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  1. Abraham first acknoledges that he is just dust and has no right to address God. This is an act of humility. He acknowledges God as the Judge of the living and the dead thus he is a nobody before God. He asks for permission from God to address him. You dont just go before a king or president and start talking without permission to do so. Abraham knew that God could do as he pleased.God has the knife and the yam so he had to be humble in order to get God's attention. When God gave him the chance to speak he went on to present his case clearly and boldly. In our daily lives if I want an important personality to do something for me I have to be clear in my request otherwise I could be dismissed as not being serious. I also have to approach him with humility otherwise he might feel threatened and not listen to me. If we have to be humble before human beings to get what we want how much more before God our creator. We must go to God with humility because he is our creator and can do with us as he pleases. We should try as much as possible to be clear in our presentation so he knows exactly what we want.
  2. Hello everyone my name is Lewan. I am from Cameroon, a country in central Africa.This is my first time of participating in a bible study on the net with people from so many countries.I pray that by the grace of God all of us shall be greatly enriched by this study. I love listening to christian music and working with disadvantaged children and women.
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