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Everything posted by parkerslope

  1. What point is Paul trying to make by using athletic analogies? We all must train for any kind of competition. By using "The Games" as how we are to discipline ourselves, we need to train vigorously to be able to win the prize for 1st place. An athlete must be disciplined both physically and mentally. So we also as Christian workers must train ourself for the job that God has for us. What place does self-discipline have in our effectiveness as Christian workers? By disciplining ourselves, we keep our focus on the goal, what we want to accomplish. What place does self-discipline have in keeping us from falling into gross sin, such as idolatry? It means that as we focus on our goal, we will not let sinful thoughts divert our minds from the work of Jesus or sinful actions destroy our witness for the gospel. How might lack of self-discipline disqualify us for all God has for us? If we are weak as a Christian, lacking knowledge of the Word, we can be drawn away from the truth and destroy our relationship with Jesus. By disciplining ourselves we can keep learning more of the gospel to teach to others for their salvation. I believe that Paul is speaking here (9:27) about the possibility of losing your salvation by taking it "too lightly".
  2. Why did Paul become, "all things to all men"? That he might win some for Christ. What was his purpose? That he might reach some with the gospel. Was he able to be authentic in doing so? Yes, because he realized that he was still under God's law. What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? When Paul was reaching out to the Jews, he was "authentic" in being a Jew to make them understand what Jesus meant to him. To the gentiles, he lived like the gentiles to make them understand the difference Jesus would make in their life. All the while, Paul is still under the New Covenant laws that are in our New Testament. Paul did not like to despise lifestyles, but instead put forward the one the leads to life eternal. What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to? My lifestyle - My income - My family - My education - My opinions - My personal time.
  3. Why doesn't Paul have a personal choice about preaching? When Paul saw Jesus on the road to Damascus, Jesus told him that He was sending him out to preach the gospel. And then Paul here, says that he is compelled to preach - that he would die if he could not preach. Will volunteer and bi-vocational Christian workers receive a greater reward in heaven than those who are paid here on earth? No, I don't think they will. If not, why not? We each are called to different paths of ministry. Some cannot minister good while working on the side, so they need to be paid to preach and teach. Those who have the means behind them to not work in a secular job, should do so. God's reward to us, is in according to what He asks us to do.
  4. Why did Jesus command his disciples to receive support on their journeys? He wanted them to spend their time teaching people about the coming kingdom of Heaven, not working to earn money to live on. What scriptural obligation do Christian congregations have to do their best to support their pastor - and, if possible other workers? 1 Corinthians 9:14 tells us that the one who preaches and teaches the gospel is worthy to be paid. Also saying that, "if a worker speaks spiritual things to people, they should provide physical things in return." What accountability will church board members experience when they pay their pastor less than they should? It reminds me of the "preachers" who are rich from the income of people donating to God. A worker is worthy of being paid for his work, not too little nor too much. Money has become a god to too many preachers who think that:"they know it all". All church leaders are accountable!
  5. Why does Paul argue for the right of apostles and other Christian workers to be supported, if he has decided not to exercise this right himself? When Paul is establishing a congregation, he must be careful when teaching about the funding of the preaching and teaching. So that he would not hinder people from understanding the truth when it costs them nothing. As the Mosaic Law gave instruction about the ox who treaded out the grain to be able to eat any of it, and the priests to take some of the meat offered on the altar as part of their compensation. Why would it hinder missionary work for a missionary to expect his new converts to support him? All people like things that are free and that is why we send missionaries out with support from congregations in the U S. But once the new convert understands that it costs something to be a Christian, they need to give to support the one who is teaching them.
  6. The beings behind idols are not real gods, according to 1 Corinthians 8:4. What kind of beings does this passage say they are? They are demons, trying to turn a person away from the true God. What then is the spiritual danger to us of participating in idol worship (or the occult, for that matter)? A person cannot serve two masters. If we are of Jesus Christ, we cannot worship demons. If we worship demons, then we cannot worship God.
  7. In what way did the priest participate in the altar by eating the Old Testament sacrifices? They participated by eating a portion of the sacrifice given by the people, thus making complete the atonement. How does Paul connect this observation with our participation in Christ's sacrifice? As the priest of the Old Testament ate a portion of the sacrifice, so we also eat a portion of Christ's sacrifice in the eating of the Lord's Supper.
  8. What does koinonia mean? Koinonia means to "participate in" something. Like participating in, becoming a part of, what is being done. Participating in the Lord's Supper means to eat the bread and drink of the cup together in one group in Jesus name. What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ? It means that I am immersed, with Jesus, in His blood sacrifice for the penalty of sin. What does it mean to "participate" of "share" in the body of Christ? It means that I have put my sins into His body for forgiveness.
  9. What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? God has given us the power to choose between good and bad. Therefore when we face a decision time, we have to choose to resist or to sin. God does not want to have us choose Him automatically, but for us to want to choose to follow Him. What does this passage teach about our temptations? We all are tempted, but God will provide us a way to escape out of the temptation. What does it teach about God's help in temptations? When we are tempted, God is with us and will be with us throughout each temptation. God will help us find a way past each temptation so that we can overcome it.
  10. The "liberal" Corinthians had ready excuses for why it was okay to eat with their friends in feasts held in pagan temples. What were their excuses that Paul combats in verses 1-6? They understood that idols were nothing but pieces of rock, stone, wood, or cloth set up to resemble some "god". And because of this knowledge, they felt that is was alright to eat any meat, not thinking about the conscience of the new believer. They had become "know it alls" concerning godly knowledge. Sometimes we excuse our own questionable behaviors. How can we assess validity of our excuses? We must know what God's Word says about having a godly lifestyle, knowing that what we do is watch by others. We must realize that not all things that are lawful are the best to do and exercise love in doing it. What effect would observing your behavior have on new believers? A Christian's lifestyle must be drawn from the Bible. Therefore we need to realize that we are not invisible, but open and observed by others and Jesus is judged by what we do.
  11. What do verses 9 and 37 teach about sex between couples who are engaged but not married? If a couple have their bodies under self control, they should not be married, but if they cannot control their own passions, they should be married as soon as possible. What counsel does Paul give to engaged couples who do not control themselves sexually? Get married, as it is better to get married than to burn with passion and sin.
  12. Why does Paul concede that "it is good for a man not to touch a woman"? In that day, the man was more important than a woman. So a man could do what he wanted with any woman. Not so, says Paul. A man is to have his own wife and his devotion is to her. Men have strong "sight oriented" sexual desire, so when a man touches a woman that sensation grows much stronger, usually in the bad way. What does he teach about sexual intercourse within marriage? The husband's body belongs to the wife and the wife's body belongs to the husband and they are not to use intercourse as a bargaining chip. How does he teach mutual rights within marriage, not just a man's right? Each has control over the others body and the sexual intercourse is to mutually pleasing. The husband and wife have no right to go to someone else who is not married to them to have pleasure. What does this passage teach about using sex as a bargaining chip within marriage? Paul is teaching the Corinthian Christian's to not use sexual intercourse as way to get their spouse to do something for them.
  13. What are the implications of the truth that you don't belong to yourself, but to God? When a person accepts Jesus as Lord, you surrender your total life to Him. So what a Christian does wrong is against Jesus, because we are a part of His body. It seems that God intended in the beginning, that is creation, that the union of a man and woman was to be a picture of the Messiah - Christ and the church for eternity. What category does it put us in if we resist that truth? We are not fully persuaded that Jesus is the Christ.
  14. What does it mean that "your bodies are members of Christ Himself"? We have surrendered our lives to Him and have become a part of His eternal body. ​What are the implications of that with regard to sexual sin? God has said many times that physical marriage is a picture of Christ and the church, therefore anytime we take our bodies to be used in sin, we are attempting to make Christ's body sick with sin. What are the implications of that in regards to your ministry? It means that you attempting to live two different lives, when in fact, you are weak is faith, shallow with the Spirit, and your lifestyle is messed up so much that you cannot do the work that God wants you to do.
  15. Why is the gospel such good news to those who have been involved in gross sin? The Gospel is the "good news" about Jesus and what He did. Jesus paid for all sin! From Adam and Eve until the last person sins, everyone's sin was paid in full on the CROSS. We just have to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior to be forgiven. On what basis can a person be forgiven? Faith in Jesus as the Son of God, confessing our sin and repenting, turning our life around to follow the teachings of the Bible. On what basis can a person be cleansed from sin? By accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, we automatically repent, confessing our sins - and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin. I believe that Jesus' blood washes away our sin.
  16. What does the scripture teach here about participating in homosexual acts? They will not inherit the Kingdom of God. By being a participant, the person removes themselves from salvation. What does the scripture teach about heterosexual immorality? Anything that is different from what the scriptures teach is wrong. All sex outside the marriage of a man and a woman is sin. Why is repentance so important for a believer? Sin begins in the mind, so repentance (180 degree change) must begin with the mind (spiritual heart).
  17. How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? Christians are to hold to the highest standard - God's standard - and be able to take care of minor disputes within the congregation. When Christians continually to the civil courts, it is showing that they are not very wise in following God. How should disputes be settled between believers? We are all brothers and sisters, wanting the best for each other. When differences arise, the church is to have someone or committee listen to the offenses and then make decision about the situation that all have to obey. How might this be instituted in the local congregation? The elders of the congregation should appoint, more than one, person to hear and make judgment in minor cases. All spiritual matters must be decided by the elders. Among churches in a geographical region? I believe that each local congregation is self-ruling, and not under any higher authority.
  18. ​According to this passage, with which sinners should we be willing to associate? We need to associate with the unbelievers in the world, that we might be a good witness to them Why make a distinction between unbelievers and believers? The believers are Christians. When Christians commit sins open to the public, it must be dealt with by the church. While unbelievers, are the people who do not know Jesus as Savior and are the ones we need to convert. Christians are to judge those within their own congregation, while God judges those in the world. What are the dangers of associating with unbelievers? Our faith must be strong enough to resist any false words spoken by the unbeliever. Being firm in the faith means that we put action to our faith in understanding more and more of what the Bible says and following it in our lifestyle. What are the dangers of associating with unrepentant believers? Giving the impression of lowering the moral standard that we live by, by being with and condoning their evil lifestyle. We must hold them at arm's length until they repent and turn back to Jesus
  19. How does the presence of openly sinning members affect others in the body? It gives the impression that what the Christian is doing while sinning is alright to do. It gives them permission. No discipline is done. What in Paul's background might explain his use of "getting rid of yeast"? Paul was a Pharisee, a well educated Jew in the Mosaic Law. He would understand the procedure of taking all the yeast our of his house before the Passover. As yeast represented sin. And as yeast in put into a lump of dough, it will spread throughout. Paul was telling the Corinthian church to remove the sinner so that others will not do as he did in practicing sin.
  20. What are levels of correction and discipline short of excommunication? If you see someone commit a sin and wants to hid it, I need to go and talk to that person and try to get them to repent. If he or she does not repent, I need to get two or three other people and go talk to him or her and get the full story of what has happened. It he or she still does not repent, I need to bring the case (situation) before the full congregation, telling them the full situation. If he or she still does not repent and change, the congregation is to excommunicate (disfellowship - avoid) that person and treat them as an unbeliever. Who should exercise that kind of correction? This correction should be the work of the elders of the congregation that is affected. What do we do when a sinning member repents? We are to restore that person to full fellowship. Why is excommunication sometimes necessary? "One rotten apple in a basket of good apples will cause all the apples to spoil." A Christian who does not repent of a known sin will let the community around the church that we tolerate that sin. And it will let the members of the congregation know that it is alright to do that sin. Why are we so unwilling to exercise it in our day? Excommunication has been much miss used in the past church history. And even today, some are very quick to do it to show their own power. With the situation of having multiple congregations and denominations in one city or area, the sinner can just go to another congregation and do his or her evil work without any discipline. I had a situation in which a man who had been on drugs but coming out of it, continued to say to people in our congregation that the front wall of our sanctuary looked like the face of the devil and being asked to stop, he did not. Then one day in front of our total congregation he interrupted our services loudly proclaiming that our building was the house of the devil. He was asked to leave and not come back.
  21. Why do you think the Corinthians were so proud of their tolerance of immorality? Having recently become Christians out of a culture of loose morals, the church in Corinth could not hold fast to the Word of God in having a high moral standing. They became tolerant of the sexual sins around them so they would not offend the new convert. They did not fully understand that to be a follower of Jesus, one must seek to not "love" the world, but LOVE Jesus and His Word. What does this say about their value system? They resisted changing it from their previous life. And that system was at "rock' bottom. "If it feels good, do it." "I am not hurting anyone." They value scale was on how pleasurable it was, not on the value that God placed there.
  22. 1 - What qualities about Timothy encouraged Paul to send him on a sensitive mission to the Corinthians --- that might have involved some disrespect and abuse? Paul called Timothy his son, whom he loved, and who is faithful in the Lord. In doing this, Timothy knew what needed to be said to the church in Corinth and would be able to withstand any abuse or disrespect. 2 - If God were to call you to fulfill a sensitive mission --- to a neighbor or across the world --- would you accept? Yes! 3 - Why or why not? When God calls us to do a mission, He provides all that we need to accomplish the mission.
  23. 1 - Why do you think Paul lists the abuse he has to take? As apostles and church leaders, Paul is listing these abuses to show true, full commitment to Jesus Christ. 2 - What effect did he want it to have on his readers? The effect he wanted was to make them realize that being a true Christian meant that suffering would come with whole commitment to Jesus Christ. 3 - What effect does it have on you? By being in the United States, I have not been put under pressure to deny Jesus. This means that my faith has not fully been tested to withstand any abuse that will come to all Christians, who stand true to God. 4 - Do you avoid ministry that comes with abuse? Sometimes, like I do not want to be a missionary in a different country with all of the different customs and daily routines.
  24. 1 - Why doesn't Paul care how others judging him? We have been redeemed by Jesus, therefore He is the one to judge us and not anyone else. 2 - Why doesn't Paul judge himself? We sometimes judge ourselves too harshly and thus destroy our witnessing. But again Jesus is our judge and He does it righteously. 3 - Why are our motives so important in God's judgment process? Why we do something is the most important reason behind our actions. God does not look at what we "give" or "do", but He can see the motive behind why we have done it. 4 - Do you see God as a harsh judge? No! God judges righteously. 5 - Do you see God as an easy judge? No! 6 - Why? He knows the motives behind our actions and can therefore judge righteously.
  25. 1 - In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? We have been entrusted with the Word of God and its proclamation to the world. 2 - Have you ever met a Christian worker who was not faithful? Yes! 3 - What effect did this have on the church? It gave a wrong impression to the new believers and angered the older Christians. It also gave the congregation a bad reputation in the community. 4 - What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? - we are human. - we don't know what to do. - others misdirect us. - not knowing the Word of God enough to do the task. 5 - What can we do to remedy that? - we need to have much prayer over temptations to follow the world. - we need to understand better what our task of stewardship is. - we need to follow what God's Word says and not what someone else says to us. - we need to be involved in a complete study of the Bible.
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