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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Bill F

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Everything posted by Bill F

  1. To me predestination can mean the founding and operation of the church and Jesus and his life, death and resurrection on earth. Truly it can also relate to the life of the believer as he walks in the ways of Jesus. It is scary to me in that I am a sinner by birth and by nature. This makes me subject to the same problems and thus maybe I will not measure up as a true believer and will therefore note fall into the plan and will end up in hell. It is comforting in that if I am a true believer my destine will be set in stone and I will wind up in heaven with Jesus. Paul brings up this subject in an effort bring about a better understanding of God's wisdom, forethought and purpose. Paul is attempting to bring unity to the Ephesians.
  2. I am new to this so stand with me as I do the best that I can. 1.In Christ. I feel close to Christ through the many gifts he gives me, through his spiritual blessings. He is also very faithful which is displayed through his many spiritual and other blessings. He is a very loving god and calls to me to be close to him in my daily walk with Jesus. 2. Incorporated into Christ. Again he calls be to be with him as I go about my daily walk with Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit I am given wisdom to guide me through life as Jesus would want me to go and to help me make the correct decisions. 3. Implications in my life. The closer I get to Christ to more I will be like him and offer myself as an example to others in a hope that they want what I have and will come to join with Jesus and the bible.
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