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Kelley Walrath

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  1. Circumcision was for Abraham and is to Jews today an outward sign of unquestioning obedience. By undertaking this painful procedure, Abraham was demonstrating the faith God knew he had that was so important in the role he is to play until eternity - the father of all nations. Abraham does not hesitate to perform this because he had come to trust in God and to know that what God said was in his best interests. Perhaps also he felt that by delaying it would further delay God's plan to provide him a son.
  2. I have left churches that have made homosexuality too much of an issue. My heart goes out to those who have felt that they could not come into a church because the righteous Christians say they have to clean up their act before they should set foot in the door. How can they be expected to learn the Gospel if we don't allow them to come to church just as they are, if we don't show the love of Christ without judgment? The song says "Come just as you are". Jesus came to save the lost. I am confident that if He were here today He would be walking with the homosexual as He would with all types of sinners. They are no different than the rest of us sinners except that they wear their sin on their sleeve. There is no one perfect. Not not one and I do not feel that we should judge homosexuals differently than other sinner. My pastor says he would welcome homosexuals to his congregation because it is not his church, but Christ's and he knows Christ would want it that way. He would not expect much from them at the beginning other than a desire to learn the truth. He would pray that as they learn about God's expectations and grow to a deep and personal relationship with Christ, that they would begin to shed their old selves and put on the new. He would encourage them to participate in the spirit filled life which does not condone homosexuality. By reaching out as Jesus would, we have a chance to change their hearts and lives. I often participate in theatre where I meet many homosexuals. I have always made a special effort to be friendly and to be sure they knew that I was a Christian. None of them lived near my church so as of yet I have not invited them to church, but I hope eto someday have an opportunity to discuss Christ with them. But in order to do that they would have to trust me because they have been hurt so many times before by others to righteous to give them the time of day.
  3. Being right and just in the 21st century is no different than in any other century. Since God never changes, the way He expects us to behave never does. His Word always was and always will be. It is the guidebook for how to live in any century. Today I was reminded of that as I revealed some dissessions my care group was having to another Christian. Someone not even of my faith reminded me that the solution was so simple and she directed me to remember what the Bible says about such matters. I asked her what specific passage would help in this situation and she immediately came up with one. Suddenly the lightbulb went on and the solution seemed so simple. The challenge in the 21st century is that there is so much going on in our lives everyday - the radio, the tv, video games so much noise pollution that it is hard to really hear God. We don't take enough time away from our busy lives to remember to listen to Him and to ask Him for things. When we do, it is amazing how He will direct us to the right answers right there in His letter to us.
  4. I have learned not to question God or think He is punishing me because He doesn't answer my prayers right away or at all. When my husband and I married, we wanted to to have children right away. We went to one infertility clinic to another, one adoption agency to another, and it was not to be - for 10 years. During that time, I thought God was punishing me and that He just didn't want me to have the desire of my heart. I now have 4 beautiful children 2 boys and 2 girls in that order. They came in God's good and perfect timing. They all love each other and we love them. I can see where His hand was in it all along. He is and was Jehovah Roi - the God who Sees and I will never question Him again.
  5. In this case, I do believe Abraham's material wealth reflected God's blessing on Him. It is certain that if God was unhappy with Abraham He would have cursed him with illnesses and poverty. In the OT, it seemed God often chose to display His blessings through earthly rewards and curses. As we came to know and understand His son, I believe God felt that He no longer needed to demonstrate His love to us through earthly blessings. Those that are priviledged to read and understand the words of our Savior realize that blessings are often equated with the fruit of the spirit and eternal rewards. The people of the OT were often terrified of God and needed earthly proof of His love and satisfaction with them. Now we will see atheistic sinners appearing to be "blessed" with material wealth and external happiness, while obedient Christians are challenged by life's difficulties. Only through an understanding of what the kingdom of God really is, can we make sense of this. We must focus our sights not on this world, but on the next and know that if love and obey, we can expect abundant blessings of an eternal nature.
  6. In spite of the fact that Abraham deceived Abimelech, Abimelcech allowed him to go off scott free. This would have been unexpected for a pagan king with a reputation for so easily murdering people to get what they wanted. Instead he gave Abraham full restoration, money, servants, animals, and the freedom to live wheverever he wanted. He magnified the blessings Abraham already had. In addition, God had closed up the wombs of all Abimelech's household as a curse which was then removed when he gave abundantly to Abraham. God said he would bless those who blessed Abraham and curse those who cursed him. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that workest in us. The relationship is that God promised He would bless Abraham. The blesssngs were given to Abraham while still on earth unexpectedly and undeserved. We cannot even begin to imagine the blessings Abraham now shares as part of his inheritance in the kingdom of God.
  7. For their culture and time, they were not morally wrong in the actions they chose. I don't believe God intends for us to judge their actions. I think these accounts represent God's mercy and grace even we when sin. When we are His own, He will be faithful and fulfill all his promises to us. I believe thse accounts are analogies and are eschatological. The nation of Isreal went into captivity under pagan nations due to wrong decisions made by kings and the people. Abraham made wrong decisions and his wife was in essence in captivity under pagan nations until the truth was made known. After the truth was known, Pharaoh a type of Satan, suffered for stealing the bride, yet Abraham and his family were blessed. Eventually, Christ will come in His glory to take his bride and will reclaim Isreal for Himself. Every knee shall bow and the truth that Jesus was and is the Messiah will be made known. A full restoration will happen for Isreal and there will be complete fulfillment of God's covenant. Therefore, I believe these acccounts are there for us to see that when God makes a covenant, though we are yet sinners, He is sincere about it and it will be fulfilled.
  8. Pharaoh was a strong believer in the power of gods. I suspect that he must have heard that from someone that Abraham worshiped the Almighty God and that Sarah was really his wife. Fearing this unknown god and respecting his power, he meekly brought Abraham before him to make amends before this new god would destroy him and his household even more. This was the first of many efforts God would make to let Pharoah know that He was a mighty God that would place judgements on him for wrongdoing to the His chosen people. His desire was for Pharoah to know that He was THE LORD. Pharoah is a type for Satan/Babylon and God constantly wants to remind him who will prevail. He did achieve the desired effect to a degree because Pharoh feared Him enough to send him away without the need to make amends. However, the actual desired effect of causing Pharaoh to worship only Him has not been achieved and never will.
  9. For Abraham to call on the Lord, he was showing total submission to the will of God. When one calls on the name of Yahweh we are acknowledging Him as the Great I am, the alpha and the omega, the one who always was and always will be. We are powerless where He is ever omniscient and omnipotent.
  10. As a purpose driven Christian, I believe that I am always in the midst of an "adventure" and what an exciting ride it is. The Lord sometimes moves me like an earthquake is under me and I just know that it is something I must do. Sometimes I am not sure why. For example when He led me to sing a certain song as a solo in the church. There must have been someone who needed that song at that time, but I may never know who that was. I just trust that since I felt so moved by the Spirit to go to the Bible book store and was directed to that particular song, there was a purpose for it. The biggest adventure occurred when He told me to leave my corporate job of 15 years and a very satisfactory salary to go to 4 yrs of schooling to become an RN. I was the sole support of my family. My husband had not yet earned disability. I had two pregnancies while I was in school, but we came out of it alive and well and with a roof over our heads. Somehow He saw that we had what we needed to get through it. He is faithful to those who are faithful.
  11. Abraham was blessed by the realization from his eternal home that the seed that would become the savior of all the world would come from him and that those who profess his precious descendent will also become destined to eternal life. He saw God work in miraculous ways throughout his life, prospering him in every way, rewarding him for his faithfulness and proving Himself true to his covenant. Today Abraham continues to bless people through his descendent sons of God. This is when God is recognizable in our lives in all we do. Living a life that glorifies God will bless others as we do unto them as we would have them do unto us.
  12. For awhile I was led to design and teach Bible studies in my church. Then I felt led to attend graduate school and the Bible teaching stopped except for occasional substitute teaching. I have taken a break from graduate school and had been studying the Book of Ruth and planning to base a study from it. However, I am having trouble getting motivated. Should this be God's will, I am seeking the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
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