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Posts posted by parkerslope

  1. What does it mean to receive Jesus?

    In God's eternal mind, He has played out His plan of the sacrifice of the sinless Jesus, to pay the price for all sin of all people.  Then, He gave the right to all people to accept the payment that Jesus made.  By accepting this grace, we needed to be born again, by being buried with Jesus in immersion and then being raised up out of the water into a new life.  This immersion meaning that we have washed away our sin with pure water, as in the blood of Jesus.


    What does it imply to "believe in" Jesus?

    To believe in Jesus means that we are to put our complete trust in Jesus all the time, and to believe everything that He says is true.


    What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus?

    We have been adopted into God's family.  We now bear the family name.  God, our Father, will listen to our prayers and take care of our needs in life.  We are not to worry about anything, but to trust that God will provide for us what is necessary in every situation.


    Of those who do not?

    Those who do not accept Jesus and believe in Him, do not have a relationship with God.  There have remained outside of God's family, within the grasp of Satan who is controlling their spiritual heart.

  2. What did it mean that John was sent to "testify" to the light?

    John, being the cousin of Jesus, was sent by God to testify before the nation of Israel that the light was coming in which all the "darkness" of man's sin was going to be revealed.  John spoke of Jesus - "behold the Lamb of God".


    In what sense are you put here with the purpose of "testifying" to the light?

    I've been called of God to be a preacher of the gospel and as a preacher, to testify to the light the gospel shows us of Jesus and our wicked sins.


    How are you doing in this regard?

    I am still preaching (48 yrs.) Jesus at 71 years of age, with oxygen, set at 10, 24 hours a day.


    What happened to John the Baptist?

    John the Baptist was beheaded in prison as a gift to the step-daughter of Herod Antipas.


    What might happen to you if you testify clearly?

    A preacher is supposed to preach the truth, only.  Sometimes the truth can be ugly and convicting.  When the one who sins feels the guilt, he may do something that is physical or do something that could hurt your reputation in the community.  We still need to speak the truth to cleanse the sinner and uphold Jesus the Christ.


    What might happen to the people to whom you testify?

    They will repent if they sinned or not repent and cause problems for the church or they will rejoice with the truth spoken.

  3. According to the apostle John, is Jesus fully God?

    When John writes "the word was God", in English grammar, when using the word "was" between two words, makes the two words equal to each other.  Thus saying that "word" and "God" were equal or the same.


    I believe that God treats us like children, because our skulls are so thick, nothing seems to get through.  In Genesis 1, when God spoke, "Let there be light", many say it was the Word that spoke, which is Jesus.  So I think that God is ONE and that Jesus is portrayed as God's Son so we humans can  put the nature of God into our own quality of thinking.  Just like the Holy Spirit is God, that is, it is the Spirit of God that works in us.  God is still One.


    What does it mean that Jesus is the "Word"?

    Jesus spoke the words of God, the Father.  In the gospels, Jesus says that He speaks only what He hears the Father saying.


    What does this say about Him and His ministry?

    As I was saying in the first question, God is speaking through "Jesus" to inform the Jews what God the Father is like and wants of His people.

  4. Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord?

    Even when we Christian brothers and sisters around us, we can seem to come to the point when we feel like giving up.  Things are confusing - the world seems to be coming apart - family members become sick and dies - scandals with religious leaders.  These things tend to make our faith weaker, but should give us more motivation to gain in faith.  Other are getting by doing little or nothing and here I am doing all the work. 


    What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us?

    It is not in VAIN!  I need to remember that God sees all that is being done and I do not need to worry about doing His will.  By continuing God's work will bring about blessings and all kinds of goodness to many people.

  5. What does this passage teach us about Christ's coming?

    Paul is telling us that when Jesus returns, He will appear in a "flash" to everyone, all over the world.  Then those who are dead will rise up with immortal bodies, spiritual bodies, and we who are alive will be changed into the same type of body.


    In what ways does it encourage us?

    When the trumpet sounds, we cannot do anything.  Jesus takes over and all who are His will have their bodies turned from the physical and mortal into the spiritual and immortal.  And we will be on our way to God's presence.  NO MORE BAD!  NO MORE TERROR!  NO MORE DEATH!

  6. What does this passage teach us about the subordination of the Son to the Father?

    God is God!  No matter label is put on God, He is still God!  I believe that God put these designation in the Bible for our sake.  People would not understand that God the Father died on the cross or even that God could become a man. We worship ONE GOD only!  So in order that we could make the connection, God is calling the Son, Jesus, to provide us with a way to be redeemed.  We understand what it means to be in subordination under someone, therefore God used these terms concerning the "relationship between Him and the Son".


    How can that be consistent with the doctrine of the Trinity?

    As we know that the "Doctrine of the Trinity" is man made.  Therefore, are assuming too much about God?  Or even the question, "Do people fully understand who God is?"  We believe in the "Father - Son - Holy Spirit, must we go beyond that in "knowing it all"? 

  7. What is the core of the gospel according to this verse?

    Believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins - believing that after He died, He was put into a tomb (buried) - that after three days in the tomb, Jesus arose from the tomb, alive, to live forever more.  More than 500 people are witnesses to the risen Christ.


    Paraphrase it in your own words based on this passage?

    I want to tell you what Jesus told me as true, that Jesus died on the cross, taking all sin into His body.  He was then buried in a borrowed tomb with a large stone rolled across the entrance and with Roman soldiers as guards.  Early on the third day, Jesus arose from the tomb.  An angel came and rolled the stone away from the entrance to show anyone that Jesus was not there.  After His resurrection Jesus was seen by:

       - Cephas

       - the twelve

       - more than 500 Jewish brothers at the same time

       - James, the brother of Jesus

       - all the apostles

       - Paul

    Paul, saying that he at the last had seen Jesus.

  8. In what sense is our salvation dependent upon us continuing in faith?

    Spiritually speaking, we have salvation, but will not receive it fully until we enter Heaven.  In the New Testament, when it speaks about being saved, it is used in the sense of, "we are in the process of being saved".  We must continue to have faith in Jesus through all temptations and trials.


    Why is the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints important for us to understand?

    First, the "Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints", in MAN made!  We do not need to have a special designation for a teaching in the Bible that is true.  We must keep the faith!  And we must follow the clear direction Holy Spirit guides us or else we may end up falling off the "salvation wagon".

  9. In your particular congregation, which parts of vs. 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance?

    I do not believe that "prophecy" and "tongues" are needed today, because anything they would give us, is already in the Bible.  When I see those who profess to use a Spiritual Gift, it is always to make them gloat over what they have, not for a spiritual reason.

  10. How are Paul's instructions to those who speak in tongues in vs. 27-28 similar to his instructions to those who prophecy in vs. 29-32?

    The one who speaks in tongues and the one who prophesy is controlled by the individual who is speaking.  And no more than 3 at a time, with it being so that everyone can understand what is said, with a person to interpret the tongues being spoken.  God want order so that all may benefit.


    How do they differ?

    While the one speaking in tongues needs to have another one interpret the message, the one prophesying speaks words to be understood and action taken.


    How might we hold meetings today that allow for the Spirit to inspire spontaneous contributions to the gathered people?

    Even though I do not believe the "Spiritual Gifts" are here today like in the New Testament period, I believe that God can do anything He wants to do, even have one prophecy in the assembly.  In my assembly, we are very informal and while I speak, others can also speak out to comment on what is being said.  My group is small - 19.

  11. Paul does value speaking in tongues.  What does its value seem to be according to verses 2, 4, 17, and (perhaps) Romans 8:26-27?

    verse 2 - The one speaking in tongues is speaking to God.


    verse 4 - The one speaking in tongues is speaking to himself.


    verse 17 - He might be giving thanks to God. 


    How are the Corinthians abusing speaking in tongues?

    Many are being selfish in speaking in tongues by edifying themselves and making the unbeliever think that all Christians are crazy.  The Corinthian Christians wanted to boost their own faith and were not so much concerned with the lost.

  12. I am not of the Charismatic movement, so my answers will reflect what I have been taught and researched.


    What is the value of prophecy over tongues, according to verse 4?

    Speaking in "tongues" only helps the one speaking.  Prophecy is spoken to build up the church.


    What does prophecy typically do to benefit the church, according to verse 3?

    Prophecy is to strengthen - encourage - comfort the people of the church.

  13. Why is it important to Paul's argument to contend that even the greatest spiritual gifts will become obsolete?

    In Paul's conclusion of this chapter, he does not mention any spiritual gift, rather the fruit of the Spirit that is to be manifested in our daily lives.


    Why does he stress the permanence of love?

    Love becomes a unique part of our soul when we accept Jesus as our Lord and it modifies every thought and intent of our heart.  Love is to be spread out over every action as well as each communication.  Love is cemented in.  It glues our spiritual house together.  Love overcomes all obstacles.. 

  14. When do you think the perfect comes?

    I believe the "perfect" has come with the entire Bible being put together for our instruction.  The Bible does say that no one should "add to it or take anything away" from it - upon a penalty.  


    How do you support your interpretation?

    The use of the Spiritual gifts in the Book of Acts was only for gathering the interest of people to listen to the gospel.  It was not recorded that the gifts were used in the assemblies.  They were also used to prove that Jesus was the Christ.

    1.  Spiritual Gifts ceasing - 1 Corinthians 13 says that the "major ones" will stop at some future time.


    2.  Passing on the Gifts - Acts 19:6-7   6 When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. 7 There were about twelve men in all. NIV


    3.  When all the New Testament letters had been written - there isn't much of any mention of the use of Spiritual Gifts from the apostle John's death on.  Especially from the 2nd century until the 19th century.


    4.  Gaining the Gifts of the Spirit today - It seems to me - my opinion - that people are told to ask for the Gifts - no where found in the Bible.  And that they are to practice their Gifts - all Gifts are 100% at the beginning, not partial. 


    5.  Speaking in tongues was speaking in a language - today people use the Spiritual Gift of Speaking in Tongues as "any sound".  I even had a lady give me a cassette tape that had "angels" singing on it ( a single sound going on through the whole tape).  


    I want anybody that reads this to understand that this is my own opinion and understanding of that which is perfect.  I believe that all may have their own opinion of scripture that is hard to understand.

  15. Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with?

    I guess my most challenging one would be envy.  I seem to want what others have that are better than mine or I want to know what other know without learning it.


    How might prayer help you grow?

    When I begin to feel envy, I need to give a quick prayer for help - Holy Spirit.  My prayer life needs to include all my flaws to help overcome them.


    How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?

    If I can keep my mind focused of spiritual things and not on things for "my consumption".

  16. What is the result of the greatest imaginable manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit done without love?

     Worthless - nothing - desacrating the Holy Spirit.


    Is it possible to operate a gift of the Spirit from a selfish or wrong motivation?

    Yes, it use is somewhat controlled by the person with the gift.


    Which makes us more spiritual -- Gifts of the Spirit or Fruit of the Spirit?

    The fruit of the Spirit makes us more spiritual because - the Holy Spirit manifests them as we grow spiritually.

  17. How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another?

    We are hurt by other people in our "body" when they are not functioning well.  Even if they do hot exercise their gifts it will hurt others.


    How much richer would your congregation be if you -- and everyone else -- were to use their spiritual gifts?

    I do not believe that the priority use of Spiritual Gifts was for the enjoyment of the congregation.  I believe the gifts were to be used in seeking the lost and establishing who Jesus is along with eternal life.  We are rich as Christians, but that comes by faith.  When there was not written down any standard to go by, the spiritual gifts was used to set the standard that God wants us to go by.


    What might happen in people's lives?

    Christians would have increased faith and joy, understanding more of who God is and His plan for the church.


    What might be the community impact of your congregation?

    I would hope that it would have more sharing time with everyone.  And the community would see the church rejoicing together.

  18. What are several lessons we learn from verse 11?

    1.  The Holy Spirit gives the power of the gift to the individual.


    2.  The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts according to His will for the work of ministry.


    3.  Each person in the congregation receives a Spiritual Gift.


    4.   The Holy Spirit  gives each Gift as tailored for each individual ability.


    5.  The Holy Spirit gives the Spiritual Gift and it, the Gift is not purchased by the individual.


    What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual Gifts?

    There would be no gifts, if the Holy Spirit was not giving them out.  Each Gift is worked by the Holy Spirit in the individuals life. 

  19. Is it legitimate to use Jesus as our example in the use of Spiritual gifts?

    Yes, Jesus lifestyle and work was an example of how we, today, should do the work of God and make our lifestyle conform to that of Jesus.


    Or was he so different than we are that we can't pattern our ministry after his example?

    I believe that Jesus was given a body like ours to be able to live like us and suffer like us.  Thus, His life is our example to live by.  At least to strive toward that goal.

  20. What is the purpose of spiritual gifts?

    They are given to members of a certain congregation for their common good.  They are to be used to build up each other.


    What happens when people don't employ spiritual gifts for their intended purpose?

    People who misuse spiritual gifts, tend to be too proud of having one or two.  And they use them for their own, private use.


    What happens when a whole church full of people start using their diverse spiritual gifts?

    The true benefit of the gifts is shown in the strengthening of each other in spiritual matters.  The Christians will be united in the purpose of pleasing God in their lives.

  21. What kind of self-examination at the Lord's Table is appropriate?

    I have known of congregations where "Christians" will sit and examine other Christians as they partake, speaking out loud, their sins.  Self means self!  It does not mean your husband or wife or children or parents, but it does mean to look into your own soul and see if there might be something not quite right.  You know what is on your soul, so confess and repent.


    How do confession and repentance fit with self-examination?

    The confessing and repenting are to be the result of a self-examination.


    How do confession and repentance serve to bring spiritual health and character change?

    If a person truly confesses and then does repentance of that sin, spiritual health will grow stronger and it will change your character to that which God wants of you.  We do not just confess once and we are done, but every time we partake of the Lord's Supper we need to examine ourself.

  22. In what way is the Lord's Supper a proclamation? 

    By participating in the Lord's Supper, a Christian is renewing his conscience by confessing sin and also declaring or showing the unbeliever that this time is special and personal.  It has nothing to do with how much bread or juice, but of the remembrance of Jesus willing to die for our sins.  It is meaningless to any one else.


    To whom is this proclamation made?

    It is made to the unbeliever, who does not understand what good it does.  To them, it is just taking some bread and wine.  It is to instill in them the desire to want to understand why we talk so much about "Blood".


    Why is this important?

    An unbeliever must believe that he is a sinner and in need of cleansing.  Then to understand that the blood of Jesus will clean all sin from their soul.


    What happens to the church when it's proclamation shifts to a different central theme?

    The whole idea of being a Christian is centered on Jesus Christ and what He has done for us.  If you take out Jesus' body and blood, there is nothing left that has any meaning.  It will no longer be "Christian" if it does not proclaim the Lord's Supper!



  23. What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"?

    The New Covenant is sealed by the blood shed by Jesus.  Under the Old Covenant, sin was atoned for by the shedding of an animals blood.  Therefore, Jesus had to shed His blood, which is represented by this cup, to atone for our sins.


    What is the old covenant?

    The Old Covenant or Old Testament was the entire law given to Moses at Mt. Siani.


    What are the provisions of the New Covenant?

    The provisions of the New Covenant or New Testament are written down in our Bible, from Matthew,chapter 1 to the Book of Revelation, chapter 22.  I have been preaching on the Book of Hebrews, which deals with the transition from the Old Law to the New Law, because of Jesus becoming a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.  Our God wants us to observe the spirit of the Law, not the letter of the Law that kills us.

  24. Why is it so important that we continually remember Christ's broken body and shed blood?

    We, humans, do not have a long memory span.  Therefore, we need to have reminders to keep us on track.  I belong to the Churches of Christ / Christian Church tradition and we partake of the Lord's Supper each week.  We know how we can forget the real meaning of the "Body" and "Blood".  And, NO, I do not think it becomes too common to have it each week.  It has become the "point" of family worship.


    In what sense do you believe that the bread is his body?

    Jesus said that, "He is the bread that came down from Heaven", meaning that He sustains all life, both physical and spiritual.  The bread, which represents His body, took upon it all the sins of people.  He did not sin, therefore, He did not have to die, but He became our sacrifice for our sin.


    That the wine is His blood?

    Wine was used in the first, "Last Supper".  But Jesus said, "Matthew 26:27-29   Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you.  This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.  I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom."  NIV  This passage mentions that, a person can use a "fruit of the vine" in place of wine.  All Old Testament sacrifices were involved with the shedding of blood.  The atonement for sin in the Old Testament was by blood.  So Jesus had to shed His blood for the atonement of our sins.  The "wine or fruit" represents the "washing away of our sins".

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