our only provider.Worldly wealth can easily be taken away. God is our keeper, our King..no matter how much money we have. Don't become spiritually null because you've become worldly rich.. This parable relates to the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus is also telling us that what truly matters in life is our love for God and God's love for us. God looks only at the heart. God does not care how much worldly possessions one has.
  7. Q3. (Matthew 6:11) Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? I can't speak for others, but I know everything here on earth is God's.He is the creator of EVERYTHING. I thank Him for every provision, and I don't take anything for granted. That may sound very pious, but I have been through a lot in my life and I realize that only by His GRACE am I here today. He provides everything!!! I thank Him several times a day for all he has given me. And especially for His heart,His love, and the redemption given to us, through His beloved Son.. What a sacrifice God made to provide for us. We must take nothing for granted. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26 (NIV)
  8. Q2. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? We are praying for Jesus Christ second coming, for His kingdom to fully reign over all of the earth. Until that time comes, we should experience Kingdom living, as His disciple His Kingdom is in heaven AND ALSO here now on earth through us. Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? It should be in all Christians hearts to want to live the will of the Father. We must seek revelation and discernment through prayer petition to know and perceive God's will always. As Christians our first and utmost alliance should be in knowing God's will and living it. How should this prayer affect our living? We should pray each line carefully. This is a prayer which can become common place and become repetitive and in doing such lose a lot of it's meaning. When we pay attention carefully to this prayer, it should affect us in the way that it perfects us to do God's will,to be God's Kingdom here on earth until the second coming of Jesus Christ. This prayer is the way Jesus taught us to pray we must seek to know it's true meaning and pray it often and with all our hearts heed the instruction given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let God's will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven through us, his disciples.
  9. Q1. (Matthew 6:9) What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We should always pray to Our Father with reverence, respect for who He is, the Sovereign Creator of the universe. He is our Abba, however, for me, personally I've never felt comfortable calling Him "dad or daddy' simply because in my opinion this takes something away from His Holiness, His Sovereignty. I have tried a couple of time to call Him dad and felt very disconnected in my prayer and actually felt as though I were sinning by calling Him dad. He is reverent, and yes He is our Dad, Abba, but to call Him daddy is to informal for Our King. Even though He is both personal and reverent, He IS SOVEREIGN . Daddy has to much of an earthly connotation for me. I feel out of respect to address Him as Father. Perhaps this is a personal choice. I feel the need to address Him with the reverence and respect of Our Father, or Our Father God or Dear God. This term of endearment denotes more respect, superiority, holiness for our Sovereign Creator. One habit which has been extremely hard for me to break is saying "Oh God" or "Oh my God". I'm not excusing my behavior, Lord knows in my heart I have struggled to break this pattern and have made great strides. I also use other cuss word and I'm working very hard to clean up my speech and with God's help I have accomplished much cleaning of my tongue! I am one of "those" Christians Pastor Ralph talks about that came 'back' or found God later in life and was born through water baptism in 2005, at age 54. I rededicated my life to God 7 years ago. I grew up in a 'swearing' family. My mom and dad always used the phrase "G.D". or "C.A." in a disrespectful way. My dad, God rest his soul passed in 2005. My mom who is 86, still speaks this way. I cringe every time I hear her say "G.D," or "C.A". which she says A LOT. And maybe I'm wrong, but because she is my mother, I do not reprimand( maybe that's the wrong word, perhaps the word should be counsel) her out of respect for her. She still cusses a lot. It bothers me, I've never ask Our Father how I should address this situation with my mom, and her taking the Lord's name in vein. But because of this wonderful lesson,which is bringing enlightenment to me about how important this is, I am going to take this dilemma to Our Father and ask for His guidance. I feel now, after reading this lesson that it is more important for me to respect God's name then to respect my mom and that I should talk to her about it. I'm taking it to God in prayer and seek His counsel.I still have an occasional slip. I DO NOT say G.D. or C.A, the problem for me, as I expressed earlier in this post is with saying "Oh God" or "Oh my God". The Holy Spirit has enlightened me with awareness and I'm immediately conscience of saying this when I do, and ask for forgiveness right then and there. I'm still working on, but struggling a lot less with cleaning up my speech. I want to ALWAYS show reverence to OUR Father in ALL that I do, in action,and in word! I seek God with all my heart, to honor Him and praise and thank Him for everything.I want my actions to exemplify the character of His beloved son.Both in word and deed. It is a matter of the heart. We love God because He first loved us. He showed us what love is , God IS love. I want to be respectful, reverent, and obedient to Our Father in all that I do . I seek righteousness. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.
  10. Q4. (Matthew 6:8) If God knows what you need before you ask him, why should you ask him at all? What sense does prayer really make? Are we mainly to talk for our own edification and encouragement? Why or why not? Well, I can't speak for others but I talk with God because I miss communing with Him if I don't. He is my Father and I like to converse with Him. I don't always ask for things from Him. I like to tell Him how much I love Him and thank Him for all His blessings. Everyday blessing like family, health, food, shelter, etc. everything I have is His all of creation is His, and I like to let Him know I am grateful for His grace. I also want to ask for guidance for my day and throughout the day I talk to Him about what's going on, just to touch base and let Him know He is ever present, even though He knows my heart, it nice to tell Him so. I also ask forgiveness each day for my sins, not in general but for specific sins.I want to own my sins, confess them and ask His forgiveness. I also ask for provisions for others in need and ask him to bring those who do not know Him into His Spirit, those who are lost sheep. I ask His Holy Spirit to guide and direct me and grow me everyday. I know He knows what is in my heart, but I know He's a loving Father who wants to hear my voice too, because He loves me so much. He is interested in what I have to say, how I express myself to Him. My every expression is important for Him to hear. My joy, my sadness, my humility, my needs, my love. I am important to Him. He loves me and I love Him, why wouldn't I want to communicate with Him? I couldn't live without expressing myself to Him, He's my Dad! A husband may know what is in a wife's heart or vice versa, but it is nice to say I love you and I respect and thank you, admire you etc.. it is the same with God, He likes to hear our devotions, our love, our concerns. He likes to communicate with us. He is one with us. I don't know about anyone else but I MUST talk with Him, if not I miss our time together.
  11. Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? Jesus is not opposed to public prayer. What He opposes is prayer said to impress others in public, perhaps with their elegant speech or knowledge of scripture, prayers not said from the heart to God. What He wants to stress to us, is the importance of quiet one on one time with God. The Father and child must have time alone together. It is important to the relationship, their union. As Gods children ,we must set aside time to be alone in His presence to learn and grow. In which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? If it is for 'show' and the heart of the message is lost in the presentation. How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? God already knows our hearts, He doesn't care about our speech patterns. We don't have to have elegant 'flowery' speech to talk to our Father, just be ourselves, He know us! Talk to Him from your heart. It can hinder our development as disciples as we might feel we have to speak a certain elegant way, so we may avoid being a good disciple for fear of embarrassment, or not presenting God's word in a 'flowery' presentation. Thus losing effectiveness out of fear of not being good disciples.
  12. Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? I have always had a good attitude towards the poor. The Holy Spirit has blessed me with the gift of compassion. I guess having been in a situation which rendered me financially insecure for years ( divorce and illness) I can relate to being poor. Even before that though, as a child I was very compassionate about the poor and needy. But, I don't believe anyone in this country actually knows real 'poorness' certainly, myself included. I remember reading a story about little African boys running behind the train for a whole day just pick up the beans or pieces of rice that dropped from the bags being shipped on the train. Sometimes it would take them all day to get enough for one bowl.Or about children in Guatemala whose mothers were making them mud cookies in hopes that the dirt would give them enough nutrition to survive for one more day. This is true poverty that the people of the U.S. cannot understand. I'm not saying there are not underprivileged, hungry children in America, I am saying I don't believe we have million starving to death. And I thank God for a gov. who cares enough for it's people ( no matter how corrupted) to care for them, feed them, that because of gov. and many other charities we do not have mothers making mud cookies in this wonderful, blessed country of U.S.A . I am blessed to live here. I will never look down on the poor, whatever reason they are poor, they need help. To many are overlooked, judged and condemned,it amazes me how affluence can affect peoples judgment.. Sometimes I may give in public and for the right reason, out of love for the needy, but THEN this other part of me, the human, sinful, prideful part says I want others to see me doing this. I want to be recognized as a good Samaritan. I will seek an audience of one-that's what I will do differently from now on. Sometime I spend money on needless things, which I then feel guilty about, because not only is my own financial situation not very secure. I feel I could have given that to someone really needy instead of spending it on some foolish, little, earthly "trinket" which I certainly don't NEED - I just think I "need" it at the time! AND, NO, spending money on foolish, earthly things is selfish and is not a good enough reason.
  13. Q1. (Matthew 6:1-18) How do the commands in this section relate to "performing for the audience of One"? What is the antidote for the chief sin that is addressed here? In what ways do churches and non-profit organizations use this sin to motivate people to give? Our good deeds are to be done from our heart, not for recognition from others. If our deeds are pure, and done out of love than the only audience we need is Jesus. Since God's knows all that is in our hearts, all our motives, He sees everything, He IS the audience of one! antidote-Humility. Know God's love so you can share God's love. Godly love and humility are the antidote. Advertizement, giving away free materials,to draw people into participating in programs for the poor. visualization-showing picture of the poor.This is all fine, IF it draws people in for all the right reasons and the organization does not take advantage of the monies collected. Awarding a person for giving with a plaque or in some cases a wing or wall in the church itself, a statue, or some other type of influential reward.
  14. Q6. (Matthew 5:48) In the context, what do you think verse 48 means for the Christian? Is perfection taught here? Does maturity express the idea best? How about the doctrine of "sinless perfection"? How does verse 48 relate to verse 45? Verse 48 means we should always strive for perfection. Knowing we will fall short of God's perfection does not excuse us from striving for righteousness. Seeking to be more and more like Jesus in character. The only PERFECT person who walked the face of this earth is Jesus, we should seek with all our heart and soul, to be sanctified through His Holy Spirit to emanate His perfection. Both verses tells us that we are the children of God, we must learn from Him, how to love, forgive, compassion and mercy even and especially to our enemies even as Christ did on the cross. Christ is our sovereign example of pure perfection.
  15. yes, there are time when justice should prevail over evil. But it should be dealt out by the justice system or if there is no justice system in the country where atrocities take place or justice is corrupted as in many cases it is, then I believe one must defend oneself from evil. That being said, I believe Jesus would want us to act within the boundaries of law of the land. And to deal with the person committing the injustice compassionately. Hebrews 10:30 For we know Him who said, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY." And again, "THE LORD WILL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE. Ecclesiastes 3 A Time for Everything 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: 2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, 6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, 7 a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, 8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
  16. Never let your thirst for justice turn into a quest for revenge, don’t try to get even, instead be generous, repay evil with good.
  17. Q3. (Matthew 5:39-42) What do Jesus' examples or tiny cameos in verses 39-42 have in common? Someone has said that if we were to carry out verses 39-42 literally, we would aid and abet evil. Do you agree? How should we take these examples: As case law? As hyperbole? As a series of aphorisms or adages? In another way? What do Jesus' examples or tiny cameos in verses 39-42 have in common? What they all have in common is that we must not take revenge against our fellow man. We must treat each of our offenders with compassion, forgiveness, and love, just as Jesus did.His example of forgiveness is immeasurable, He forgave all of mankind when He took our sins to the cross. He forgave the ones who tortured and persecuted Him on the cross. Leave revenge to God, God's justice is the only justice we need seek. Romans 12:19 - Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Someone has said that if we were to carry out verses 39-42 literally, we would aid and abet evil. Do you agree? No, I do not agree.This is not pacifism (a refusal to meet evil with violence or war). There seems to be plenty of room in the Bible for self-defense.But this is clearly not aggressive, either.These verses are a specific warning not to take personal retribution.Don’t escalate the situation by “getting even”.Rather, de-escalate. Diffuse. Pacify. Endure. Forgive. How should we take these examples: As case law? As hyperbole? As a series of aphorisms or adages? In another way? We should look at these examples in all of the above mentioned ways.
  18. Q2. (Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:15-21) What was the purpose of the "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth" regulation? Is this law designed to be administered by a court or judge, or by an individual? Is it designed to govern judicial action or personal action? The purpose of the 'eye for an eye' 'tooth for a tooth' regulation was established to put the crime into the proper perspective. Only punish the accused according to his crime, no less, no more. The law is designed to be administered by a court or judge. Never personal action, when emotions are involved one cannot properly judge the crime according to its degree. Jurisprudence must be exercised to avoid abuse of punishment.
  19. Q1. (Matthew 5:33-37) What does it mean: Let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no? If we obeyed this command, what would be the result in our speaking? In our credibility? Simply put it means be honest. Let what you say stand firm. If for sure you're telling the truth you do not need to invoke the name of the Lord. There would be a whole lot less dishonesty in the world if people simply said what they really mean and stick to it. Instead of 'dancing' around the subject and making false promises or statements.
  20. Q5. (Matthew 19:9) Does a person who has remarried after a divorce that wasn't caused by marital unfaithfulness, live in a perpetual state of adultery? Should that person divorce or separate in order to get back into God's will? How can he or she get back into God's will, or is that no longer possible? NO! My first marriage dissolved because of my unfaithfulness. I was not yet a Christian. I was caught up in the 1960's "sex, drugs and rock and roll' and the woman's liberation movement. The age of destruction. But, I didn't know it cause God wasn't in my picture then. God's wrath is strong. Myself and my children suffered for many, many years because of my sins, and it took many years after for me to turn to God and ask his forgiveness and repent. Soon after my first divorce, I jumped right back into the "frying pan" by marrying again to a real loser ( of course, again, I couldn't see it then cause God wasn't in my life). I don't believe that a person who divorces his/her spouse for other reasons such as abuse or desertion, and remarries lives in perpetual sin. I believe That God blesses all marriages that are formed with commitment and most in importantly Godly love. I for one, experienced divorce the second time because of infidelity on his part (first divorce, all my fault, second his infidelity and abuse) both physical and sexual abuse of myself and my children ( two girls, now grown) which destroyed me and left both girls with lasting emotional problems which carried over into their own family and their children. I tried to save the marriage for to many years. I didn't 'see' the sexual abuse. I suffered the physical abuse because I had no place to go, no money, etc.. Not out of love or commitment. But I never believed he would hurt my children. But, I was wrong. Once I found out, I loaded my girls into my car with the clothes on my back a basket of clothes for them and , no lie , one silver dollar to my name! God got us through the most horrible of times. But, I didn't know it at that time.I had yet to become a Christian. Looking back I now realize ALL God had done for us during that time and have thanked Him so many times for His everlasting, faithful love. I do not believe God would condemn me to a life lived alone because of the faults of my husband or my own mistakes.As, I have since ask for His forgiveness repented. This abusive pattern took years to break. As I said my children and I suffered for years. I came from an abusive, dysfunctional family and I let myself become the same way, and then my oldest daughter who suffered most of the sexual abuse let her family become very dysfunctional. It was a destructive pattern, that was taking roots in every generation of our family. In 2004, through an unfortunate accident, which left my 3 year old granddaughter in a comma for 8 weeks, close to death, God spared her life. We, my daughter and I became Christian in 2005. We were both baptized as babies but we rededicated ourselves to Jesus once again. God works in miraculous ways. What was an awful tragedy at the time was the stepping stone ( The Cornerstone ) to turning our family around and seeking to be right with God. As a result of little Myra's accident, the entire family of six children and her husband and my husband and myself have all become Christians and been baptized and my granddaughter ( not the one who was hurt, but her older sister) who is now 13 has been to Guatemala to do mission work last year and is going again this summer. I believe if one seeks redemption, repents of sins and seeks to be filled with righteousness, God is faithful and forgiving. I am now happily joined together as one with the most wonderful man for 18 years. Looking back, even though I was still not a Christian when I met him, I KNOW with all my heart God put us in each others sight. We have respect and Godly love and commitment, I never dreamed was possible. Thank You God for your amazing forgiveness and faithfulness. I believe there is no situation in which God is unforgiving. The only sin God will not forgive is if one denounces The Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:31 And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.
  21. Why do you think Jesus' disciples reacted so negatively to his teaching on marriage and divorce? I believed they acted so negatively because it was their cultural belief at the time that divorce was acceptable to God for any reason. Moses Law, his divorce greed, did not make it absolutely clear why a man and a woman could divorce, so over the years the original divorce law was expounded on by The Mosaic lawmakers, to include practically any reason. If a wife messed up her husbands dinner he could divorce her. So, thus, divorce was widely used, and accepted in their culture. So, I think because of their own cultural mores toward divorce they reacted negatively to Jesus teaching. They did not understand. They had to be reminded and taught God's original intention for marriage. Ephesians 5:31-33 (KJV) 31 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
  22. Q3. (Matthew 19:7-8) According to Jesus, does the Mosaic law command divorce? Does it allow or regulate it? Why does it allow divorce at all? What was God's original intention ("from the beginning") for marriage and divorce, according to Jesus? According to Jesus, does the Mosaic law command divorce? No, the Mosaic Law which permitted a decree of divorce for special circumstances (not clearly stated in the law itself, so oftentimes the law was abused )was put into enforcement because of the hardening of mans heart. Man and/or woman or both became to self absorbed ( narcissistic ) to share life with one another and God. It was allowed because it was a way out of a marriage in which both parties had hardened their hear towards one another and God. There was no mutual respect or love, and most importantly there was NO GOD in their marriage.. This was definitely NOT God's original plan for marriage. God's plan for marriage is to join together one man and one woman through a lifelong covenant blessed by Him. The bottom line is that the basis of our marriage must be the LORD, it must be Christ, our Savior. “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures” (Proverbs 24:3-4 NIV). Wisdom is Christ, and He builds the house, the family, the relationship that is our marriage. Through the knowledge that comes from Christ our marriage, our lives together, are filled with rare and beautiful treasures – peace, joy, patience, kindness, forgiveness, children, and many more blessings from the LORD. This is God's original plan for marriage. First it must be based on the love of God, and emulate the character of Jesus Christ. The original marriage covenant -The couple must have mutual respect, lifelong commitment and love for each other and most importantly God!. Be joined together as one in a God-spirit filled relationship. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Mark 10:9 (KJV)
  23. Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6? Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Yes, in my opinion to truly be joined together as one flesh it must be a Godly union. The very same words are used in Deuteronomy 6:4 for the Lord is one. In other words, God makes the husband and wife into one as the Trinity is one, a compound unity. Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Natural law. There is no religious ceremony or piece of paper that can make a marriage any stronger or more blessed by God than two people who have entered into a committed, faithful union with deep love and respect for one another. A marriage is a matter of the heart and when two are joined together as one in faithful, sexual unity, with the intention of it being a lifelong commitment of love, respect, and faithfulness to each other and God, their union is blessed by God. what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6? 100%
  24. Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? I would say Jesus sided with neither, the Pharisees were trying to draw him into a very controversial subject for it's time ( as it is now-but was more so then, now it is widely acceptable in our culture) to alienate his teachings from the people. Jesus wanted them to know that marriage is an issue of the heart. Marriage was not a commitment to be taken lightly. Jesus said Moses permitted divorce because mans hearts had become hard but that God had not intended it to be that way. When a man leaves his parents to marry he becomes one person with the person he marries. That is the constitution of marriage as originally defined by God. What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? adultery How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? Deuteronomy 24-1-4 does not make clear the conditions with which one could issue a certificate of divorce to his wife. Adultery was punishable by death in Old Testament times. So it is very doubtful that 24-1-4 is referring to adultery as the only acceptable reason for divorce. Thus Moses reason ( which was prompted by the hardening of man's heart and not God's original plan for marriage) for divorce it is not in agreement with the New Testament teaching of Jesus Christ.
  25. Q5. (Galatians 6:16)Who comprises “the Israel of God” today? Who is excluded from this group? How is Romans 11:17-25 designed to temper Gentile pride? Who comprises “the Israel of God” today? God destined both Jew and gentile to become reconciled to Him through the cross of Jesus Christ. Jew and gentile became sisters and brothers. God formerly gave the Jews the honor of being His own chosen people. Which began with Abraham and his offspring's as God's chosen people,heirs to His Kingdom. When God became flesh in the form of His only Son, He walked among ALL people of the earth, both gentile and Jew were invited to drink of the cup of salvation. Anyone who believes in the grace and salvation of the cross of Jesus Christ comprise the Israel of God today. Who is excluded from this group? Anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. It is possible to fall out of favor with God and be accepted,"grafted" back into root of the tree. But your faith must be strong, you must accept Jesus, repent of sins and seek sanctification through the Holy Spirit. Otherwise you will be completely cut off from the tree which nourishes you and you will suffer certain decay. That being said, no one is truly excluded. They may chose on their own accord to leave the tree or fall from the tree due to some other circumstances which cause them to become spiritually sick, as a branch withered at times, it can once again thrive, so it is with those who fall into unbelief. But with the restriction that they must believe and produce fruit then only will they be grafted back in. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. We as gentiles should not feel superior to God's chosen people. We're all equal who, by faith in Jesus Christ alone have been redeemed. If God so 'cut off' His own Chosen people for unbelief how much more readily will He cut others off. The branches are nourished only through the root. We must never be so conceited or "puffed up" to believe we can survive without the root ( Our Father God). We may fall away and be grafted back, ONLY because the tree loves His branches, and doesn't want to lose not even a one, but we must have faith in the root to survive.Just as Jesus, our Shepard will look for one lost sheep, so God will find one fallen branch. Notice the sheep always comes home being held in Jesus' arms, or following very closely at the feet of Jesus, a completely helpless sheep. Content to be found and saved by the Shepard. Humbled. We must never lose our humility. Not only drink the nourishment from the root but nourish other branches that seek to be nourished as well..
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