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Everything posted by IvoryEagle

  1. Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts -- or someone you know? YES, THE GIFT OF HEALING. IN THE PRESENCE OF HOSPICE; GOD REVERSED THE PROGNOSIS. How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community? WHEN PEOPLE HEAR OF OTHERS THEIR EXPECTATIONS ARE HEIGHTENED.
  2. Is it legitimate to use Jesus as our example in the use of spiritual gifts? AN EXAMPLE, BY ITS VERY NATURE IS DESIGNED TO INSPIRE ACTION BY THE OBSERVER. THE PERCEPTION OF THE OBSERVER WILL DETERMINE THE INTENSITY OF THE RESPONSE. Or was he so different than we are that we can't pattern our ministry after his example? JESUS SAID WE WOULD DO GREATER THINGS THAN HE DID. TO USE HIS PATTERN IS TO LIMIT HIS WORDS AND OUR EXPECTATION.
  3. What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? TO BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST (THE CHURCH) What happens when people don't employ spiritual gifts for their intended purpose? THE BODY BECOMES CONTAMINATED WITH THE WRONG SPIRIT AND SUFFERS. What happens when a whole church full of people start using their diverse spiritual gifts? GOD'S WILL IS DONE, GOD'S WAY
  4. What kind of self-examination at the Lord's Table is appropriate? Unrepentant sin How do confession and repentance fit with self-examination? Acknowledge sin to others or to God, Repent, go forward. How do confession and repentance serve to bring spiritual health and character change? Set yourself free
  5. In what way is the Lord's Supper a proclamation? "For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." (11:26) To whom is the proclamation made? The Lord's Supper is an enacted proclamation of Christ's death and atonement for our sins. Why is this important? We can expect to partake of the Lord's Supper up until the time of Christ's return. What happens to the church when its proclamation shifts to a different central theme? The time of Christ's return.
  6. What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? "The new covenant was ratified by Jesus' death on the cross for our sins, and received on our part by repentance and faith. To enable us to live under this covenant, God has poured out his Holy Spirit to live within us. It seems clear by Jesus' words at the table that the Last Supper was a kind of covenant meal, where Jesus introduces the New Covenant in his blood: "Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'" (Matthew 26:27-28) What is the old covenant? In the Old Testament, a covenant is "a solemn commitment guaranteeing promises or obligations undertaken by one or both covenanting parties." Covenants were often ratified by signs, a solemn oath, and a meal. Sacrifice was often part of the process of ratifying a covenant, also. What are the provisions of the New Covenant? The new covenant was ratified by Jesus' death on the cross for our sins, and received on our part by repentance and faith. To enable us to live under this covenant, God has poured out his Holy Spirit to live within us.
  7. Why is it so important that we continually remember Christ's broken body and shed blood? SEE BELOW In what sense do you believe that the bread is his body? SEE BELOW That the wine is his blood? SEE BELOW "Because the Last Supper apparently took place on Passover eve, Jesus was seen as the Passover Lamb. In fact, at the very beginning of Jesus' ministry, his cousin John the Baptist had proclaimed, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). The Apostle Peter wrote: "For you know that it was not with perishable things ... that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect." (1 Peter 1:18-19)"
  8. What point is Paul trying to make by using athletic analogies? TROPHY'S ON EARTH REQUIRE THE PRICE OF TRAINING & DISCIPLINE. What place does self-discipline have in our effectiveness as Christian workers? SAME PURPOSE; DIFFERENT PRIZE & PLACE What place does self-discipline have in keeping us from falling into gross sin, such as idolatry? SELF CONTROL How might lack of self-discipline disqualify us for all God has for us? HANGING WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE EXPOSES YOU TO THE WRONG THINGS; YOU COULD INADVERTENTLY CROSS OVER INTO SIN.
  9. Why did Paul "become all things to all men"? TO DRAW ALL MEN TO CHRIST. What was his purpose? TO AVOID LOSING ANY Was he able to be authentic in doing so? NOT WITHOUT QUESTION, BUT HE DID What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? HIS INTENTIONS AND HIS HEART What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to? TIME
  10. Why doesn't Paul have a personal choice about preaching? IT IS HIS ASSIGNMENT AND HE IS COMPELLED TO DO IT. Will volunteer and bi-vocational Christian workers receive a greater reward in heaven than those who are paid here on earth? IT IS IMPLIED YES, I SAY NO. If so, why? THEY DID WHAT WAS REQUIRED. If not, why not? SAME ANSWER.
  11. Why did Jesus command his disciples to receive support on their journeys? HE DID NOT WANT THEM EXPENDING ENERGY SEEKING SUPPORT BUT DELIVERING THE GOSPEL. What scriptural obligation do Christian congregations have to do their best to support their pastor – and, if possible, other workers? "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, 'Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain,' and 'The worker deserves his wages.'330" (1 Timothy 5:17-18) What accountability will church board members experience when they pay their pastor less than they should? THEY WILL LOSE THEM AND SUBJECT THE CHURCH TO LESS THAN THEY CAN EXPECT.
  12. Why does Paul argue for the right of apostles and other Christian workers to be supported, if he has decided not to exercise this right himself? FOR THOSE COMING AFTER HIM, IT NEEDS TO BE ESTABLISHED WITHOUT CONDITIONS. Why would it hinder missionary work for a missionary to expect his new converts to support him? MISCONSTRUED UNDERSTANDING CREATES DOUBT AND SUSPICION. IT COULD HINDER THE GOSPEL.
  13. The "liberal" Corinthians had ready excuses for why it was okay to eat with their friends in feasts held in pagan temples. What were their excuses that Paul combats in verse 1-6? "Paul begins by addressing the Corinthians' pride and sense of superiority regarding their "knowledge" (gnosis) of these matters of eating food in pagan temples. "1b We know that we all possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. 2 The man who thinks268 he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. 3 But the man who loves God is known by God." (8:1-3)" Sometimes we excuse our own questionable behaviors. How can we assess the validity of our excuses? Align it with the Bible What effect would observing your behavior have on new Christians? They will do likewise.
  14. The disadvantages of remaining unmarried include being deprived of sexual relations. What are the advantages of celibacy that Paul discusses in these verses? NOT BEING ENCUMBERED WITH THINGS REQUIRED AND CAN FULLY SERVE THE LORD WITHOUT DISTRACTIONS. How can married believers maximize "full devotion" to the Lord? MUTUALLY AGREED UPON CELIBACY.
  15. What do these verses teach about divorce for married believers? UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; IT IS ACCEPTABLE. IT MUST NOT BE INITIATED BY THE BELIEVER. What about divorce where one spouse isn't a believer? IT MUST NOT BE INITIATED BY THE BELIEVER. IF THE UNBELIEVER LEAVES; THE BELIEVER IS FREE TO REMARRY. What about remarriage? FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. What do verses 9 and 37 teach about sex between couples who are engaged but not married? THE WORD "ENGAGED" IS NOT USED. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. NO MARRIAGE--NO SEX What counsel does Paul give to engaged couples who do not control themselves sexually? THEY OPEN THEMSELVES UP TO SATAN AND OTHER ISSUES THAT COME WITH THE PRIVILEGE OF SEX... NOTE: "Celibacy just isn't practical for most people. God created us as sexual beings, with a strong sex drive that is likely to find expression in immorality, if it can't be fulfilled in marriage. Paul isn't trying to excuse immorality. He's just realistic about the fact that the natural sex drive will seek expression. Marriage is the arena for this, not prostitution."~~by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
  17. (1 Corinthians 7:1-6) Why does Paul concede that "it is good for a man not to touch a woman"? HIS THINKING WILL BE COMPROMISED WITH PLEASURE INSTEAD OF WORSHIP. What does he teach about sexual intercourse within marriage? IT IS GOOD TO BOTH GROW AS A COUPLE THROUGH INTIMACY AND TO RECREATE OTHER HUMANS. How does he teach mutual rights within marriage, not just a man's right? COUPLES BODIES ARE MUTUALLY AVAILABLE TO THE OTHER AS MUTUALLY AGREED. What does this passage teach about using sex as a bargaining chip within marriage? NOT ALLOWED AS IT WILL OPEN THE DOOR FOR SATAN...
  18. What are the implications of the truth that you don't belong to yourself, but to God? Beyond the implication; that which belongs to Him is to be treated like a temple of the Holy Spirit. What category does it put us in if we resist that truth? Disobedience
  19. What does it mean that "your bodies are members of Christ himself"? When we accept Christ as our Saviour; we become a part of who He is. What are the implications of that with regard to sexual sin? Where we go; we take Him, as part of us, with us. What are the implications of that with regard to your ministry? Walk the talk.
  20. Why is the gospel such good news to those who have been involved in gross sin? DELIVERANCE IS AVAILABLE TO THEM. On what basis can a person be forgiven? REPENT, ASK FOR FORGIVENESS, TURN On what basis can a person be cleansed from sin? REPENTANCE AND MOVING ON TO LIVE ACCORDING TO THE WORD.
  21. What does the scripture teach here about participating in homosexual acts? "Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (6:9-11) What does the scripture teach about heterosexual immorality? adulterers Why is repentance so important for a believer? IT RESTARTS THE CLOCK AND HELPS TO COPE AND TO CORRECT.
  22. How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? IT CONFIRMS TO NO BELIEVERS THAT THEY DON'T NEED TO GO TO CHURCH SINCE THE CHURCH IS DOING THE SAME THINGS THEY ARE DOING... How should disputes be settled between believers? PERSONAL ONE ON ONE; TWO OR MORE WITNESSES, THEN TO THE CHURCH AS A WHOLE How might this be instituted in a local congregation? CONGREGATIONAL AGREEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF IT. Among churches in a geographical region? WITHIN DENOMINATIONS.
  23. According to this passage, with which sinners should we be willing to associate? THOSE WILLING TO LISTEN TO TEACHINGS AND REPENT. Why make a distinction between unbelievers and believers? OBEDIENCE AND A SINCERE EFFORT TO DO THE RIGHT THING. What are the dangers of associating with unbelievers? ASSOCIATION BRINGS ABOUT ASSIMILATION. What are the dangers of associating with unrepentant believers? ONE OF YOU WILL CHANGE; IT WON'T BE THE UNREPENTANT BELIEVER.
  24. What are levels of correction and discipline short of excommunication? Often, the appropriate discipline is a private conversation between the offender and the pastor, church leader, or another respected layperson. Most of the time, this is quite effective. Only when the person is unrepentant -- and the matter is of serious import -- does it need to come to the church. Who should exercise that kind of correction? pastor, church leader, or another respected layperson. What do we do when a sinning member repents? Return them back to the family. Why is excommunication sometimes necessary? Blatant disregard for God's Wordl Why are we so unwilling to exercise it in our day? Money lost; membership reduced and could be negatively impacted.
  25. Why do you think the Corinthians were so proud of their tolerance of immorality? THEY HAD NOT BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE; IN THE FACE OF PLEASURE ACCOUNTABILITY MUST PREVAIL. What does this say about their value system..THEY HAD NO VALUE SYSTEM; NO RULES, NO RULES TO BREAK.
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