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  1. Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart? Repentance involves turning from sin and a turning to Jesus Christ. Jesus said unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. For the believer, the failure to repent of sin while appearing to serve and follow Christ is an "affront to His Kingship over us". Baptism is important to converts in that it shows a willingness on their part to follow Jesus (Rom 6:3-9). It is essentially the first opportunity a new believer has to obey Him; to identify with Him. It gives the new believer insight into the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Christ can not and will not reign in an unclean (unrepentant) heart. Psalm 66:18 says, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me" Also Isa 1:15; Jer 11:14; Prov 1:28; Jn 9:31).
  2. Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John
  3. Q#2 - John's baptism was both a preparation and a symbol of the spiritual baptism that Jesus was to bring. John's water baptism meant two things. 1. It symbolized cleansing from all sin. A person was being prepared for the cleansing that Christ would provide. 2. It symbolized separation or dedication. A person was setting his life apart to God in a renewed spirit of dedication. He was committing himself to the Christ about whom John was preaching. Because of their affiliation with the Law and all its rituals for cleansing and purification, the Jews, specifically their leaders (Pharisees, Sadducee s) felt they were above John's baptism. I mean, how can this itinerant, unsightly man out in the wilderness tell us what we need to do in order to be cleansed from sin. Talk about pride. I'm afraid that sinners and some believers as well adopt this prideful attitude. It is especially a stumbling block for the church when directed against God's messengers; our Pastors and leaders. For sinners it blocks them from the Salvation that Christ so wants to give them. Fortunately there were those around Jerusalem, Judea and the Jordan who flocked to him to hear his message of hope and be baptized. They obviously realized their need for cleansing and repentance from sin. As mentioned earlier, it was the Jewish leaders who were at the forefront of resisting Johns baptism, The Pharisees and the Sadducees. Two persons often shut themselves off from God. 1) Persons of high estate (those of wealth and social standing). 2) Persons of religion (the self-righteous) It was true during those days and it is still true today.
  4. Q#1 - That would make it highly questionable whether they have genuinely received Christ as Savior according to the Scriptures. It is possible they may have adopted some of the tenets of the faith or adopted some of the teachings into their lifestyle. But if one did adopt the Christian faith without repenting of known sins they would continue to sink deeper into their sins. The rough and rugged places in their hearts as described by the prophet Isaiah would not be made straight. Number of reasons people avoid repentance. Among them ignorance of God's Word, hardness of the heart, enjoyment of fleshly desires, guilt, embarrassment, exposure, etc. As far as a percentage, it would be difficult to place a number on it, but if I had to venture a guess I would assume it would follow the divorce rate for Christians which is around 50 %.
  5. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. What a blessing and a privilege to be able to commune in the Word with the saints of God. I have no doubt this journey will be a great one as we sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron. I chose "Preparing For The Kingdom of God" because it seems to fit where God has me now on the spectrum of life. I am from Central California.
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