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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Chaplain Michelle

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Everything posted by Chaplain Michelle

  1. Q2. Why is it so difficult for some church leaders to confront people? What fears in this regard does a leader face? How can confrontation and rebuke be a good thing? What happens when we refuse to confront when we should? Difficulty in confronting church members may be from fear of offending the members, losing tithe money and losing membership. Offended members may also not be polite about it. While we, as leaders, need not be afraid for ourselves by rebuking a member in love, some members have anger management issues and may respond explosively toward others around them. Confrontation and rebuke can be a good thing because a member may not realize a type of sin is in their lives. I think that most church members truly want a close and fulfilling relationship with God. Confrontation and rebuke becomes essential. Church members may need continued Godly counsel to help them work through strongholds. Church members will not grow or mature in their relationship with the Lord if they are not confronted and rebuked in love. They need to be regularly encouraged in renewing their minds to the Word of God - to BECOME the message,not just to be familiar with it. Church members will continue to identify with the world if not confronted and rebuked according to God's Word.
  2. Q1. (Exodus 7:6-7) Why did Moses blame God for his troubles? Why are Moses and Aaron so stubborn, do you think? Was it fear? Was it unbelief? Or both, perhaps? Why does God have to command Moses and Aaron? Moses had forgotten that God told him He would harden Pharoah's heart and that God's Plan would bring the Isrealites freedom in the end. The Isrealites ended up suffering even more after Moses' obedience in demanding the people be set free to Worship the Lord. I'm sure Moses felt terrible about his people being further inflicted and their anger toward Moses probably tempted him to fall under peer pressure, which I believe is a fear response. God's ways are not our own. What is defined as good to God may not be man's definition of good. God has to command Moses and Aaron because of their unbelief that God's plan is good in every way and that He is present with Moses and Aaron every step of the way.
  3. Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? If God asks us to do something in an area where we are weak or feel we are not effective or prepared to complete the task, it is tempting to give in to fear. But we know He is strong in our weakness. We should not give in to fear. Resist the devil and he will flee. Pray and let scripture come alive in your heart. Don't squelch the Holy Spirit. We demonstrate courage when we follow through with God's Plans despite fear or when fear is conquered in our minds and hearts. Courage is required in leaders and disciples because change and transformation is often met with opposition and oppression.
  4. I believe God is angry with Moses because God wants obedience to His call immediately. I think Moses' basic sin is fear, which seems to be alleviated when Aaron is appointed to be his assistant. God is slow to anger,He is lovingly patient. I don't know that He has been angry with me but I do know that He allows me to experience consequences for sin and He Directs me in the Way to go when I Seek Him. I think God's anger toward Moses was appeased when Moses agrees to follow God's Call, even though Moses felt he needed Aaron to assist him.
  5. I don't believe Moses' response to God's Call was true humility. I think he was very broken, and had a combination of low self esteem and lack of faith. I believe true humility is seen when someone has confidence in their relationship with the Lord, understands and embraces their identity in Him but chooses to put others first as they wait for the Lord to exalt them. God reassures Moses by promising to be with him and also by providing him with a sign. God reassures us when we are called to impossible situations through giving us an anointing to get the job done, by providing us a multitude of counselors, by providing us an assistant if necessary. When we take the time to be Still and Know He is God, we can Hear His Voice. We must choose to listen and accept His provision (both seen and unseen), then carry out what He has called us to do.
  6. While we see that Moses values peacefulness and justice, he ruins his reputation and trust with his people by demonstrating a lack of self-control. I feel he wanted to demonstrate love and protection to his people by killing the Egyptian, then by encouraging the two Hebrews to not fight amongst themselves. He did not seek God's Face in the situation first and he did not lead by example. Moses ended up having to flee to Midian because Pharaoh set out to kill him.
  7. Greetings in Christ! I'm Michelle and I am a newly ordained minister. I am a chaplain with a volunteer organization that serves the military and the community. I am running this growing ministry at the state level and, like Moses, am getting my training "on-the-job." This ministry has been the greatest blessing of my Christian Walk thus far. I am 43 years old and reside in Washington state with my two cats. I have a full time career in Laboratory Medicine, serve on the worship team at my church as a drummer and enjoy studying improv comedy and broadcast radio announcing.
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